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397本国内外经典数学书几何拓扑学Geometry and Topology Books系列中文英文原版书籍教材著作高清PDF电子版8.12G百度网盘资源合集_赚钱



本文收集整理了国内外经典数学几何拓扑学Geometry and Topology Books系列中文英文书籍教材著作,百度网盘分享,文件大小共8.12G,共397本中文英文数学教材书籍,国外教材为主,涵盖PDF+EPUB电子版格式。


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重心座標による幾何学 一松 信, 畔柳 和生.pdf [ 13.83MB ]
指数随机图模型导论 詹宁·K.哈瑞斯.pdf [ 19.00MB ]
直观几何 上册 [德]D.希尔伯特 S.康福森 著;王联芳 译.pdf [ 13.53MB ]
圆锥曲线论 卷5-7 (古希腊)阿波罗尼奥斯.pdf [ 66.78MB ]
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圆 (数学奥林匹克小丛书) 柯新立.pdf [ 6.37MB ]
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现代黎曼几何简明教程 曹建国, 王友德.pdf [ 6.46MB ]
现代几何学 方法与应用(NO.1卷) 几何曲面、变换群与场(第5版) Б. А. 杜布洛文; С. П. 诺维可夫; А. Т. 福明柯.pdf [ 15.12MB ]
现代极小曲面讲义 Frederico Xavier; 潮小李.pdf [ 11.02MB ]
希尔伯特几何基础 [德]希尔伯特.pdf [ 29.31MB ]
微分幾何学 今野 宏.pdf [ 43.12MB ]
微分几何讲义(修订版) 丘成桐 孙理察.pdf [ 14.96MB ]
微分几何讲义 陈省身.pdf [ 9.93MB ]
微分几何 徐森林; 薛春华.pdf [ 12.13MB ]
微分几何 孟道骥; 梁科.pdf [ 5.99MB ]
拓扑学习题集 邹应.pdf [ 11.93MB ]
拓扑学奇趣 (作者)[俄]В.Г.巴尔佳斯基 В.А.叶弗来莫维(译者)裘光明.pdf [ 6.17MB ]
拓扑学教程 拓扑空间和距离空间、数值函数、拓扑向量空间 第2版 法兰西数学精品译丛 G·肖盖,史树中,王耀东.pdf [ 7.97MB ]
拓扑学导论 Unknown.pdf [ 32.40MB ]
拓扑学 江辉有.pdf [ 40.61MB ]
拓扑实验 [美]斯蒂芬·巴尔; 许明(译).pdf [ 6.69MB ]
拓扑空间中的反例 汪林; 杨富春.pdf [ 7.72MB ]
拓扑空间与线性拓扑空间中的反例 汪林.pdf [ 8.40MB ]
拓扑空间论 儿玉之宏, 永见启应.pdf [ 12.61MB ]
拓扑空间论(Theory of Topological Spaces) 高国士, 林寿(Guoshi Gao, Shou Lin).pdf [ 7.16MB ]
楕円積分と楕円関数 おとぎの国の歩き方 武部尚志.pdf [ 6.51MB ]
楕円関数論―楕円曲線の解析学[増補新装版] 梅村浩.pdf [ 15.20MB ]
凸体と代数幾何学 (紀伊國屋数学叢書 24) 小田 忠雄.pdf [ 11.93MB ]
同伦论基础 廖山涛.pdf [ 82.11MB ]
双曲几何 李忠,周建莹.pdf [ 5.29MB ]
数学竞赛平面几何典型题及新颖解 万喜人.pdf [ 17.33MB ]
数学归纳法在几何的应用 (苏)L·I·格拉维娜 (苏)I·M·雅格洛姆著;姚时宗 童增祥译.pdf [ 4.54MB ]
数論とトポロジー 山下純一.pdf [ 21.33MB ]
世界著名三角学经典著作钩沉.平面三角卷2 《世界著名三角学经典著作钩沉》编写组 编.pdf [ 19.27MB ]
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绕来绕去的向量法 张景中; 彭翕成.pdf [ 35.32MB ]
曲线与曲面的微分几何 Manfredo P.do Carmo著 田畴 忻元龙 姜国英 彭家贵 潘养廉译 胡和生 姜国英校.pdf [ 17.58MB ]
平面几何证明方法全书 沈文选; 叶中豪; 田廷彦.pdf [ 11.35MB ]
平面几何 范瑞喜,邓博文.pdf [ 9.80MB ]
平面代数曲线 Gerd Fischer 著,胥鸣伟 译.pdf [ 6.94MB ]
漫谈拓扑学 .[苏] В.Г.波尔金斯基(В.Г.Болтянский),В.А.叶夫来莫维(В.А.Ефемович)著;高士奇 译.pdf [ 12.88MB ]
流形与几何初步 梅加强.pdf [ 15.15MB ]
流形的拓扑学 苏竟存.pdf [ 23.18MB ]
黎曼曲面导引 梅加强.pdf [ 4.00MB ]
黎曼几何基础 唐梓洲 编著.pdf [ 5.12MB ]
黎曼几何初步 伍鸿熙; 沈纯理; 虞言林.pdf [ 20.85MB ]
空间解析几何(第四版) 北京师范大学数学科学学院组编;高红铸,王敬康,傅若男编著.pdf [ 36.27MB ]
空间解析几何 (博学·数学系列) 黄宣国.epub [ 18.69MB ]
近代欧氏几何学 [美]R·A·约翰逊; 单墫(译).pdf [ 7.46MB ]
解析几何学教程 (下册) Н.И.穆斯海里什维利著 中山大学几何教学小组译.pdf [ 12.92MB ]
解析几何学教程 (上册) Н.И.穆斯海里什维利著 中山大学几何教学小组 译.pdf [ 15.35MB ]
解析几何(第三版) 丘维声.pdf [ 57.33MB ]
解析几何 第五版【guojia级规划教材】 吕林根 许子道.pdf [ 94.71MB ]
解析几何 第四版 吕林根,许子道.pdf [ 19.89MB ]
几何原本(数千年来,只有《几何原本》写出了逻辑演绎的本质!清华教授张卜天翻译,易中天、吴国盛、冯唐推荐译本)(果麦经典) 欧几里得.mobi [ 10.40MB ]
几何原本(数千年来,只有《几何原本》写出了逻辑演绎的本质!清华教授张卜天翻译,易中天、吴国盛、冯唐推荐译本)(果麦经典) 欧几里得 [欧几里得].pdf [ 14.05MB ]
几何原本 欧几里得.pdf [ 12.20MB ]
几何原本(全译插图本) (决定经典书库) 欧几里得.azw3 [ 29.32MB ]
几何与拓扑的概念导引 古志鸣.pdf [ 15.03MB ]
几何学 空间和形式的语言 约翰·塔巴克著 [美]约翰·塔巴克著 张红梅 刘献军译.pdf [ 8.50MB ]
几何新方法和新体系 张景中.pdf [ 16.04MB ]
几何讲义 第二学期 线性代数和微分几何 (苏)波斯尼科夫(Постнков,М.М.)著;陈维桓,石生明译.pdf [ 10.61MB ]
几何瑰宝 平面几何500名题曁1000条定理 沈文选; 杨清桃.pdf [ 32.79MB ]
几何不等式 冷岗松.pdf [ 6.43MB ]
几何变换漫谈 王敬庚.pdf [ 7.60MB ]
集合と位相[増補新装版] = SET THEORY & GENERAL TOPOLOGY 内田伏一.pdf [ 14.40MB ]
基础拓扑学 M. A. Armstrong; 阿姆斯特朗; 孙以丰.pdf [ 16.67MB ]
基础拓扑学(2版,修订版) [英]马克-阿姆斯特朗(M.A. Armstrong)著;孙以丰 译.pdf [ 43.56MB ]
高中数学竞赛专题讲座 NO.1辑 平面几何 虞金龙.pdf [ 7.90MB ]
高校と大学をむすぶ幾何学 大田 春外.pdf [ 9.49MB ]
高观点下的初等数学(第二卷)几何 [德]菲利克斯·克莱因; 舒湘芹(译); 陈义章 等(译).pdf [ 7.48MB ]
高等几何学五讲 苏步青著.pdf [ 4.95MB ]
高等几何(Higher Geometry) 周兴和(Xinghe Zhou).pdf [ 5.42MB ]
俄罗斯数学教材选译-现代几何学 方法与应用(第2卷) 流形上的几何与拓扑(第5版)-[俄]B.A.杜布洛文-高等教育出版社-2005 杜布洛文.pdf [ 15.59MB ]
多面形的欧拉定理和闭曲面的拓扑分类 江泽涵.pdf [ 5.80MB ]
代数拓扑讲义 周建伟.pdf [ 19.37MB ]
代数幾何学 宫西正宜.pdf [ 22.48MB ]
代数幾何学1-3 (Algebraic Geometry) R.ハーツホーン,Robin Hartshorne,高橋宣能, 松下大介.pdf [ 47.44MB ]
代数几何学原理全译NO.1分册 格罗滕迪克.pdf [ 4.95MB ]
大学院への幾何学演習 河野明, 三村護, 吉岡巌.pdf [ 21.70MB ]
初等数学复习及研究 平面几何 梁绍鸿.pdf [ 35.41MB ]
初等数学复习及研究 立体几何 朱德祥; 朱维宗.pdf [ 19.68MB ]
初等几何的著名问题 [德] F.克莱因(译者)沉一兵.pdf [ 5.26MB ]
トポロジー入門 田中利史, 村上斉.pdf [ 4.99MB ]
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Worlds Out of Nothing A Course in the History of Geometry in the 19th Century Jeremy Gray.pdf [ 6.67MB ]
Vectors and Tensors in engineering and physics D A Danielsen.pdf [ 52.82MB ]
Vectors and 3D Geometry for JEE (Advanced), 3rd edition G. TEWANI.pdf [ 106.15MB ]
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Variables Complexes Cours et Exercices Corrigés Ahmed Lesfari.pdf [ 24.50MB ]
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Tutte le opere. Testo greco a fronte Euclide, Fabio Acerbi (editor).pdf [ 99.43MB ]
Trigonometry Margaret L. Lial, John Hornsby, David I. Schneider, Callie Daniels.pdf [ 38.20MB ]
Trigonometry and Vector Geometry Rhyn-Gut Erhard.pdf [ 12.46MB ]
Treatise of plane geometry through geometric algebra Calvet R.G..pdf [ 6.93MB ]
Topología Joaquin Arregui.pdf [ 8.25MB ]
Topology Munkres, James R..pdf [ 6.08MB ]
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Topology Pearson New International Edition Munkres, James Raymond.pdf [ 6.01MB ]
Topology A Very Short Introduction Richard Earl.epub [ 4.44MB ]
Topology, 2E James Munkres.pdf [ 10.44MB ]
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Topology Through Inquiry Michael Starbird; Francis Edward Su.pdf [ 8.48MB ]
Topology from the Differentiable Viewpoint John Willard Milnor.pdf [ 4.03MB ]
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Topological methods in group theory Geoghegan R..pdf [ 6.26MB ]
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The Works of Archimedes, The Two Books On the Sphere and the Cylinder Translation and Commentary Archimedes, Reviel Netz.pdf [ 4.91MB ]
The Topology of Fibre Bundles; Volume 14 in Princeton Landmarks in Mathematics and Physics – Princeton University Press Steenrod N., (1951).pdf [ 13.74MB ]
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The Thirteen Books of the Elements, Vol. 2 Euclid.epub [ 27.55MB ]
The Thirteen Books of the Elements, Vol. 2 Books 3-9 Thomas L. Heath, Euclid.pdf [ 18.28MB ]
The thirteen books of Euclid’s Elements, Vol 1 Books 1-2 Euclid, Sir Thomas Little Heath.pdf [ 16.52MB ]
The secrets of triangles a mathematical journey Alfred S Posamentier; Ingmar Lehmann.pdf [ 13.61MB ]
The Ricci Flow Techniques and Applications Part III Geometric-Analytic Aspects Bennett Chow.etc.pdf [ 6.43MB ]
The Pea and the Sun A Mathematical Paradox Leonard M. Wapner.pdf [ 17.75MB ]
The Lost Love Song Minnie Darke .epub [ 1.04MB ]
The geometry of schemes Eisenbud, David; Harris, Joe.pdf [ 4.95MB ]
The geometry of light Galileo’s Telescope, Kepler’s Optics Gerald Rottman.pdf [ 3.57MB ]
The geometry of art and life Matila Ghyka.pdf [ 22.57MB ]
The Four Pillars of Geometry John Stillwell.pdf [ 6.13MB ]
The First Six Books Of The Elements Of Euclid Oliver Byrne.pdf [ 8.75MB ]
The first six books of the Elements of Euclid in which coloured diagrams and symbols are used instead of letters for the greater ease of learner.pdf [ 14.01MB ]
The Elements Of Coordinate Geometry S.L Loney.pdf [ 24.14MB ]
Teoria y problemas de geometria analitica plana y del espacio Spanish Joseph H. Kindle.pdf [ 22.83MB ]
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Schaum’s outline of theory and problems of general topology Seymour Lipschutz.pdf [ 14.39MB ]
Ruler & Compass. Practical geometric constructions Andrew Sutton.pdf [ 37.18MB ]
Riemannian Geometry Sylvestre Gallot, Dominique Hulin, Jacques Lafontaine.pdf [ 5.37MB ]
Riemannian Geometry Peter Petersen (auth.).pdf [ 8.05MB ]
Remarkable Curves (Little Mathematics Library) A.I. Markushevich.pdf [ 7.77MB ]
Quantum Riemannian Geometry Edwin Beggs, Shahn Majid.pdf [ 17.38MB ]
Problems in Plane Geometry (Science for Everyone) I. F. Sharygin.pdf [ 17.09MB ]
Problems in Plane and Solid Geometry v.2 Solid Geometry V. Prasolov, I. Sharygin.pdf [ 4.69MB ]
Problems in Geometry A. Kutepov, A. Rubanov.pdf [ 5.52MB ]
Problems in Differential Geometry and Topology A.S.Mishchenko, Yu.P.Solovyev, A.T.Fomenko.pdf [ 4.78MB ]
Problems from Topology Proceedings Elliott Pearl.pdf [ 4.77MB ]
Problems and Solutions in Euclidean Geometry M. N. Aref, William Wernick.pdf [ 7.91MB ]
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Problemas de topologia Emilio Bujalance, I. Tarres.pdf [ 5.77MB ]
Problemas de Topologia General Fleitas Morales, Margalef Roig.pdf [ 7.13MB ]
Problemas de Geometría Diferencial A. S. Fedenko.pdf [ 33.85MB ]
Problemas de Geometria – Planimetria I. Shariguin.pdf [ 86.80MB ]
Problemas de Geometria Analitica D. Kletenik.pdf [ 36.79MB ]
Problem-Solving and Selected Topics in Euclidean Geometry In the Spirit of the Mathematical Olympiads Sotirios E. Louridas, Michael Th. Rassias (auth.).pdf [ 5.59MB ]
PREPA CAPES MATHS 2016 Géométrie (French Edition) Dany-Jack Mercier.pdf [ 16.27MB ]
Pop-Up Geometry The Mathematics Behind Pop-Up Card Joseph O’Rourke.pdf [ 16.73MB ]
Point Set Topology Paul A. Smith, Samuel Eilenberg.pdf [ 21.90MB ]
Plane and Solid Geometry George Albert Wentworth, David Eugene Smith.pdf [ 11.61MB ]
Plane and solid geometry with problems and applications Slaught, H. E. (Herbert Ellsworth) ; Lennes, N. J. (Nels Johann).pdf [ 14.36MB ]
Plane and Solid Analytic Geometry An Elementary Textbook Charles Hamilton Ashton.pdf [ 18.24MB ]
Plain Plane Geometry Amol Sasane.pdf [ 10.68MB ]
Notes on Introductory Point-Set Topology Allen Hatcher.pdf [ 3.36MB ]
Notes On Euclidean Geometry (Math Olympiad) Kedlaya K.pdf [ 3.43MB ]
Nitelik TYT-AYT Yeni Nesil Geometri Soru Bankası 2018-19 Sinan Yılmaz, Sefa Yıldız Uğurlu.pdf [ 22.16MB ]
New Foundations for Classical Mechanics (geometric algebra) David Hestenes.pdf [ 34.23MB ]
Must Know High School Geometry, 2nd Edition Amber Kuang, Allen Ma.pdf [ 59.34MB ]
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Methods of Solving Complex Geometry Problems Ellina Grigorieva (auth.).pdf [ 6.28MB ]
Methods and Techniques for Proving Inequalities – Vol. 11 Yong Su, Bin Xiong.pdf [ 9.94MB ]
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Matemáticas. II geometría y trigonometría René Jiménez.pdf [ 23.59MB ]
Matemáticas, Primer Año Nociones sobre Conjuntos y Geometría Mario Coppetti; Eduardo W. Coppetti.pdf [ 12.48MB ]
Making Geometry Exploring Three-Dimensional Forms Jon Allen.pdf [ 51.40MB ]
Lobachevski illuminated Seth Braver.pdf [ 6.20MB ]
Lines and Curves A Practical Geometry Handbook Gutenmacher V., Vasilyev N.B..pdf [ 14.45MB ]
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Lessons in Geometry, Vol. 1 Plane Geometry Jacques Hadamard.pdf [ 5.25MB ]
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Lectures On The Geometry Of Manifolds, 2nd Edition Liviu I. Nicolaescu.pdf [ 5.26MB ]
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Lectures on Poisson Geometry (Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 217) Marius Crainic, Rui Loja Fernandes, Ioan Mărcuţ.pdf [ 13.44MB ]
Lectures on K3 surfaces Huybrechts, Daniel.pdf [ 8.36MB ]
Lecture Notes on General Topology Guoliang Wang.pdf [ 9.04MB ]
Le geometrie non euclidee e i fondamenti della geometria Evandro Agazzi, Dario Palladino.pdf [ 14.52MB ]
Krishna’s Textbook on Trigonometry A. R. Vasishtha.pdf [ 6.72MB ]
Krishna’s – Geometry & Vectors Calculus ,,,.pdf [ 8.91MB ]
Krishna’s – BSc. Obj. Geometry & Vector Calculus, Edition-1 ,,,.pdf [ 5.51MB ]
James R. Munkres Topology Prentice Hall, Incorporated, 2000 James R. Munkres.pdf [ 32.17MB ]
J-holomorphic Curves and Symplectic Topology (2nd) Dusa McDuff, Dietmar Salamon.pdf [ 8.36MB ]
Isometrias Elon Lages Lima.pdf [ 4.24MB ]
Introduction à la géométrie différentielle Géométrie et applications Pierre Aimé.pdf [ 21.53MB ]
Introduction à la géométrie algébrique complexe Ahmed Lesfari.pdf [ 15.78MB ]
Introduction to Topology Theory and Applications Min Yan.pdf [ 4.13MB ]
Introduction to modern Finsler geometry Shen, Yibing; Shen, Zhongmin.pdf [ 18.39MB ]
Introduction to Geometry and Topology Werner Ballmann.pdf [ 6.71MB ]
Introduction to Functorial Algebraic Geometry, Part 1 Affine Algebraic Geometry A. Grothendieck, Federico Gaeta.pdf [ 10.07MB ]
Introduction to Differential Geometry Joel W. Robbin, Dietmar A. Salamon.pdf [ 7.70MB ]
Introduction to Differential Geometry with Tensor Applications Dipankar De.pdf [ 14.29MB ]
Introduction to differential geometry of space curves and surfaces Taha Sochi.pdf [ 9.13MB ]
Introduction to differential geometry and general relativity Waner S..pdf [ 4.47MB ]
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G.e.o.m.e.t.r.í.a.T.o.m.o.I.L.u.m.b.r.e.r.a.s.P.r.o.b.l.e.m.a.s.R.e.s.u.e.l.t.o.s.ok GEOMETRIA TOMO 1 LUMBRERAS SOLUCIONARIO TEMAS RESUELTOS.pdf [ 9.06MB ]
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