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875本数理统计学Mathematical Statistics Books/数理物理学Mathematical Physics Books中文英文专业书籍教材PDF电子版20G网盘资源合集_赚钱

本资源为英文教材系列之数学数理统计学书籍和数学数理物理学相关书籍合集,涵盖875本数理统计学Mathematical Statistics Books/数理物理学Mathematical Physics Books中文英文数学书专业学习教材,高清PDF电子版格式,百度网盘分享,文件大小共20G,该合集以英文原版书为主。


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—— Probability and statistics. Instructor’s Solutions Manual Morris H. DeGroot, Mark J. Schervish.pdf [ 5.31MB ]
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—— Pratique de l’analyse statistique des données. Richard Bertrand.pdf [ 8.62MB ]
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—— Naked Statistics Stripping the Dread from the Data – PDFDrive.com Wheelan, Charles [Wheelan, Charles].pdf [ 5.08MB ]
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—— Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications (Instructor’s Solution Manual) Jay L. Devore, Kenneth N. Berk, Matthew A. Carlton.pdf [ 8.43MB ]
—— Modern Data Science with R Second Edition Benjamin S. Baumer, Daniel T. Kaplan, Nicholas J. Horton CRC Press.pdf [ 37.75MB ]
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—— Introduction to the Theory of Statistics Solutions Manual Alexander McFarlane Mood, Franklin A. Graybill, Duane C. Boes.pdf [ 4.90MB ]
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—— Introduction to Probability and Statistics – Mendenhall, Beaver and Beaver [STUDENT’S SOLUTION MANUAL] B. Beaver.pdf [ 31.26MB ]
—— Introduction to Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis A Regression-Based Approach Andrew F. Hayes.pdf [ 6.81MB ]
—— Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Robert V. Hogg, Joseph W. McKean, Allen T. Craig.pdf [ 9.80MB ]
—— Introduction to Mathematical Statistics. Instructor’s Solutions manual Allen Craig, Robert V. Hogg, Joseph McKean.pdf [ 3.99MB ]
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—— Introducing Statistics A Graphic Guide Eileen Magnello, Borin Van Loon.epub [ 22.23MB ]
—— Introducción a la probabilidad y estadística (14a. ed.). William Mendenhall; Barbara M. Beaver; Robert J. Beaver.pdf [ 10.92MB ]
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—— International Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences Lovric Miodrag (Ed.).pdf [ 30.19MB ]
—— Instructor’s Solutions Manual for Statistics for Business and Economics Nancy Boudreau, James T. McClave & P. George Benson, Terry Sincich.pdf [ 7.32MB ]
—— Instructor’s Solutions Manual for Probability and Statistical Inference (8th ed.) Robert V. Hogg, Elliot Tanis.pdf [ 1.39MB ]
—— Initiation aux probabilités Ross, Sheldon M.pdf [ 11.91MB ]
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—— Handbook of Statistics, Vol. 1. Analysis of Variance P. R. (Editor). KRISHNAIAH.pdf [ 44.60MB ]
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