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1000本古生物学Paleontology/植物农业和林业Plants Agriculture and Forestry中文英文书籍PDF电子版百度网盘资源合集_赚钱


本套资源为生物自然科学系列书籍的部分展示,收集整理了1000本古生物学Paleontology/植物农业和林业Plants Agriculture and Forestry相关书籍电子版合集,百度网盘分享,文件大小共30G,英文书为主,格式包含PDF格式和epub格式,大部分为PDF格式。


├─Paleontology古生物学 [文件夹大小:18.75 GB 子文件夹数: 0 子文件数: 444]
1│ │ 中国小壳化石分类学与生物地层学 (Taxonomy and Biostratigraphy of Small Shelly Fossils in China)_Qian Yi.pdf (80.58 MB)
1│ │ 中国古脊椎动物志 第2卷 第4册 基干主龙型类 鳄型类 翼龙类_吴肖春.pdf (64.79 MB)
1│ │ 中国各门类化石 中国的三叶虫 (下册)_卢衍豪-LU Yanhao, 张文堂-ZHANG Wentang, 朱兆玲-ZHU Zhaoling, 钱义元-QIAN Yiyuan, 项礼文-XIANG Liwen.pdf (60.34 MB)
1│ │ 中国各门类化石 中国的三叶虫 (上册)_卢衍豪-LU Yanhao, 张文堂-ZHANG Wentang, 朱兆玲-ZHU Zhaoling, 钱义元-QIAN Yiyuan, 项礼文-XIANG Liwen.pdf (54 MB)
1│ │ 消失的远古巨兽(探讨远古巨兽复活的可能,这是一部探索远古巨兽灭绝真相的科普读物,也是一部巨型古生物图鉴)_[美]罗斯·D. E. 麦克菲(Ross D. E. MacPhee) – [澳]彼得·斯考滕(Peter Schouten).epub (10.68 MB)
1│ │ 灭绝的哺乳动物图鉴_冨田幸光; 伊藤丙雄; 冈本泰子.pdf (120.28 MB)
1│ │ 解码40亿年生命史(周忠和-尹烨-冯伟民推荐,“达尔文也会赞赏不已”,科学新知+趣味故事,揭开物种起源的核心之谜,重新探究生命演化史上重要的变革时刻。)_[美] 尼尔·舒宾(Neil Shubin).epub (3.05 MB)
1│ │ 古脊椎动物学(第四版)_Michael J. Benton.pdf (119.67 MB)
1│ │ Историческая геология_Короновский Н.В., Хайн В.Е., Ясаманов Н.А..pdf (19.36 MB)
1│ │ Бегство от одиночества. Индивидуальное и коллективное в природе и в человеческом обществе_Панов Е.Н..pdf (41.24 MB)
1│ │ Written in Stone_ Evolution, the Fossil Record, and Our Place in Nature_Switek Brian.epub (3.69 MB)
1│ │ Written in Stone_ Evolution, the Fossil Record, and Our Place in Nature_Brian Switek.epub (3.71 MB)
1│ │ Woolly_ The True Story of the Quest to Revive One of History's Most Iconic Extinct Creatures_Mezrich Ben.epub (4.42 MB)
1│ │ Wonderful Life_ Burgess Shale and the Nature of History_Stephen Jay Gould.epub (3.18 MB)
1│ │ When life nearly died_ the greatest mass extinction of all time_Benton, Michael J.epub (21.45 MB)
1│ │ When humans nearly vanished_ the catastrophic explosion of the Toba supervolcano_Prothero, Donald R.epub (18.48 MB)
1│ │ Weird Dinosaurs_ The Strange New Fossils Challenging Everything We Thought We Knew_John Pickrell.pdf (32.72 MB)
1│ │ Weird Dinosaurs_ The Strange new fossils challenging everything we thought we knew_John Pickrell.epub (1.56 MB)
1│ │ WAS IST WAS, Band 15_ Dinosaurier_Joachim Opperman, Manfred Rohrbeck.pdf (12.81 MB)
1│ │ Was ist Was 132 Mode Was uns anzieht_unknown.pdf (37.16 MB)
1│ │ Walking on Eggs_ The Astonishing Discovery of Thousands of Dinosaur Eggs in the Badlands of Patagonia_Luis Chiappe, Lowell Dingus.pdf (13.47 MB)
1│ │ Vida, la gran historia_Juan Luis Arsuaga.epub (2.76 MB)
1│ │ Vertebrate Paleontology_M J Benton-Ottimo.pdf (124.35 MB)
1│ │ Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution_Robert L. Carroll.pdf (36.61 MB)
1│ │ Vertebrate Palaeontology_Michael J. Benton.pdf (65.29 MB)
1│ │ Vertebrate Palaeontology_Michael J. Benton.epub (145.85 MB)
1│ │ Vertebrate Palaeontology_Michael J. Benton (auth.).pdf (27.86 MB)
1│ │ Vertebrate Palaeontology and Evolution_Carroll R.L..pdf (46.07 MB)
1│ │ Vertebrate Evolution_ From Origins to Dinosaurs and Beyond_Donald R. Prothero.pdf (96.29 MB)
1│ │ Vanished Giants_ The Lost World of the Ice Age_Anthony J. Stuart.pdf (14.71 MB)
1│ │ Unnatural selection_Van Grouw, Katrina.pdf (822.92 MB)
1│ │ Unearthing the dragon _ the great feathered dinosaur discovery_Mark Norell; Mick Ellison; American Museum of Natural History. Division of Paleontology.pdf (91.7 MB)
1│ │ Unearthing the Anatomy of Dinosaurs. New Insights Into Their Functional Morphology and Paleobiology. The Anatomical Record. Special Issue_Dodson P..pdf (26.57 MB)
1│ │ Understanding Fossils_ An Introduction to Invertebrate Palaeontology_Peter Doyle.pdf (102.2 MB)
1│ │ Tyrannosaurid Paleobiology_Parrish, J. Michael; Molnar, Ralph E.; Currie, Philip J.; Koppelhus, Eva B..pdf (25.12 MB)
1│ │ Type specimens of fossil fishes_ catalogue of the University of Alberta Laboratory for Vertebrate Paleontology_Bruner, John Clay.pdf (6.16 MB)
1│ │ Trilobites of New York_ an illustrated guide_Thomas Edward Whiteley, Gerald J. Kloc, Carlton Elliot Brett, Paleontological Research Institution (Ithaca, N.Y.).pdf (125.01 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on invertebrate paleontology, Volume 4_Curt Teichert, Geological Society of America, Joint Committee on Invertebrate Paleontology.pdf (50.25 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part W Miscellanea_Moore, Raymond C. & Teichert, Curt.pdf (34.68 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part W – Suplement 1 – Trace Fossil_Moore, Raymond C. & Teichert, Curt.pdf (33.65 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part U – Echinodermata 3_Moore, Raymond C. & Teichert, Curt.pdf (43.11 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part U – Echinodermata 3 -_Moore, Raymond C. & Teichert, Curt.pdf (94.82 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part T – Echinodermata 2_Moore, Raymond C. & Teichert, Curt.pdf (27.56 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part S – Echinodermata 1_Moore, Raymond C. & Teichert, Curt.pdf (32.1 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part R – Arthropoda 4(2)_Raymond C. Moore – ed..pdf (26.14 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part Q – Arthropoda 3 Crustacea Ostracoda_Moore, Raymond C. & Teichert, Curt.pdf (73.22 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part O – Trilobitomorpha_Moore, Raymond C. & Teichert, Curt.pdf (61.25 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part N – Mollusca 6 Bivavia_Moore, Raymond C. & Teichert, Curt.pdf (36.99 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part N – Mollusca 6 Bivalvia_Moore, Raymond C. & Teichert, Curt.pdf (49.58 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part L – Mollusca 4 (Revised) – Cretaceous Ammonoidea_Moore, Raymond C. & Teichert, Curt.pdf (72.07 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part K – Mollusca 3 – Cephalopoda_Moore, Raymond C. & Teichert, Curt.pdf (176.28 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part I Mollusca 1 – Amphineura to Gastropoda_Moore, Raymond C. & Teichert, Curt.pdf (78.98 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part H – Brachiopoda_Moore, Raymond C. & Teichert, Curt.pdf (46.54 MB)
1│ │ Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology – Part C – Protista 2 V1_Moore, Raymond C. & Teichert, Curt.pdf (86.31 MB)
1│ │ Treatise of Invertebrate Paleontology. Pt. L. Mollusca 4. Revised. V. 4. Geol. Soc. Amer., Univ. Kansas – Cretaceous Ammonoidea_Wright C.W., Callomon J.H., Howarth M.K..pdf (77.95 MB)
1│ │ Travels with Trilobites_ Adventures in the Paleozoic_Andy Secher.pdf (548.04 MB)
1│ │ Travels with Trilobites_ Adventures in the Paleozoic_Andy Secher.epub (304.57 MB)
1│ │ Trace fossils_ concepts, problems, prospects_William Charles Miller.pdf (56.62 MB)
1│ │ Trace Fossils_ Biology, Taphonomy and Applications_Richard G. Bromley (auth.).pdf (16.55 MB)
1│ │ Trace Fossils as Indicators of Sedimentary Environments_Dirk Knaust and Richard G. Bromley (Eds.).pdf (118.34 MB)
1│ │ Trace fossil analysis_Adolf Seilacher.pdf (28.67 MB)
1│ │ Too big to walk_ the new science of dinosaurs_Ford, Brian J.epub (26.32 MB)
1│ │ Toarcian (Early Jurassic) ammonoids from western North America_Jakobs G.K..pdf (13.62 MB)
1│ │ To eliminate the OPIATE_marvin antelman.pdf (41.19 MB)
1│ │ Time Traveler_ In Search of Dinosaurs and Other Fossils from Montana to Mongolia _Michael Novacek.pdf (10.78 MB)
1│ │ The Yorkshire Jurassic flora. II. Caytoniales, Cycadales & Pteridosperms. London_ British Museum (Natural History)_Harris T.M..pdf (48.11 MB)
1│ │ The Yorkshire Jurassic flora. I. Thallophyta – Pterydophyta. London_ British Museum (Natural History)_Harris T.M..pdf (52 MB)
1│ │ The World of Dinosaurs_Michael Tweedie.pdf (30.28 MB)
1│ │ The World of Dinosaurs_ The Discovery and Lives of These Legendary Creatures_Mark Norell.pdf (25.11 MB)
1│ │ The Ultimate Dinosaur Book_David Lambert.pdf (172.9 MB)
1│ │ The Trace-Fossil Record of Major Evolutionary Events_ Volume 2_ Mesozoic and Cenozoic_M. Gabriela Mángano, Luis A. Buatois (eds.).pdf (22.87 MB)
1│ │ The Trace-Fossil Record of Major Evolutionary Events_ Volume 1_ Precambrian and Paleozoic_M. Gabriela Mángano, Luis A. Buatois (eds.).pdf (22.84 MB)
1│ │ The Terrestrial Eocene-Oligocene Transition in North America_Donald R. Prothero, Robert J. Emry.pdf (51.03 MB)
1│ │ The Study of Trace Fossils_ A Synthesis of Principles, Problems, and Procedures in Ichnology_Richard G. Osgood Jr. (auth.), Robert W. Frey (eds.).pdf (68.82 MB)
1│ │ The Strange World of Dinosaurs_John H. Ostrom.pdf (18.14 MB)
1│ │ The Story of the Dinosaurs in 25 Discoveries_Donald R. Prothero.epub (48.56 MB)
1│ │ The Story of the Dinosaurs in 25 Discoveries_ Amazing Fossils and the People Who Found Them_Donald R. Prothero.pdf (148.55 MB)
1│ │ The Story of Life in 25 Fossils_ Tales of Intrepid Fossil Hunters and the Wonders of Evolution_Donald R. Prothero.pdf (16.07 MB)
1│ │ The Sauropods_ Evolution and Paleobiology_Kristina Curry Rogers, Jeffrey Wilson.pdf (7.14 MB)
1│ │ The Rise and Reign of the Mammals_Steve Brusatte.epub (24.15 MB)
1│ │ The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs_ A New History of a Lost World_Steve Brusatte.epub (15.38 MB)
1│ │ The Rhinoceros and the Megatherium. An Essay in Natural History_Juan Pimentel.pdf (10.5 MB)
1│ │ The Princeton Field Guide to Pterosaurs_Gregory S. Paul.pdf (28.8 MB)
1│ │ The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs_Gregory S. Paul.pdf (62.75 MB)
1│ │ The Princeton Field Guide to Dinosaurs _Gregory S. Paul.pdf (30.95 MB)
1│ │ The Postcranial Anatomy of Australopithecus afarensis_ New Insights from KSD-VP-1-1_Yohannes Haile-Selassie, Denise F. Su (eds.).pdf (12.8 MB)
1│ │ The Platyrrhine Fossil Record_John G. Fleagle and Alfred L. Rosenberger (Eds.).pdf (12 MB)
1│ │ The palynology and micropalaeontology of boundaries_Alwynne Bowyer Beaudoin, Martin J. Head.pdf (38.4 MB)
1│ │ The Paleobiology of Australopithecus_Kaye E. Reed (auth.), Kaye E. Reed, John G. Fleagle, Richard E. Leakey (eds.).pdf (13.04 MB)
1│ │ The Paleobiological Revolution_ Essays on the Growth of Modern Paleontology_David Sepkoski, Michael Ruse.pdf (6.08 MB)
1│ │ The origin of snakes _ morphology and the fossil record_Caldwell, Michael Wayne.pdf (13.02 MB)
1│ │ The New Forest_ Geology and Fossils_James Barnet.epub (28.85 MB)
1│ │ The new dinosaurs_ an alternative evolution _Dougal Dixon.pdf (96.27 MB)
1│ │ The Mediterranean Lower Cretaceous. Sofia_ Publishing house of the Bulgaria Acad.of Sciences_Nikolov T.G..pdf (18.92 MB)
1│ │ The Meaning of Fossils_ Episodes in the History of Palaeontology_Martin J. S. Rudwick.pdf (24.18 MB)
1│ │ The Macmillan Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Animals_ A Visual Who's Who of Prehistoric Life_Dougal Dixon, Barry Cox, R. J. G. Savage, Brian Gardiner.pdf (41.18 MB)
1│ │ The Late Jurassic ammonite fauna of New Zealand_Stevens G.R..pdf (24.42 MB)
1│ │ The Jurassic system in Great Britain_Arkell W.J..pdf (118.22 MB)
1│ │ The Jehol Fossils The Emergence of Feathered Dinosaurs, Beaked Birds and Flowering Plants_Pei-ji Chen, Yuan Wang, Yuan-qing Wang, Mee-Mann Chang.pdf (48.35 MB)
1│ │ The Human Fossil Record, Brain Endocasts_ The Paleoneurological Evidence, Volume 3_Ralph L. Holloway, Douglas C. Broadfield, Michael S. Yuan, Jeffrey H. Schwartz, Ian Tattersall.pdf (16.27 MB)
1│ │ The History of Life_ A Very Short Introduction_Michael J. Benton.pdf (5.19 MB)
1│ │ The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (The Critical Moments and Perspectives in Earth History and Paleobiology)_Barry D. Webby, Florentin Paris, Mary L. Droser, Ian G. Percival.pdf (12.15 MB)
1│ │ The Geology and Paleontology of the Late Cretaceous Marine Deposits of the Dakotas (GSA Special Paper 427)_James E. Martin, David C. Parris.pdf (14.64 MB)
1│ │ The Geologic Time Scale 2012_Gradstein F., Ogg J.G., Schmitz M.D., Ogg G.M. (editors).pdf (122.59 MB)
1│ │ The Fossils of the Burgess Shale_Derek Briggs, Douglas H. Erwin, Frederick J. Collier, Chip Clark.pdf (99.01 MB)
1│ │ The Fossil Record 2_Benton M.J. (Ed.).pdf (28.92 MB)
1│ │ The Fossil Hunter_ Dinosaurs, Evolution, and the Woman Whose Discoveries Changed the World_Shelley Emling.epub (1.2 MB)
1│ │ The Fossil Hunter_ Dinosaurs, Evolution, and the Woman Whose Discoveries Changed the World_Shelley Emling [Emling, Shelley].epub (1.27 MB)
1│ │ The Fossil Hunter_ Dinosaurs, Evolution, and the Woman Whose Discoveries Changed the World (MacSci)_Shelley Emling.pdf (4.75 MB)
1│ │ The First Fossil Hunters_ Paleontology in Greek and Roman Times _Adrienne Mayor.pdf (17.07 MB)
1│ │ The first fossil hunters_ dinosaurs, mammoths, and myth in Greek and Roman times_Mayor, Adrienne.pdf (71.8 MB)
1│ │ The first fossil hunters_ dinosaurs, mammoths, and myth in Greek and Roman times_Mayor, Adrienne.epub (5.67 MB)
1│ │ The First Fossil Hunters_ Dinosaurs, Mammoths, and Myth in Greek and Roman Times_Adrienne Mayor.epub (5.67 MB)
1│ │ The first fossil hunters _ dinosaurs, mammoths, and myth in Greek and Roman times_Mayor, Adrienne.pdf (71.8 MB)
1│ │ The evolutionary biology of the Bivalvia_Elizabeth Harper, John David Taylor, J. Alistair Crame, Geological Society of London.pdf (52.74 MB)
1│ │ The Evolution of the Primate Hand_ Anatomical, Developmental, Functional, and Paleontological Evidence_Tracy L. Kivell, Pierre Lemelin, Brian G. Richmond, Daniel Schmitt (eds.).pdf (20.25 MB)
1│ │ The Evolution of Artiodactyls_Donald R. Prothero, Scott E. Foss.pdf (54.89 MB)
1│ │ The environmental history of Georgia during the Late Miocene based of foraminifera and pollen_Shatilova I.I., Maissuradze L.S., Koiava K.P., Kokolashvili I.M., Bukhsianidze M.G., Bruch A.A..pdf (6.37 MB)
1│ │ The Ecology of the Cambrian Radiation_Andrey Zhuravlev, Robert Riding.pdf (21.23 MB)
1│ │ The Ecology of fossils _ an illustrated guide_W S McKerrow.pdf (63.82 MB)
1│ │ The Early Devonian armoured agnathans of Podolia, Ukraine_Voichyshyn V..pdf (50.78 MB)
1│ │ The dentition of Sinanthropus pekinensis;_ A comparative odontography of the hominids, ( China. Geological survey Palaeontologia sinica, new ser. D)_Franz Weidenreich.pdf (57.2 MB)
1│ │ The Demon in the Machine_ How Hidden Webs of Information Are Finally Solving the Mystery of Life_Paul Davies.epub (3.78 MB)
1│ │ The cretaceous fossils of South-Central Africa _ an illustrated guide_Cooper, Michael Robert.pdf (28.6 MB)
1│ │ The Crato Fossil Beds of Brazil_ Window into an Ancient World_David M. Martill, Günter Bechly, Robert F. Loveridge.pdf (30.76 MB)
1│ │ The Concise Geologic Time Scale_James G. Ogg, Gabi Ogg, Felix M. Gradstein.pdf (43.56 MB)
1│ │ The Complete Guide to Michigan Fossils (Complete Guide To…)_Joseph J. Kchodl.pdf (8 MB)
1│ │ The Complete Dinosaur (Life of the Past) 2nd edition_Michael K. Brett-Surman (Editor), Thomas R. Holtz (Editor).pdf (37.4 MB)
1│ │ The Collector's Guide to Fossil Sharks and Rays from the Cretaceous of Texas_Bruce J. Welton, Roger F. Farish.pdf (59.59 MB)
1│ │ The Cambrian Fossils of Chengjiang, China_ The Flowering of Early Animal Life_Xian-Guang Hou, Richard J. Aldridge, Jan Bergstrom, David J. Siveter, Derek J. Siveter, Xiang-Hong Feng.pdf (28.47 MB)
1│ │ The Cambrian fossils of Chengjiang, China _ the flowering of early animal life_Xianguang Hou.pdf (43.77 MB)
1│ │ The big cats and their fossil relatives_ an illustrated guide to their evolution and natural history_Alan Turner, Mauricio Antón.pdf (20.34 MB)
1│ │ The big cats and their fossil relatives _ an illustrated guide to their evolution and natural history_Mauricio Anton, Alan Turner, F. Clark. Howell.pdf (20.53 MB)
1│ │ The Ancient Origins of Consciousness_Todd E. Feinberg & Jon M. Mallatt.epub (9.05 MB)
1│ │ The Ammonoidea_ Environment, Ecology, and Evolutionary Change_House M.D. (Ed.).pdf (23.15 MB)
1│ │ The ammonite family Hildoceratidae in the Lower Jurassic of Britain. part l et II. Monograph paleont. Soc., London_Howarth M. K..pdf (32.6 MB)
1│ │ Tempo and Mode in Evolution_ Genetics and Paleontology 50 Years After Simpson_for the National Academy of Sciences, Walter M. Fitch, Francisco J. Ayala.pdf (14.28 MB)
1│ │ Techniques for Virtual Palaeontology_Mark Sutton, Imran Rahman, Russell Garwood.pdf (10.65 MB)
1│ │ Taphonomy_ Process and Bias Through Time_Peter A. Allison, David J. Bottjer (auth.), Peter A. Allison, David J. Bottjer (eds.).pdf (30.19 MB)
1│ │ Taphonomy_ A Process Approach_Ronald E. Martin.pdf (81.03 MB)
1│ │ Stratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway, USA (Concepts in Sedimentology & Paleontology 6)_Walter E. Dean, Michael A. Arthur.pdf (58.15 MB)
1│ │ Stratigraphic Paleobiology_ Understanding the Distribution of Fossil Taxa in Time and Space_Mark E. Patzkowsky, Steven M. Holland.pdf (7.83 MB)
1│ │ Species and Speciation in the Fossil Record_Warren D. Allmon, Margaret M. Yacobucci.pdf (8 MB)
1│ │ Some Assembly Required_ Decoding Four Billion Years of Life, from Ancient Fossils to DNA_Neil Shubin.epub (22.13 MB)
1│ │ Solnhofen_ A Study in Mesozoic Palaeontology_K. Werner Barthel, Nicola Helga Margaret Swinburne, Simon Conway Morris.pdf (36.11 MB)
1│ │ Short papers for the 8th International Congress on the Jurassic System – Marine and non-marine Jurassic_coll..pdf (52.92 MB)
1│ │ Seven Skeletons_ The Evolution of the World's Most Famous Human Fossils_Pyne Lydia.epub (22.21 MB)
1│ │ Seriation Stratigraphy and Index Fossils_ The Backbone of Archaeological Dating_Michael J. O'Brien, R. Lee Lyman.pdf (11.02 MB)
1│ │ Sequence Stratigraphy_ Advances and Applications for Exploration and Production in Northwest Europ_Steel R. J..pdf (74.64 MB)
1│ │ Scientific American (December 2000)_Scientific American.pdf (10.26 MB)
1│ │ Safety and Efficacy of NVX-CoV2373 Covid-19 Vaccine_P.T. Heath, E.P. Galiza, D.N. Baxter, M. Boffito, D. Browne.pdf (3.39 MB)
1│ │ Rhinoceros Giants_ The Paleobiology of Indricotheres_Donald R. Prothero, Carl Buell.pdf (7.48 MB)
1│ │ Resurrecting the Shark_ A Scientific Obsession and the Mavericks Who Solved the Mystery of a 270-Million-Year-Old Fossil_Susan Ewing.epub (20.65 MB)
1│ │ Rereading the Fossil Record_ The Growth of Paleobiology as an Evolutionary Discipline_David Sepkoski.pdf (5.4 MB)
1│ │ Reconstructing Behavior in the Primate Fossil Record_Callum F. Ross, Charles A. Lockwood (auth.), J. Michael Plavcan, Richard F. Kay, William L. Jungers, Carel P. van Schaik (eds.).pdf (12.67 MB)
1│ │ Quaternary geology of the hominid fossil bearing formations in Java_ report of the Indonesia-Japan Joint Research Project CTA-41, 1976-1979 _Watanabe & Kadar.pdf (256.35 MB)
1│ │ Quaternary extinctions_ a Prehistoric revolution_Martin Paul S., Klein Richard G..pdf (134.69 MB)
1│ │ Quantitative Paleozoology_R. Lee Lyman.pdf (9.71 MB)
1│ │ Quand d'autres hommes peuplaient la terre_ Nouveaux regards sur nos origines_Hublin Jean-Jacques, Seytre Bernard.epub (1.05 MB)
1│ │ Pterosaurs_ Natural History, Evolution, Anatomy_Mark P. Witton.pdf (31.31 MB)
1│ │ Pterosaurs Flying Contemporaries of the Dinosaurs_Andre J. Veldmeijer, Mark Witton, Ilja Nieuwland.pdf (13.41 MB)
1│ │ Proceedings of 3rd Workshop on Early Cretaceous Cephalopods_Cecca F. (Ed.).pdf (20.02 MB)
1│ │ Principios de Paleontología_David M. Raup y Steven M. Stanley.pdf (65.62 MB)
1│ │ Preparing Dinosaurs_ The Work behind the Scenes_Caitlin Donahue Wylie.pdf (6.49 MB)
1│ │ Prehistoric Life_ Evolution and the Fossil Record_Bruce S. Lieberman, Roger Kaesler.pdf (19.22 MB)
1│ │ Predator-Prey Interactions in the Fossil Record (Topics in Geobiology 20)_Patricia H. Kelley, Michał Kowalewski, Thor A. Hansen.pdf (75.14 MB)
1│ │ Posture, Locomotion, and Paleoecology of Pterosaurs (GSA Special Paper 376)_Sankar Chatterjee, R. J. Templin.pdf (5.92 MB)
1│ │ Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) Biostratigraphy and Ammonite Fauna of the Spatsizi Area, North-Central British Columbia_Thomson R.C., Smith P.L..pdf (8.19 MB)
1│ │ Pleistocene Mammals of Europe_Bjorn Kurten.pdf (41.51 MB)
1│ │ Plants and the K-T Boundary (Cambridge Paleobiology Series)_Douglas J. Nichols, Kirk R. Johnson.pdf (11.08 MB)
1│ │ Plant fossils_ the history of land vegetation_Christopher J. Cleal, Barry A. Thomas.pdf (4.64 MB)
1│ │ Plant Fossils_ The History of Land Vegetation (Fossils Illustrated)_Christopher J. Cleal, Barry A. Thomas.epub (1.19 MB)
1│ │ Pilauco_ A Late Pleistocene Archaeo-paleontological Site_ Osorno, Northwestern Patagonia and Chile_Mario Pino, Giselle A. Astorga.pdf (20.02 MB)
1│ │ Phanerozoic Faunal and Floral Realms of the Earth_ The Intercalary Relations of the Malvinokaffric and Gondwana Faunal Realms with the Tethyan Faunal Realm (GSA Memoirs 189).pdf (4.27 MB)
1│ │ Pennsylvanian Cephalopods of Ohio_Myron T. Sturgeon, Delbert L. Windle, Royal H. Mapes, Richard D. Hoare.pdf (181.07 MB)
1│ │ Pennaraptoran theropod dinosaurs _ past progress and new frontiers_Michael Pittman, Xing Xu.pdf (48.32 MB)
1│ │ Patterns of Evolution as Illustrated by the Fossil Record_A. Hallam (Eds.).pdf (40.84 MB)
1│ │ Paleontology_ The Record of Life_Colin W. Stearn, Robert L. Carroll.pdf (33.81 MB)
1│ │ Paleontology_ An Illustrated History_David Bainbridge.pdf (60.8 MB)
1│ │ Paleontology_ A Philosophical Introduction_Derek Turner.pdf (6.23 MB)
1│ │ Paleontology of Vertebrates_Professor Jean Chaline (auth.).pdf (14.17 MB)
1│ │ Paleontology of Vertebrates_halbulario.pdf (26.63 MB)
1│ │ Paleontology of the Upper Eocene florissant formation, Colorado_Herbert William Meyer, Dena M. Smith.pdf (6.66 MB)
1│ │ Paleontology in Ecology and Conservation_Julien Louys (auth.), Julien Louys (eds.).pdf (8.09 MB)
1│ │ Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli_ Human Evolution in Context_ Volume 2_ Fossil Hominins and the Associated Fauna_Terry Harrison (auth.), Terry Harrison (eds.).pdf (20.31 MB)
1│ │ Paleontology and Geology of Laetoli_ Human Evolution in Context_ Volume 1_ Geology, Geochronology, Paleoecology and Paleoenvironment_Terry Harrison (auth.), Terry Harrison (eds.).pdf (20.38 MB)
1│ │ Paleontological Data Analysis_216;yvind Hammer, David A. T. Harper.pdf (8.08 MB)
1│ │ Paleontological Collections of Germany, Austria and Switzerland_ The History of Life of Fossil Organisms at Museums and Universities_Lothar A. Beck, Ulrich Joger.pdf (56.44 MB)
1│ │ Paleontologia_Ismar de Souza Carvalho (ed.).pdf (72.37 MB)
1│ │ Paleontologia_ Paleovertebrados e Paleobotânica_Ismar de Souza Carvalho.pdf (165.93 MB)
1│ │ Paleontologia_ Conceitos e Metodos – Vol.1_Ismar de Souza Carvalho.pdf (99.7 MB)
1│ │ Paleogene Fossil Birds_Gerald Mayr (auth.).pdf (7.24 MB)
1│ │ Paleogene Fossil Birds (Fascinating Life Sciences), 2nd Edition_Gerald Mayr.pdf (25.9 MB)
1│ │ Paleoecology_ past, present, and future_David J. Bottjer.pdf (30.06 MB)
1│ │ Paleobotany, Second Edition_ The Biology and Evolution of Fossil Plants_Thomas N. Taylor, Edith L. Taylor, Michael Krings.pdf (193.45 MB)
1│ │ Paleobiology of the Polycystine Radiolaria_David Lazarus; Noritoshi Suzuki; Yoshiyuki Ishitani; Kozo Takahashi.epub (147.59 MB)
1│ │ Paleobiology and Paleoenvironments of Eocene Rocks_ McMurdo Sound, East Antarctica_.pdf (16.23 MB)
1│ │ Paleobiogeography_ Using Fossils to Study Global Change, Plate Tectonics, and Evolution (Topics in Geobiology 16)_Bruce S. Lieberman.pdf (34.49 MB)
1│ │ Palaeontology of Invertebrates_Prof.Dr. Raymond Enay (auth.).pdf (21.66 MB)
1│ │ Palaeontology and biostratigraphy of the Early Cambrian Meishucunian stage in Yunnan Province, South China _Qian Yi, Stefan Bengtson.pdf (34.44 MB)
1│ │ Palaeobiology of Middle Paleozoic Marine Brachiopods_ A Case Study of Extinct Organisms in Classical Paleontology_Rituparna Bose (auth.).pdf (4.73 MB)
1│ │ Paläontologisches Wörterbuch_Ulrich Lehmann.pdf (105.32 MB)
1│ │ Owls, Caves and Fossils_Andrews P..pdf (82.8 MB)
1│ │ Otherlands_ A Journey Through Earth's Extinct Worlds_Thomas Halliday.epub (17.84 MB)
1│ │ Origins (Humans_ An Evolutionary History)_Rebecca Stefoff.pdf (19.85 MB)
1│ │ Oregon fossils_Elizabeth L. Orr, William N. Orr.pdf (20.6 MB)
1│ │ On Methuselah's Trail_ Living Fossils and the Great Extinctions_Peter Douglas Ward.pdf (10.85 MB)
1│ │ O Guia Completo dos Dinossauros do Brasil_Luiz E. Anelli [Anelli, Luiz E.].pdf (10.07 MB)
1│ │ Néandertal, un Parent, à la Découverte de Nos Origines_Rebecca Wragg Sykes.epub (10.9 MB)
1│ │ Néandertal nu_Slimak Ludovic.epub (2.81 MB)
1│ │ Noah’s Ravens_ Interpreting the Makers of Tridactyl Dinosaur Footprints_James O Farlow.pdf (342.2 MB)
1│ │ Neoproterozoic Geobiology and Paleobiology_Shuhai Xiao, Alan J. Kaufman.pdf (26.42 MB)
1│ │ Neoproterozoic Geobiology and Paleobiology (Topics in Geobiology)_Shuhai Xiao, Alan J. Kaufman.pdf (9.74 MB)
1│ │ Neogene Paleontology of the Manonga Valley, Tanzania_ A Window into the Evolutionary History of East Africa_Terry Harrison, Michael L. Mbago (auth.), Terry Harrison (eds.).pdf (17.86 MB)
1│ │ Nautilus_ The Biology and Paleobiology of a Living Fossil, Reprint with additions_Richard Arnold Davis (auth.), W. Bruce Saunders, Neil H. Landman (eds.).pdf (44.65 MB)
1│ │ Molluscan Paleontology of the Chesapeake Miocene_Edward J. Petuch, Mardie Drolshagen.pdf (11.16 MB)
1│ │ Mollusca 6_ Bivalvia, Volume 3_L. R. Cox, Raymond Cecil Moore, Geological Society of America.pdf (29.42 MB)
1│ │ Models and stratigraphy of mid-Cretaceous reef communities, Gulf of Mexico (Concepts in Sedimentology & Paleontology 2)_Robert William Scott.pdf (14.08 MB)
1│ │ Microfossils_Howard Armstrong, Martin Brasier.pdf (22.58 MB)
1│ │ Methods in Paleoecology_ Reconstructing Cenozoic Terrestrial Environments and Ecological Communities_Darin A. Croft, Denise F. Su, Scott W. Simpson.pdf (142.39 MB)
1│ │ Mesozoic-Cenozoic vertebrate paleontology _ classic localities, contemporary approaches_John J Flynn; American Geophysical Union.pdf (24.91 MB)
1│ │ Mesozoic fossils of the Peruvian Andes_Knechtel M. M., Richards E.F., Rathbun M.V..pdf (24.47 MB)
1│ │ Marine Conservation Paleobiology_Carrie L. Tyler, Chris L. Schneider.pdf (10.4 MB)
1│ │ Mammoths, Sabertooths, and Hominids_Jordi Agusti, Mauricio Anton.pdf (22.53 MB)
1│ │ Mammals from the Age of Dinosaurs_ Origins, Evolution, and Structure_Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska, Richard L. Cifelli, Zhe-Xi Luo.pdf (44.21 MB)
1│ │ Mammalian Evolutionary Morphology_ A Tribute to Frederick S. Szalay (Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology)_Eric J. Sargis, Marian Dagosto.pdf (14.57 MB)
1│ │ L’ultimo sapiens. Viaggio al termine della nostra specie_Gianfranco Pacchioni.epub (2.57 MB)
1│ │ L’ADN fossile, une machine à remonter le temps_Ludovic Orlando [Orlando, Ludovic].epub (295.78 KB)
1│ │ Los Invertebrados fósiles_Horacio H. Camacho, Mónica I. Longobucco.pdf (55.08 MB)
1│ │ Los fósiles de nuestra evolución_Antonio Rosas.epub (2.49 MB)
1│ │ Los Dinosaurios de La Patagonia Argentina_José F. Bonaparte.pdf (21.1 MB)
1│ │ Living fossil_ the story of the coelacanth_Thomson, Keith Stewart.epub (2.07 MB)
1│ │ Living Fossils_Niles Eldredge, Steven M. Stanley (auth.), Niles Eldredge, Steven M. Stanley (eds.).pdf (12.68 MB)
1│ │ Life in Stone_ A Natural History of British Columbia's Fossils_Rolf Ludvigsen.pdf (46.45 MB)
1│ │ Les vertébrés fossiles des gisements de phosphates (Maroc-Algérie-Tunisie)_Camille Arambourg.pdf (17.79 MB)
1│ │ Lebanese Amber_ The Oldest Insect Ecosystem in Fossilized Resin_George O. Poinar, Raif Milki.pdf (4.55 MB)
1│ │ Le grand bordel de l'évolution_Léo Grasset.epub (28.18 MB)
1│ │ Late Cretaceous and Early Tertiary Spores and Pollen from the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R_Traverse A., Ames H.T..pdf (38.93 MB)
1│ │ Late Cretaceous and Cenozoic Mammals of North America_ Biostratigraphy and Geochronology_MO Woodburne.pdf (9.5 MB)
1│ │ Late Cenozoic Yushe Basin, Shanxi Province, China_ Geology and Fossil Mammals_ Volume II_ Small Mammal Fossils of Yushe Basin_Lawrence J. Flynn; Wen-Yu Wu.pdf (15.28 MB)
1│ │ Late Cenozoic Yushe Basin, Shanxi Province, China_ Geology and Fossil Mammals_ Volume II_ Small Mammal Fossils of Yushe Basin_Lawrence J. Flynn, Wen-Yu Wu (eds.).pdf (15.28 MB)
1│ │ Last of the Dinosaurs_ The Cretaceous Period (The Prehistoric Earth)_Thom Holmes.pdf (42.95 MB)
1│ │ La paleontología en 100 preguntas_Adriana Oliver & Francesc Gascó.epub (4.95 MB)
1│ │ La Muerte Contada Por Un Sapiens a Un Neandertal_Juan José Millás & Juan Luis Arsuaga.epub (361.33 KB)
1│ │ King of the Dinosaur Hunters_ The Life of John Bell Hatcher and the Discoveries that Shaped Paleontology_Lowell Dingus.epub (44.37 MB)
1│ │ Kindred_ Neanderthal Life, Love, Death and Art_Rebecca Wragg Sykes.epub (7.99 MB)
1│ │ Just The Facts – Prehistoric World_Douglas Dixon.pdf (18.45 MB)
1│ │ Jurassic Bivalvia and Gastropoda from Tanganyika and Kenya_Cox L.R..pdf (26.28 MB)
1│ │ Investigating the History of Earth (Introduction to Earth Science) _Michael Anderson (editor).pdf (10.94 MB)
1│ │ Investigating Fossils_ A History of Palaeontology_Wilson J. Wall.pdf (14.86 MB)
1│ │ Invertebrate Palaeontology & Evolution_Euan Clarkson, Euan, N.K. Clarkson.pdf (66.73 MB)
1│ │ Invertebrate Fossils_Raymond Moore, Cecil Lalicker, Alfred Fischer.pdf (46.67 MB)
1│ │ Introduction to the Study of Dinosaurs_Anthony J. Martin.pdf (27.69 MB)
1│ │ Introduction to Paleontology_Stuart Sutherland.pdf (5.63 MB)
1│ │ Introduction to Paleontology – Guidebook – The Great Courses – TTC_Dr. Stuart Sutherland.pdf (5.63 MB)
1│ │ Introduction to Paleobiology and the Fossil Record_Michael J. Benton, David A. T. Harper.pdf (37.66 MB)
1│ │ Introduction to Marine Micropaleontology_B.U. Haq, A. Boersma.pdf (44.41 MB)
1│ │ Introducing palaeontology _ a guide to ancient life_Patrick Wyse Jackson.pdf (92.77 MB)
1│ │ Il mondo prima della storia. Dagli inizi al 4000 a. C._Ian Tattersall, Telmo Pievani (editor).pdf (15.2 MB)
1│ │ Ichnology_ The Use of Trace Fossils in Sedimentology and Stratigraphy (SEPM Short Course Notes 15)_Allan A. Ekdale, R. G. Bromley, S. G. Pemberton.pdf (106.6 MB)
1│ │ Ichnology _ organism-substrate interactions in space and time_Luis A Buatois; M Gabriela Mángano.pdf (28.1 MB)
1│ │ How to Build a Dinosaur_Jack Horner, James Gorman.pdf (4.79 MB)
1│ │ Horned Armadillos and Rafting Monkeys_ The Fascinating Fossil Mammals of South America_Darin A. Croft, Velizar Simeonovski (illustrator).pdf (69.67 MB)
1│ │ Horned Armadillos and Rafting Monkeys_ The Fascinating Fossil Mammals of South America_Darin A. Croft, Velizar Simeonovski (illustrator).epub (17.01 MB)
1│ │ Hominin Environments in the East African Pliocene_ An Assessment of the Faunal Evidence (Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology)_René Bobe, Zeresenay Alemseged, Anna K. Behrensmeyer.pdf (9.15 MB)
1│ │ History of Palaeobotany_ Selected Essays (Geological Society Special Publication)_C. V. Burek, R. Wilding.pdf (31.89 MB)
1│ │ History of life_Richard Cowen.pdf (90.98 MB)
1│ │ History of Life_ A Very Short Introduction_Benton, Michael J.epub (3.1 MB)
1│ │ Historia Ziemi_Stanley Steven M..pdf (59 MB)
1│ │ High-Resolution Approaches in Stratigraphic Paleontology_Michał Kowalewski, Richard K. Bambach (auth.), P. J. Harries (eds.).pdf (10.69 MB)
1│ │ Hace Tiempo_ Un viaje paleontológico ilustrado por Colombia_Carlos Jaramillo, Luz Helena Oviedo.pdf (30.54 MB)
1│ │ Guía De Los Dinosaurios Argentinos_Fernando Novas.pdf (21 MB)
1│ │ Guide to the collection of fossil fishes in the British Museum_Woodward H..pdf (8.53 MB)
1│ │ Graptolite Paleobiology_Jörg Maletz, Jan Zalasiewicz.pdf (26.02 MB)
1│ │ Gorgon_ Paleontology, Obsession, and the Greatest Catastrophe in Earth's History_Peter Ward.pdf (6.52 MB)
1│ │ Giants of the Lost World_ Dinosaurs and Other Extinct Monsters of South America_Donald R. Prothero.epub (14.45 MB)
1│ │ Geology of Poland. Volume 3. Atlas of guide and characteristic fossils. Part 2b. Mesozoic Jurassic_Malinowska L., Bielecka W., Rogalska M., Barczyk W..pdf (83.73 MB)
1│ │ Geochronology Methods and Case Studies_Nils-Axel Morner (editor).pdf (23.86 MB)
1│ │ General Field Trip Guidebook, 6th International Symposium on the Jurassic System, 12-22 September 2002, Palermo, Italy_Santantonio M. (Ed.).pdf (61.96 MB)
1│ │ Gaining ground _ the origin and evolution of tetrapods_Clack, Jennifer A.pdf (47.1 MB)
1│ │ Fundamentals of Invertebrate Palaeontology_ Microfossils_Sreepat Jain.pdf (37.7 MB)
1│ │ Fundamentals of Invertebrate Palaeontology_ Macrofossils_Sreepat Jain (auth.).pdf (33.9 MB)
1│ │ Function, Phylogeny, and Fossils_ Miocene Hominoid Evolution and Adaptations_Carol V. Ward, David R. Begun, Michael D. Rose (auth.), David R. Begun, Carol V. Ward, Michael D. Rose (eds.).pdf (13.48 MB)
1│ │ Fossils_Gary Raham.pdf (14.38 MB)
1│ │ Fossils_ a very short introduction_Thomson, Keith Stewart.epub (3.34 MB)
1│ │ Fossils_ A Very Short Introduction_Keith Thomson.pdf (5.58 MB)
1│ │ Fossils_ A Very Short Introduction_Keith Thomson [Thomson, Keith].epub (974.48 KB)
1│ │ Fossils_ A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)_Keith Thomson.pdf (5.58 MB)
1│ │ Fossils, Phylogeny, and Form_ An Analytical Approach_Jonathan M. Adrain, Gregory D. Edgecombe (auth.), Jonathan M. Adrain, Gregory D. Edgecombe, Bruce S. Lieberman (eds.).pdf (11.69 MB)
1│ │ Fossils of the Santana and Crato Formations, Brazil_David M Martill.pdf (55.79 MB)
1│ │ Fossils of the Oxford Clay_J. D. Hudson, David Martill.pdf (24.39 MB)
1│ │ Fossils of the Oxford Clay. London_ Palaeontological Association_Martill D.M., Hudson J.D..pdf (26.97 MB)
1│ │ Fossils of the Chalk, Field Guides to Fossils Series no. 2_Smith A.B., Batten D.J. (Eds..pdf (35.06 MB)
1│ │ Fossils of the Carpathian region_Dyke, Gareth;Fozy, István;Szente, István.pdf (132.26 MB)
1│ │ Fossils in the Making_ Vertebrate Taphonomy and Paleoecology_Anna K. Behrensmeyer, Andrew P. Hill.pdf (101.71 MB)
1│ │ Fossils in Earth Sciences_Anis Kumar Ray.pdf (10.94 MB)
1│ │ Fossils for Amateurs– A Handbook for Collectors_Russell P. & Wollin, Jay C. MacFall.pdf (39.04 MB)
1│ │ Fossils at a Glance_Clare Milsom, Sue Rigby.pdf (23.91 MB)
1│ │ Fossils and Strata_ Lower Ordovician trilobites of the Kirtonryggen Formation, Spitsbergen_Richard A. Fortey, David L. Bruton.pdf (11.78 MB)
1│ │ Fossils and Strata, A New Silurian (Llandovery, Telychian) Sponge Assemblage from Gotland, Sweden_Freek Rhebergen, Joseph Botting.epub (41.6 MB)
1│ │ Fossils (DK Smithsonian Handbook)_DK, .pdf (63.66 MB)
1│ │ FOSSILI_Cyril Walker, David Ward.pdf (48.96 MB)
1│ │ Fossilien Helgolands. Teil 2. Oberkreide. Helgoland-Ottendorf_ Niederelbe-Verlag_Stühmer H.H., Spaeth C., Schmid F..pdf (63.38 MB)
1│ │ Fossilien Helgolands. Teil 1. Trias und Unter-Kreide_Stühmer H.H., Spaeth C., Schmid F..pdf (58.18 MB)
1│ │ Fossiles de France et des régions limitrophes (Guides géologiques régionaux)_Jean Claude Fischer.pdf (138.46 MB)
1│ │ Fossil Vertebrates. Beach and Bank Collecting for Amateurs_Thomas M.C..pdf (9.06 MB)
1│ │ Fossil Vertebrates of Greece Vol. 1_ Basal vertebrates, Amphibians, Reptiles, Afrotherians, Glires, and Primates_,,,.pdf (30.6 MB)
1│ │ Fossil Vertebrates of Arabia_ With Emphasis on the Late Miocene Faunas, Geology & Palaeoenvironments of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi_Whybrow P.J., Hill A..pdf (33.32 MB)
1│ │ Fossil Snakes of North America_ Origin, Evolution, Distribution, Paleoecology_J. Alan Holman.pdf (35.9 MB)
1│ │ Fossil Sharks_ A Pictorial Review_Gerard Ramon Case.pdf (87.75 MB)
1│ │ Fossil Reptiles of Great Britain_M. J. Benton, P. S. Spencer (auth.).pdf (22.1 MB)
1│ │ Fossil Plants as Tests of Climate_ Being the Sedgwick Essay Prize for the Year 1892_Albert Charles Seward.pdf (5.1 MB)
1│ │ Fossil parasites_Baets, Kenneth de; Littlewood, Tim.pdf (24.25 MB)
1│ │ Fossil Men_ The Quest for the Oldest Skeleton and the Origins of Humankind_Kermit Pattison.epub (33.64 MB)
1│ │ Fossil mammals of Asia-Neogene biostratigraphy and chronology_Xiaoming Wang, Lawrence J. Flynn, and Mikael Fortelius.pdf (22.93 MB)
1│ │ Fossil Horses_ Systematics, Paleobiology, and Evolution of the Family Equidae _Bruce J. MacFadden.pdf (20.48 MB)
1│ │ Fossil Horses of South America_ Phylogeny, Systemics and Ecology_José Luis Prado, María Teresa Alberdi (auth.).pdf (7.15 MB)
1│ │ Fossil fungi_Thomas N Taylor; Michael Krings; Edith L Taylor.pdf (205.99 MB)
1│ │ Fossil Forensics_ Separating Fact from Fantasy in Paleontology_Stuart, MaryAnn & Johnson, Fred & Sherwin, Frank & Snow, Philip & Bergman, Jerry [Stuart, MaryAnn].epub (1.92 MB)
1│ │ Fossil Ecosystems of North America_ A Guide to the Sites and their Extraordinary Biotas_Paul Selden, John Nudds.pdf (17.11 MB)
1│ │ Fossil Crinoids_Hans Hess, William I. Ausich, Carlton E. Brett, Michael J. Simms.pdf (54.89 MB)
1│ │ Fossil Behavior Compendium_Arthur J. Boucot, George O. Poinar Jr..pdf (13.6 MB)
1│ │ Fossil atlas, fishes_Karl Albert Frickhinger.pdf (164 MB)
1│ │ Fossil Atlas, Fishes_Frickhinger K.A. , Jefferies R.P.S..pdf (84.19 MB)
1│ │ Fossil and Recent Sponges_Dr. Joachim Reitner, Prof. Dr. Helmut Keupp (auth.), Dr. Joachim Reitner, Prof. Dr. Helmut Keupp (eds.).pdf (20.18 MB)
1│ │ Fossil Algae_ Recent Results and Developments_St. Golubić, E. S. Barghoorn (auth.), Prof. Dr. Erik Flügel (eds.).pdf (30.49 MB)
1│ │ Fossil (DK Eyewitness) _Paul D. Taylor.pdf (26.19 MB)
1│ │ Flying Dinosaurs_ How Fearsome Reptiles Became Birds_John Pickrell.pdf (8.99 MB)
1│ │ Fantastic Fossils_ A Guide to Finding and Identifying Prehistoric Life_Donald R. Prothero.pdf (130 MB)
1│ │ Fantastic Fossils_ A Guide to Finding and Identifying Prehistoric Life_Donald R. Prothero; Mary Persis Williams.epub (107.27 MB)
1│ │ Extinction_ A Very Short Introduction_Paul B. Wignall.epub (1.09 MB)
1│ │ Experimental Approaches to Understanding Fossil Organisms_ Lessons from the Living_Daniel I. Hembree, Brian F. Platt, Jon J. Smith (eds.).pdf (26.54 MB)
1│ │ Exceptional Fossil Preservation_David J. Bottjer, Walter Etter, James W. Hagadorn, Carol M. Tang.pdf (27.82 MB)
1│ │ Exceptional fossil preservation_ a unique view on the evolution of marine life_David J. Bottjer.pdf (27.75 MB)
1│ │ Evolution_ What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters_Donald R. Prothero.epub (47.23 MB)
1│ │ Evolution_ What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters_Donald R. Prothero, Carl Buell.pdf (24.92 MB)
1│ │ Evolution_ What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters_Donald R. Prothero, Carl Buell.epub (8.16 MB)
1│ │ Evolution _ what the fossils say and why it matters_Donald R. Prothero.pdf (24.99 MB)
1│ │ Evolution of the Vertebrate Ear _ Evidence from the Fossil Record_Jennifer A. Clack, Richard R Fay, Arthur N. Popper (eds.).pdf (15.01 MB)
1│ │ Evolution of Tertiary Mammals of North America_Janis, Christine M. Scott, Kathleen M. Jacobs, Louis L..pdf (20.59 MB)
1│ │ Evolution of Herbivory in Terrestrial Vertebrates_ Perspectives from the Fossil Record_Hans-Dieter Sues.pdf (8.99 MB)
1│ │ Evolution of Fossil Ecosystems_Paul Selden; John Nudds.pdf (28.52 MB)
1│ │ Evolution and the Fossil Record Excellent Illustration Geology Paelontology_John Pojeta Jr., Dale Springer.pdf (4.18 MB)
1│ │ Evolution and Palaeobiology of Pterosaurs_Geological Society Publishing, Eric Buffetaut, Jean-michel Mazin.pdf (41.96 MB)
1│ │ Evolución humana_Roger Lewin.epub (2.71 MB)
1│ │ Events of Increased Biodiversity_ Evolutionary Radiations in the Fossil Record_Pascal Neige.pdf (11.25 MB)
1│ │ Eso no estaba en mi libro de Historia de los Dinosaurios_Francesc Gascó Lluna.epub (14.26 MB)
1│ │ Encyclopedia of Dinosaurs_Philip J.Currie, Kevin Padian.pdf (67.77 MB)
1│ │ El hombre de Neandertal_Svante Pääbo.epub (1.52 MB)
1│ │ El Fantástico Mundo de Los Dinosaurios número 14_Billiken.pdf (36.28 MB)
1│ │ El Asunto Némesis (La extinción de los dinosaurios)_David M. Raup.pdf (45.1 MB)
1│ │ Ecology and Behaviour of Mesozoic Reptiles_Badi H. Baltagi.pdf (15.03 MB)
1│ │ Earth and life _ global biodiversity, extinction intervals and biogeographic perturbations through time – Evolutionary Scenario of the Early History of the Animal Kingdom_ Evidence fromPrecambrian.pdf (21.69 MB)
1│ │ Early Cambrian fossils from South Australia _Stefan Bengtson, Simon Conway Morris, Barry J. Cooper, Peter A. Jell, Bruce N. Runnegar.pdf (127.09 MB)
1│ │ Dynamic Paleontology_ Using Quantification and Other Tools to Decipher the History of Life_Mark A.S. McMenamin (auth.).pdf (10.17 MB)
1│ │ Drawing & Understanding Fossils. A Theoretical and Practical Guide for Beginners with Self–assessment_E. W. Nield (Auth.).pdf (7.05 MB)
1│ │ Dogs_ Their Fossil Relatives and Evolutionary History_Xiaoming Wang, Richard Tedford, Mauricio Antón.epub (24.78 MB)
1│ │ Dogs_ Their Fossil Relatives and Evolutionary History_XIAOMING WANG, RICHARD H. TEDFORD and MAURICIO ANTÓN.pdf (10.57 MB)
1│ │ Discovering Fossils_ How to Find and Identify Remains of the Prehistoric Past (Fossils & Dinosaurs)_Frank A. Garcia, Donald S. Miller.epub (2.53 MB)
1│ │ Discovering Fossil Fishes_John Maisey, John G. Maisey.pdf (18.37 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaurs_L.B. Halstead; Jenny Halstead.pdf (22.97 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaurs_ New Visions of a Lost World_Benton, Michael J..epub (100.39 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaurs_ A Concise Natural History_David E. Fastovsky, David B. Weishampel.pdf (62.48 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaurs_ A Concise Natural History, 4th Edition_David E. Fastovsky, David B. Weishampel.pdf (90.93 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaurs_ A Concise Natural History, 3rd Edition_David E. Fastovsky, David B. Weishampel.epub (98.58 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaurs Without Bones_ Dinosaur Lives Revealed by Their Trace Fossils_Martin Anthony J.epub (3.88 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaurs Rediscovered_ The Scientific Revolution in Paleontology_Michael J. Benton.epub (90.54 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaurs rediscovered_ the scientific revolution in paleontology_Benton, Michael J.epub (90.54 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaurs and Other Prehistoric Life (DK Smithsonian Handbook)_DK, .pdf (61.55 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaurs and Other Mesozoic Reptiles of California_Richard P. Hilton.pdf (5.39 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaurs – The Grand Tour_ Everything Worth Knowing About Dinosaurs from Aardonyx to Zuniceratops_Keiron Pim, Jack Horner.epub (123.01 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaurs – Opposing Viewpoints_Peter Roop; Connie Roop.pdf (19.16 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaurs Fact File_Paul Harrison.pdf (21.47 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaur Tracks from Brazil_ A Lost World of Gondwana (Life of the Past)_Giuseppe Leonardi, Ismar de Souza Carvalho, James O. Farlow.pdf (45.06 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaur Tracks and other Fossil Footprints of Europe_Martin Lockley, Christian Meyer.pdf (13.42 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaur paleobiology_Brusatte S.L..pdf (17.94 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaur odyssey_ fossil threads in the web of life_Scott D. Sampson, Philip J. Currie.pdf (13.14 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaur odyssey_ fossil threads in the web of life_Sampson, Scott D.epub (10.93 MB)
1│ │ Dinosaur in a Haystack_ Reflections in Natural History _Stephen Jay Gould.pdf (101.66 MB)
1│ │ Dinopedia_ A Brief Compendium of Dinosaur Lore_Naish, Darren.epub (6.66 MB)
1│ │ Cross-Bedding, Bedforms, and Paleocurrents (Concepts in Sedimentology & Paleontology 1)_David M. Rubin.pdf (16.17 MB)
1│ │ Cretaceous of the Western Tethys_Wiedmann J. (Ed.).pdf (57.36 MB)
1│ │ Cradle of Life_ The Discovery of Earth's Earliest Fossils_J. William Schopf.pdf (12.77 MB)
1│ │ Cowen's History of Life, Sixth Edition_Michael J. Benton (Editor).epub (86.79 MB)
1│ │ Continental Trace Fossils (SEPM Short Course Notes 51)_Stephen T. Hasiotis.pdf (30.21 MB)
1│ │ Conservation paleobiology _ science and practice_Gregory P. Dietl (editor); Karl W. Flessa (editor).pdf (9.12 MB)
1│ │ Computational Paleontology_Ashraf M. T. Elewa (auth.), Ashraf M.T. Elewa (eds.).pdf (7.79 MB)
1│ │ Complexity_ the evolution of Earth's biodiversity and the future of humanity_Burger, William C.epub (1.72 MB)
1│ │ Comparative paleontology and stratigraphy of Valanginian Polyptychitinae and Simbirskitinae in Sverdrup Basin (Arctic Canada) and Lower Saxony Basin (NW Germany)_Jeletzky J.A., Kemper E..pdf (37.02 MB)
1│ │ Cincinnati Fossils _ An Elementary Guide to the Ordivician Rocks and Fossils of the Cincinnati, Ohio, Region_R. A. (editor) Davis.pdf (11.25 MB)
1│ │ Chinese Fossil Vertebrates_Spencer G. Lucas.pdf (32.53 MB)
1│ │ Chi Siamo E Come Siamo Arrivati Fin Qui_David Reich.epub (3.22 MB)
1│ │ Cetacean paleobiology_Lambert, Olivier; Marx, Felix G.; Uhen, Mark D.pdf (53.2 MB)
1│ │ Cetacean Paleobiology_Felix G. Marx, Olivier Lambert, and Mark D. Uhen.pdf (22.84 MB)
1│ │ Cercidiphyllum and Fossil Allies_ Morphological Interpretation and General Problems of Plant Evolution and Development_K. Krassilov.pdf (16.71 MB)
1│ │ Cenozoic Mammals of Africa_Lars Werdelin, William Joseph Sanders.pdf (26.32 MB)
1│ │ Catalog of fossil spores and pollen. Volume 44. Tertiary and Upper Cretaceous Spores and Pollen from Africa, Europe, Canada, Australia and New Zealand_Ames H.T., Spackman W..pdf (12.43 MB)
1│ │ Catalog of fossil spores and pollen. Volume 42. Cretaceous Spores and Pollen from the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R_Ames H.T., Spackman W..pdf (11.99 MB)
1│ │ Catalog of fossil spores and pollen. Volume 40. Triassic – Cretaceous Spores and Pollen_Ames H.T., Traverse A., Spackman W..pdf (9.15 MB)
1│ │ Cambrian Ocean World_ Ancient Sea Life of North America_John Foster.pdf (21.46 MB)
1│ │ Caballos fósiles de América del Sur _ una historia de tres millones de años_María Teresa Alberdi; José Luis Prado.pdf (16.44 MB)
1│ │ Bringing fossils to life_ an introduction to paleobiology_Prothero, Donald R.epub (68.78 MB)
1│ │ Bringing Fossils to Life_ An Introduction to Paleobiology_Donald R. Prothero.pdf (23.46 MB)
1│ │ Bringing Fossils to Life_ An Introduction to Paleobiology, 3rd Edition_Donald R. Prothero.epub (68.78 MB)
1│ │ Breve storia dell’umanità. Dall’homo sapiens all’homo oeconomicus_Emmanuel Todd.pdf (10.82 MB)
1│ │ Bluetongue_Gaya Prasad; Minakshi and Yashpal Singh Malik.pdf (16.72 MB)
1│ │ Birds of Stone_ Chinese Avian Fossils from the Age of Dinosaurs_Luis M. Chiappe, Meng Qingjin.pdf (85.19 MB)
1│ │ Biotic Recovery from Mass Extinction Events (Geological Society Special Publication No. 102)_M. B. Hart.pdf (60.83 MB)
1│ │ Biostratigraphy_ Microfossils and Geological Time_Brian McGowran.pdf (7.64 MB)
1│ │ Biominerals and Fossils Through Time_Jean-Pierre Cuif, Yannicke Dauphin, James E. Sorauf.pdf (28.28 MB)
1│ │ Biological Consequences of Plate Tectonics_ New Perspectives on Post-Gondwana Break-up–A Tribute to Ashok Sahni_Guntupalli V.R. Prasad, Rajeev Patnaik.pdf (29.55 MB)
1│ │ Bestiario fósil. Mamíferos del pleistoceno en la Argentina_Analía Forasiepi ; Agustín Martineli y Jorge Blanco.pdf (60.84 MB)
1│ │ Beasts Before Us – The Untold Story of Mammal Origins and Evolution_Elsa Panciroli.epub (2.35 MB)
1│ │ B.W.J. Mahy, M. H.V. van Regenmortel – Encyclopedia of Virology, Five-Volume Set, Volume 1-5, Third Edition (2008).pdf (50.11 MB)
1│ │ Avian Evolution_ The Fossil Record of Birds and its Paleobiological Significance (TOPA Topics in Paleobiology)_Gerald Mayr.pdf (15.06 MB)
1│ │ Australia's fossil heritage_ a catalogue of important Australian fossil sites_Australian Heritage Council.pdf (122.03 MB)
1│ │ Australia's fossil heritage _ a catalogue of important Australian fossil sites_Australian Heritage Council.pdf (24.47 MB)
1│ │ Auge y caída de los dinosaurios_Steve Brusatte.epub (6.68 MB)
1│ │ Atlas of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Coastlines_Smith A.G., Smith D.G., Funnell B.M..pdf (27.4 MB)
1│ │ Atlas of Taphonomic Identifications_ 1001+ Images of Fossil and Recent Mammal Bone Modification_Yolanda Fernandez-Jalvo, Peter Andrews.pdf (596.75 MB)
1│ │ Atlas of plants and animals in Baltic amber_Wolfgang; Wichard, Wilfried Weitschat.pdf (25.74 MB)
1│ │ Atlas des fossiles caractéristiques de Madagascar. Fasc.9. Aptien_Collignon M..pdf (23.62 MB)
1│ │ Approaches to Paleoecology_Imbrie J., Newell N. (Eds..pdf (25.69 MB)
1│ │ Antarctic Paleobiology_ Its Role in the Reconstruction of Gondwana_James W. Collinson (auth.), Thomas N. Taylor, Edith L. Taylor (eds.).pdf (24.68 MB)
1│ │ Anoxia_ Evidence for Eukaryote Survival and Paleontological Strategies_Tom Fenchel (auth.), Alexander V. Altenbach, Joan M. Bernhard, Joseph Seckbach (eds.).pdf (15.29 MB)
1│ │ Anatomy, Phylogeny and Palaeobiology of Early Archosaurs and their Kin_Nesbitt S.J., Desojo J.B., Irmis R.B..pdf (115.32 MB)
1│ │ An Introduction to the Microscopical Study of Diatoms_Robert B. McLaughlin.pdf (25.1 MB)
1│ │ Amphibian Evolution_ The Life of Early Land Vertebrates_Rainer R. Schoch.pdf (28.91 MB)
1│ │ Ammonoid Paleobiology_Theo Engeser (auth.), Neil H. Landman, Kazushige Tanabe, Richard Arnold Davis (eds.).pdf (30.75 MB)
1│ │ Ammonoid Paleobiology_ From macroevolution to paleogeography_Christian Klug, Dieter Korn, Kenneth De Baets, Isabelle Kruta, Royal H. Mapes (eds.).pdf (40.87 MB)
1│ │ Ammonites and the Other Cephalopods of the Pierre Seaway_ Identification Guide (Fossils & Dinosaurs)_Neil L. Larson, Steven D. Jorgensen, R. A. Farrar, Peter L. Larson.pdf (21.33 MB)
1│ │ Ammonite Faunas of the Upper Cretaceous Rocks of Vancouver Island, British Columbia_Usher J.L..pdf (13.63 MB)
1│ │ American Megafaunal Extinctions at the End of the Pleistocene (Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology)_Gary Haynes.pdf (9.96 MB)
1│ │ Amber, Resinite, and Fossil Resins_Ken B. Anderson and John C. Crelling (Eds.).pdf (38.37 MB)
1│ │ Almost Human_ The Astonishing Tale of Homo Naledi and the Discovery That Changed Our Human Story_Lee Berger, John Hawks.epub (6.52 MB)
1│ │ Advancing Research on Living and Fossil Cephalopods_ Development and Evolution Form, Construction, and function Taphonomy.pdf (46.08 MB)
1│ │ Advances in South American Micropaleontology_ Selected Papers of the 11th Argentine Paleontological Congress_Gabriela Catalina Cusminsky, Emiliana Bernasconi, Graciela Andrea Concheyro.pdf (82.91 MB)
1│ │ A History of Life in 100 Fossils_Paul D. Taylor, Aaron O'Dea.epub (90.07 MB)
1│ │ A History of Life in 100 Fossils_O'Dea, Aaron;Taylor, Paul D.epub (90.07 MB)
1│ │ A History of British Fossil Mammals and Birds_Richard Owen.pdf (26.44 MB)
1│ │ A Concise Dictionary of Paleontology_Robert L. Carlton.pdf (5.36 MB)
1│ │ A Concise Dictionary of Paleontology_ Second Edition_Robert L. Carlton.pdf (6.84 MB)
1│ │ 46亿年的地球物语_约翰·H.布瑞德雷著;吴奕俊译.pdf (102.45 MB)
1│ │ 33 idées reçues sur la préhistoire_Antoine Balzeau [Balzeau, Antoine].epub (1.34 MB)

├─Plants-Agriculture-and-Forestry植物农业和林业 [文件夹大小:10.92 GB 子文件夹数: 1 子文件数: 479]
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1│ │ 番茄高效栽培.pdf_番茄高效栽培.pdf (161.54 MB)
1│ │ 法布尔植物记_手绘珍藏版(套装共2册_《昆虫记》闻名于世的法布尔又一巨作,所有植物爱好者不可错过的“植物圣经”)_法布尔.epub (19.6 MB)
1│ │ 常见植物野外识别手册_刘全儒, 王辰.pdf (37.39 MB)
1│ │ 草木缘情_中国古典文学中的植物世界(第二版)_潘富俊.epub (25.24 MB)
1│ │ 不列颠百科全书(国际中文版)_美国不列颠百科全书出版社; 中国大百科全书出版社不列颠百科全书编辑部编译.pdf (245.21 MB)
1│ │ Wound Healing, Tissue Repair, and Regeneration in Diabetes_Debasis Bagchi (editor), Amitava Das (editor), Sashwati Roy (editor).pdf (32.69 MB)
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1│ │ Woodwork with Router (Reader's Digest Woodworking)_Bill Hylton.pdf (55.29 MB)
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1│ │ Wine and the Vine_ An Historical Geography of Viticulture and the Wine Trade_Tim Unwin.pdf (8.19 MB)
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1│ │ Wheat flour milling_Hibbs, Arthur N.; Posner, Elieser S.pdf (9.29 MB)
1│ │ Westcott's Plant Disease Handbook_R. Kenneth Horst, R.K. Horst.pdf (19.62 MB)
1│ │ Weed Ecology in Natural and Agricultural Systems_B D Booth.pdf (6.13 MB)
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1│ │ Vie microbienne du sol et production végétale_Davet, Pierre.pdf (66.81 MB)
1│ │ Vegetable Seed Production, Third Edition_Raymond A. T. George.pdf (7.5 MB)
1│ │ Vegetable Oils in Food Technology_ Composition, Properties and Uses_Frank D. Gunstone.pdf (6.54 MB)
1│ │ Vegetable Diseases_ A Colour Handbook_Steven T. Koike, Peter Gladders, Albert O. Paulus.pdf (40.47 MB)
1│ │ Vegetable Crop Science_Rana, Mahesh Kumar.pdf (12.6 MB)
1│ │ Vegetable Brassicas and Related Crucifers_G R Dixon.pdf (6.84 MB)
1│ │ Vascular plants and paleobotany_Sabine Globig; Philip Stewart.pdf (8.58 MB)
1│ │ Urban forests_ ecosystem services and management_Blum, Janaki.pdf (21.72 MB)
1│ │ Ultrasound_ Advances in Food Processing and Preservation_Daniela Bermudez-Aguirre.pdf (12.62 MB)
1│ │ Tropical Root and Tuber Crops_ Cassava, Sweet Potato, Yams, Aroids_V. Lebot.pdf (7.82 MB)
1│ │ Tropical Fruits, Volume 1 (Crop Production Science in Horticulture, Volume 20)_Robert E Paull, Odilo Duarte.pdf (6.85 MB)
1│ │ Tropical Fruits and Other Edible Plants of the World_ An Illustrated Guide_Rolf Blancke.pdf (74.26 MB)
1│ │ Tropical and Subtropical Fruits_ Postharvest Physiology, Processing and Packaging_.pdf (27.72 MB)
1│ │ Trends in non-alcoholic beverages_Galanakis, Charis M.pdf (10.33 MB)
1│ │ Tree _ A Life Story._David Suzuki; Wayne Grady; Peter Bateman.epub (1.79 MB)
1│ │ Traité d'agroécologie. Pour une agriculture naturelle_Joseph Pousset.pdf (13.85 MB)
1│ │ Trace Elements in Soils and Plants_Alina Kabata-Pendias.pdf (13.78 MB)
1│ │ Toward Sustainable Agricultural Systems in the 21st Century (National Research Council)_Committee on Twenty-First Century Systems Agriculture, National Research Council.pdf (9.35 MB)
1│ │ Tomatoes_Ep Heuvelink.pdf (6.97 MB)
1│ │ Tomato production, processing and technology _Wilbur A Gould.pdf (29.5 MB)
1│ │ Tomato Plant Culture_ In the Field, Greenhouse, and Home Garden, Second Edition_J. Benton Jones Jr..pdf (10.86 MB)
1│ │ Tomato Diseases_ A Colour Handbook_Blancard D..pdf (109.66 MB)
1│ │ Therapeutic Foods_Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Alina Maria Holban.pdf (20.64 MB)
1│ │ The Visual Dictionary of Plants & Gardening_Ariane Archambault, Jean-Claude Corbeil.pdf (50.91 MB)
1│ │ The Use of Nutrients in Crop Plants_Nand Kumar Fageria.pdf (10.06 MB)
1│ │ The Ten Pound Plant_ Grow marijuana with ten pound harvests off each plant_Tolstoy, Peter Oscar.epub (1.44 MB)
1│ │ The Survival Gardener's Guide to Growing Your Own Caffeine_ Coffee, Tea, and the Black Drink (Survival Gardener Guides Book 2)_David The Good.epub (138.06 KB)
1│ │ The Soybean_ Botany, Production and Uses_Guriqbal Singh.pdf (6.05 MB)
1│ │ The Soil and Health_ A Study of Organic Agriculture_Albert Howard.pdf (17.34 MB)
1│ │ The Secret Life of Compost_Malcolm Beck, Charles Waters.epub (3.64 MB)
1│ │ The role of plant roots in crop production_N K Fageria.pdf (29.74 MB)
1│ │ The Resilient Farm and Homestead An Innovative Permaculture and Whole Systems Design Approach Chelsea Green Publishing Ben Falk 2013_Ben Falk.pdf (42.58 MB)
1│ │ The Potato_ Botany, Production and Uses_Roy Navarre, Mark J. Pavek.pdf (15.07 MB)
1│ │ The Pineapple_ Botany, Production and Uses_D P Bartholomew, R E Paull, K G Rohrbach.pdf (11.66 MB)
1│ │ The Physiology Of Tropical Orchids In Relation To The Industry, Second Edition_C. S. Hew, J. W. H. Yong.pdf (8.99 MB)
1│ │ The peach_ botany, production and uses_Desmond R Layne, Daniele Bassi.pdf (31.39 MB)
1│ │ The Origins of Agriculture_ An International Perspective_C. Wesley Cowan, Professor Patty Jo Watson, Paul Minnis, Deborah M. Pearsall, Bruce D. Smith, Robin W. Dennell.pdf (16.71 MB)
1│ │ The Organic Seed Grower_ A Farmer's Guide to Vegetable Seed Production_John Navazio.epub (56.48 MB)
1│ │ The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution_ High-Production Methods for Small-Scale Farmers_Andrew Mefferd.pdf (11.88 MB)
1│ │ The Organic No-Till Farming Revolution_ High-Production Methods for Small-Scale Farmers_Andrew Mefferd.epub (39.52 MB)
1│ │ The One-Straw Revolution_ An Introduction to Natural Farming_Masanobu Fukuoka, Larry Korn.pdf (6.04 MB)
1│ │ The Official U.S. Army Illustrated Guide to Edible Wild Plants_Department of the Army.epub (18.64 MB)
1│ │ The Nature and Properties of Soils_Raymond R. Weil, Nyle C. Brady Emeritus Professor.pdf (139.48 MB)
1│ │ The Nature and Properties of Soils, Global Edition_Raymond R. Weil, Nyle C. Brady.pdf (139.48 MB)
1│ │ The myths of safe pesticides_Leu, André; Shiva, Vandana.epub (1.11 MB)
1│ │ The Mango (Cabi)_Richard E Litz.pdf (7.25 MB)
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1│ │ The Living Wisdom of Trees_ A Guide to the Natural History, Symbolism and Healing Power of Trees_Fred Hageneder.epub (95.59 MB)
1│ │ The lime _ botany, production and uses_M. Mumtaz Khan, Rashid Al-Yahyai, Fahad Al-Said.pdf (15.9 MB)
1│ │ The Lean Farm Guide to Growing Vegetables_ More In-Depth Lean Techniques for Efficient Organic Production_Ben Hartman.epub (24.27 MB)
1│ │ The Jigs & Fixtures Bible_ Tips, Tricks, and Techniques For Better Woodworking_DeCristoforo R.J..pdf (35.7 MB)
1│ │ The Ideal Soil 2014_ A Handbook for the New Agriculture_Michael Astera.pdf (6.13 MB)
1│ │ The Handbook of Food and Anthropology_Jakob A. Klein, James L. Watson.pdf (6.91 MB)
1│ │ The Global History of Organic Farming_Gregory A. Barton.pdf (5.65 MB)
1│ │ The food explorer_ the true adventures of the globe-trotting botanist who transformed what America eats_Daniel Stone.epub (6.29 MB)
1│ │ The field guide to peppers_DeWitt, Dave; Lamson, Janie.epub (32.3 MB)
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1│ │ The Fertile Earth_ Nature's Energies in Agriculture, Soil Fertilisation and Forestry _Viktor Schauberger, Callum Coats.pdf (4.74 MB)
1│ │ The Fatal Strain_ On the Trail of Avian Flu and the Coming Pandemic_Alan Sipress.epub (651.64 KB)
1│ │ The Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Handbook_Claudio Peri.pdf (9.54 MB)
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1│ │ The End of Animal Farming_ How Scientists, Entrepreneurs, and Activists Are Building an Animal-Free Food System_Jacy Reese.epub (3.17 MB)
1│ │ The Encyclopedia of Fruit & Nuts_Jules Janick, Robert E. Paull.pdf (29.76 MB)
1│ │ The Compost Tea Brewing Manual_Elaine R. Ingham.pdf (4.92 MB)
1│ │ The Chemistry of Soils_Garrison Sposito.pdf (6.89 MB)
1│ │ The cattle health handbook_ preventive care, disease treatments & emergency procedures for promoting the well-being of your beef or dairy herd_Thomas, Heather Smith.pdf (18.44 MB)
1│ │ The Carbon Farming Solution_ A Global Toolkit of Perennial Crops and Regenerative Agriculture Practices for Climate Change Mitigation and Food Security_Eric Toensmeier.epub (24.1 MB)
1│ │ THE CANNABIS GROW BIBLE_ Growing Marijuana For Beginners How to Grow Marijuana Indoor & Outdoor, The Definitive Guide – Step by Step.epub (5.52 MB)
1│ │ The Botany of Desire_ A Plant's-Eye View of the World_Michael Pollan.epub (353.02 KB)
1│ │ The Book of the Penis_Maggie Paley.epub (991.16 KB)
1│ │ The Bloomsbury Handbook Of Food And Popular Culture_Kathleen Lebesco, Peter Naccarato (Eds.).pdf (8.43 MB)
1│ │ The Biology of Citrus (The Biology of Horticultural Crops)_Pinhas Spiegel-Roy, Eliezer E. Goldschmidt.pdf (16.96 MB)
1│ │ The Beginner's Guide to Beekeeping_ Everything You Need to Know_Daniel Johnson, Samantha Johnson.epub (37.04 MB)
1│ │ The Backyard Homestead Guide to Raising Farm Animals _Gail Damerow.epub (19.35 MB)
1│ │ The Art of Companion Planting with Herbs_ A Little Book Full of All the Information You Need_Atlantic Publishing Group Inc.epub (2.64 MB)
1│ │ The agronomy and economy of turmeric and ginger_ the invaluable medicinal spice crops_K P Prabhakaran Nair.pdf (8.23 MB)
1│ │ Technology of Cheesemaking, Second Edition (Society of Dairy Technology series)_Barry A. Law, Adnan Tamime.pdf (7.58 MB)
1│ │ Technologies for Value Addition in Food Products and Processes_Sankar Chandra Deka, Dibyakanta Seth, Nishant Rachayya Swami Hulle.pdf (14.13 MB)
1│ │ Technological Interventions in the Processing of Fruits and Vegetables_Goyal, Megh Raj; Khan, Khursheed A.; Paul, Prodyut K.; Sehrawat, Rachna.pdf (40.43 MB)
1│ │ Teas, Cocoa and Coffee_ Plant Secondary Metabolites and Health_Alan Crozier, Hiroshi Ashihara, Francisco Tomas-Barbéran.pdf (5.92 MB)
1│ │ Tables of composition and nutritional value of feed materials – Pigs, poultry, cattle, sheep, goats, rabbits, horses and fish_D. Sauvant, J.-M. Perez, G. Tran.pdf (6.2 MB)
1│ │ Sustainable horticulture, Volume 1_Mandal, Debashis; Shukla, Amritesh C.; Siddiqui, Mohammed Wasim.pdf (13.73 MB)
1│ │ Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment in the Humid Tropics_Committee on Sustainable Agriculture and the Environment in the Humid Tropics, National Research Council.pdf (14.15 MB)
1│ │ Sustainable Agricultural Development_ Recent Approaches in Resources Management and Environmentally-Balanced Production Enhancement_Mohamed Behnassi, Sanni Yaya (auth.).pdf (11.74 MB)
1│ │ Sugarcane _ agricultural production, bioenergy and ethanol_Borém, Aluízio; Caldas, Celso; Santos, Fernando.pdf (44.76 MB)
1│ │ Statistics for Agricultural Sciences_Nageswara Rao.pdf (17.29 MB)
1│ │ Statistical Procedures for Agricultural Research_Gomez Kwanchai A., Gomez Arturo A..pdf (13.23 MB)
1│ │ Statistical methods for food science _ introductory procedures for the food practitioner_John A Bower, (Lecturer in food science).pdf (7.07 MB)
1│ │ Starch, Third Edition_ Chemistry and Technology _James N. BeMiller, Roy L. Whistler.pdf (13.11 MB)
1│ │ Soilless Culture – Use of Substrates for the Production of Quality Horticultural Crops_Md. Asaduzzaman.pdf (13.97 MB)
1│ │ Soil-specific farming _ precision agriculture_Lal, R.; Stewart, Bobby Alton.pdf (32.41 MB)
1│ │ Soil Science Simplified_Neal S. Eash, Deb O'Dell, Evah Odoi, Thomas J. Sauer.pdf (15.29 MB)
1│ │ Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis, Second Edition_E.G. Gregorich, M.R. Carter.pdf (12.08 MB)
1│ │ Soil Organic Matter and Its Role in Crop Production_F.E. Allison (Eds.).pdf (12.43 MB)
1│ │ Soil Hydrology, Land Use and Agriculture_ Measurement and Modelling _Manoj K. Shukla.pdf (8.74 MB)
1│ │ Soil Genesis and Classification, Sixth Edition_S. W. Buol, R. J. Southard, R. C. Graham, P. A. McDaniel(auth.).pdf (15.94 MB)
1│ │ Soil Fertility_Issaka R.N..pdf (16.03 MB)
1│ │ Soil Fertility and Fertilizers_John L. Havlin.pdf (19.29 MB)
1│ │ Soil Essentials_ Managing Your Farm's Primary Asset_Roger Hall.pdf (8.5 MB)
1│ │ Soil Erosion and Conservation_R. P. C. Morgan.pdf (6.61 MB)
1│ │ Soil Chemistry_Hinrich L. Bohn, George A. O'Connor, Brian L. McNeal.pdf (62.64 MB)
1│ │ Soil and Water Conservation Engineering_Rodney L. Huffman; Delmar D. Fangmeier; Wiliam J. Elliot; Stephen R. Workman.pdf (30.56 MB)
1│ │ Soft drink and fruit juice problems solved_Ashurst, P. R.; Hargitt, Robert; Palmer, Fiona.pdf (8.13 MB)
1│ │ Sittig's handbook of pesticides and agricultural chemicals_Richard P Pohanish.pdf (11.63 MB)
1│ │ Sheep Book_ Handbook For The Modern Shepherd, Revised & Updated_Ronald B. Parker.pdf (4.56 MB)
1│ │ Sexuality in World History (Themes in World History)_Peter N. Stearns.pdf (4.35 MB)
1│ │ Sekretne życie drzew_Peter Wohlleben.epub (789.8 KB)
1│ │ Seed Testing_ Principles and Practices_Sabry G. Elias, Lawrence O. Copeland, Miller B. McDonald, Riad Z. Baalbaki.pdf (9.94 MB)
1│ │ Seed Storage of Horticultural Crops_S.d. Doijode.pdf (7.41 MB)
1│ │ Seed Money_Bartow J. Elmore.epub (16.78 MB)
1│ │ Science of Ice Cream_Clarke, Chris.pdf (6.18 MB)
1│ │ Science and the Garden_ The Scientific Basis of Horticultural Practice_David S. Ingram, Daphne Vince-Prue, Peter J. Gregory.pdf (22.18 MB)
1│ │ Science and Technology of Enrobed and Filled Chocolate, Confectionery and Bakery Products_G. Talbot.pdf (11.55 MB)
1│ │ Sai cosa mangi-_ La scienza del cibo_Richard W. Hartel, AnnaKate Hartel (auth.).pdf (4.04 MB)
1│ │ Rural Development_ Knowledge and Expertise in Governance_Kristof Van Assche, Anna-katharina Hornridge.pdf (9.1 MB)
1│ │ Rice_ Origin, History, Technology, and Production (Wiley Series in Crop Science)_C. Wayne Smith, Robert H. Dilday.pdf (9.52 MB)
1│ │ Rice _ chemistry and technology_Champagne, Elaine T.pdf (12.53 MB)
1│ │ Rhs Encyclopedia Of Plants And Flowers_Brickell, Christopher.pdf (277.76 MB)
1│ │ Raspberries_Richard C Funt; H K Hall.pdf (6.95 MB)
1│ │ Raising Chickens For Dummies (For Dummies (Math & Science))_Kimberley Willis, Rob Ludlow.pdf (7.38 MB)
1│ │ Quimica Agricola 2da Edición _El suelo y los elementos quimicos esenciales para la vida vegetal (Spanish Edition)_Garcia Gines Navarro y Simon Navarro.pdf (21.62 MB)
1│ │ Quality Control and Evaluation of Herbal Drugs_ Evaluating Natural Products and Traditional Medicine_Pulok K. Mukherjee Dr..pdf (17.19 MB)
1│ │ Psilocybin Mushrooms_ The Perfect Guidebook to Cultivation, Growing and Knowing the Magic Effects_David Nature.epub (1.31 MB)
1│ │ Psilocybin Mushrooms_ Everything You Need to Know About Magic Mushrooms, From History to Medical Perspective. A Real Guide to Cultivation and Safe Use..epub (3 MB)
1│ │ Psilocybin Mushrooms_ An Essential Guide to Understanding, Growing and Using Magic Mushrooms Safely at Home – A Complete Grower’s Handbook_Mark B. Chase.epub (329.54 KB)
1│ │ Psilocybin Mushroom Handbook_ Easy Indoor and Outdoor Cultivation_L. G Nicholas, Kerry Ogamé.epub (4.12 MB)
1│ │ Psilocybin Mushroom Handbook. Easy Indoor and Outdoor Cultivation_Nicholas.pdf (69.32 MB)
1│ │ Profitable Organic Farming_Jon Newton.pdf (3.81 MB)
1│ │ Production and Breeding of Chilli Peppers (Capsicum spp.)_Elizanilda Ramalho do Rêgo, Mailson Monteiro do Rêgo, Fernando Luiz Finger (auth.).pdf (6.34 MB)
1│ │ Principles of Soil and Plant Water Relations_M.B. Kirkham.pdf (13.32 MB)
1│ │ Principles of Horticultural Physiology_Edward F. Durner.pdf (10.29 MB)
1│ │ Principles of Food Chemistry_John M. deMan, John W. Finley, W. Jeffrey Hurst, Chang Yong Lee, (auth.).pdf (24.61 MB)
1│ │ Principles of cereal science and technology_Delcour, Jan A.; Hoseney, R. Carl.pdf (11.89 MB)
1│ │ Principles of Agronomy for Sustainable Agriculture_Francisco J. Villalobos, Elias Fereres (eds.).pdf (15.4 MB)
1│ │ Principles of Agricultural Economics_Andrew Barkley, Paul W. Barkley.pdf (7.75 MB)
1│ │ Principles and Practice of Soil Science_ The Soil as a Natural Resource_Robert E. White.pdf (12.22 MB)
1│ │ Present Knowledge in Nutrition, Volume 2_ Clinical and Applied Topics in Nutrition_Bernadette P. Marriott (editor), Diane F. Birt (editor), Virginia A. Stallings (editor).pdf (30.05 MB)
1│ │ Practical Handbook of Soybean Processing and Utilization_Erickson, David R.pdf (78.88 MB)
1│ │ Practical Guide to Vegetable Oil Processing_Gupta, Monoj.pdf (19.01 MB)
1│ │ Practical Beekeeping_Tompkins Enoch, Griffith Roger.pdf (73.18 MB)
1│ │ Postharvest pathology of fresh horticultural produce_Palou, Lluís; Smilanick, Joseph L..pdf (24.16 MB)
1│ │ Postharvest management of horticultural crops_ practices for quality preservation_Mohammed Wasim Siddiqui, Asgar Ali.pdf (8.18 MB)
1│ │ Postharvest Biology and Technology of Fruits, Vegetables, and Flowers_Gopinadhan Paliyath Ph.D., Dennis P. Murr, Avtar K. Handa, Susan Lurie.pdf (6.09 MB)
1│ │ Post-harvest technology of horticultural crops_Sharon Pastor Simson, Martha C. Straus.pdf (22.83 MB)
1│ │ Post-harvest Technologies for Fruits and Vegetables_Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy.pdf (22.18 MB)
1│ │ Polyphenolics_ food sources, biochemistry and health benefits_Clark, Patricia.pdf (7.74 MB)
1│ │ Planting Wetlands and Dams_ A Practical Guide to Wetland Design, Construction and Propagation, Second Edition_Nick Romanowski.pdf (20.06 MB)
1│ │ Plant Protection. Book4_ How to Diagnose Plant Problems_Ruth M. Kerruish (Ed.).pdf (16.48 MB)
1│ │ Plant Protection. Book3_ Selected Ornamentals, Fruit and Vegetables 2th Ed_Ruth M. Kerruish (Ed.).pdf (45.24 MB)
1│ │ Plant Protection. Book1_ Pests, Diseases and Weeds_Kerruish Ruth M. (Ed.).pdf (48.22 MB)
1│ │ Plant Physiology experimental protocols_Department of Plant Physiology.pdf (4.22 MB)
1│ │ Plant Pathology_Cumagun Christian Joseph R. (Ed.).pdf (16.94 MB)
1│ │ Plant Factory_ An Indoor Vertical Farming System for Efficient Quality Food Production_Toyoki Kozai; Genhua Niu; Michiko Takagaki.pdf (20.09 MB)
1│ │ Plant Breeding_Jack Brown, Peter Caligari, Hugo Campos.pdf (7.16 MB)
1│ │ Plant Breeding_ The Arnel R. Hallauer International Symposium_Arnel R. Hallauer International Symposium on Plant Breeding, Kendall R. Lamkey, Michael Lee, Arnel R. Hallauer.pdf (7.64 MB)
1│ │ Plant Biotechnology_William G. Hopkins.pdf (9.08 MB)
1│ │ Plant Biotechnology_ Current and Future Applications of Genetically Modified Crops_Nigel Halford.pdf (5.02 MB)
1│ │ Plant biotechnology and genetics _ principles, techniques, and applications_C. Neal Stewart Jr.pdf (35.23 MB)
1│ │ Phytotherapies _ efficacy, safety and regulation_Ramzan, Iqbal.pdf (19.93 MB)
1│ │ Physiology of Woody Plants, Third Edition_Stephen G. Pallardy.pdf (12.17 MB)
1│ │ Physical Properties of Foods_ Novel Measurement Techniques and Applications _Ignacio Arana.pdf (10.13 MB)
1│ │ Pests of Fruit Crops_ A Colour Handbook_David V. Alford.pdf (43.29 MB)
1│ │ Pests of Field Crops and Pastures_ Identification and Control_Peter Bailey Ed..pdf (43.86 MB)
1│ │ Pests and Diseases of Potatoes_ A Colour Handbook_Wale S., Platt (Bud) H.W., Cattlin N.D..pdf (16.8 MB)
1│ │ Pesticide Chemistry_ Crop Protection, Public Health, Environmental Safety_Hideo Ohkawa, Hisashi Miyagawa, Philip W. Lee.pdf (6.05 MB)
1│ │ Permakultur kurz und bündig GERMAN _Patrick Whitefield.pdf (3.6 MB)
1│ │ Permakultur & Naturgarten – Nachhaltig gärtnern nach dem Drei-Zonen-Modell_Markus Gastl.pdf (174.45 MB)
1│ │ Permaculture techniques_Bill Mollison.pdf (3.33 MB)
1│ │ Permaculture Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability_David Holmgren.pdf (11.72 MB)
1│ │ Permaculture in humid lanscapes_Bill Mollison.pdf (3.34 MB)
1│ │ Permaculture in arid landscapes_Bill Mollison.pdf (3.12 MB)
1│ │ Permaculture Design A Step by Step Guide Permanent Publications Aranya Patrick Whitefield 2012_Patrick Whitefield.pdf (11.06 MB)
1│ │ Peppers_ Vegetable and Spice Capsicums_Paul W. Bosland, Eric J. Votava.pdf (6.4 MB)
1│ │ Peppers _ botany, production and uses_Vincent M Russo.pdf (6.79 MB)
1│ │ Peas and Beans_Anthony J Biddle.pdf (6.52 MB)
1│ │ Papaya _ biology, cultivation, production and uses_Choudhary, Ravish; Saran, Parmeshwar Lal; Solanki, Ishwar Singh.pdf (9.19 MB)
1│ │ Pane e bugie_Dario Bressanini.epub (433.6 KB)
1│ │ Organic Food and Farming (Introducing Issues With Opposing Viewpoints) _Lauri S Friedman.pdf (18.09 MB)
1│ │ Organic Farming_ New Advances Towards Sustainable Agricultural Systems_C. Sarath Chandran, Sabu Thomas, M. R. Unni.pdf (5.62 MB)
1│ │ Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture_Dilip Nandwani (eds.).pdf (9.47 MB)
1│ │ Organic Farming A Promising Way of Food Production_Petr Konvalina.pdf (16.09 MB)
1│ │ Onions and other vegetable alliums_James L. Brewster.pdf (8.5 MB)
1│ │ One Size Fits None_ A Farm Girl’s Search for the Promise of Regenerative Agriculture_Stephanie Anderson.epub (1.27 MB)
1│ │ Nutritional Strategies of Animal Feed Additives_Abdel Fattah Z. M. Salem, Abdel Fattah Z. M. Salem.pdf (4.97 MB)
1│ │ Nutrition and Feeding of Organic Poultry_R Blair, J Jacob.pdf (5.08 MB)
1│ │ Nutrition and Feeding of Organic Cattle_Robert Blair.pdf (5.06 MB)
1│ │ Nutrients in Beverages_Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Holban, Alina Maria.pdf (25.08 MB)
1│ │ Nutrients for Hydroponics Tissue Culture_Basil John Mason, Lyn Morgan, Peta Jinnath Abdul, Marie Beerman.pdf (7.65 MB)
1│ │ Nutrient Requirements of Poultry_ Ninth Revised Edition, 1994 ( i Nutrient Requirements of Domestic Animals_ i A Series)_Subcommittee on Poultry Nutrition.pdf (17.3 MB)
1│ │ Nutrient Deficiencies of Field Crops_ Guide to Diagnosis and Management_Prakash Kumar, Manoj Kumar Sharma.pdf (34.57 MB)
1│ │ Nursery Management, Second Edition (Landlinks Press)_John Mason.pdf (9.12 MB)
1│ │ Non-alcoholic Beverages_Alexandru Grumezescu (Editor), Alina Maria Holban (Editor).pdf (29.79 MB)
1│ │ No-Till Intensive Vegetable Culture_ Pesticide-Free Methods for Restoring Soil and Growing Nutrient-Rich, High-Yielding Crops_Bryan O'Hara.epub (179.29 MB)
1│ │ Nitrogen fertilizer _ agricultural uses, management practices and environmental effects_Winslow, Karlene.pdf (7.57 MB)
1│ │ New Food Product Development_ From Concept to Marketplace, Third Edition_Gordon W. Fuller.pdf (8.23 MB)
1│ │ Neal Kinsey's Hands-On Agronomy_Neal Kinsey, Charles Walters.epub (992.17 KB)
1│ │ Natural food flavors and colorants_Mathew Attokaran PhD.pdf (19.62 MB)
1│ │ Natural food additives, ingredients and flavourings_David Baines, Richard Seal.pdf (23.27 MB)
1│ │ Natural Beverages_ Volume 13_ The Science of Beverages_Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu and Alina Maria Holban.pdf (24.91 MB)
1│ │ Natural and Artificial Flavoring Agents and Food Dyes_Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Alina Maria Holban.pdf (27.38 MB)
1│ │ Mouthfeel_ How Texture Makes Taste_Ole G. Mouritsen and Klavs Styrbæk.pdf (34.98 MB)
1│ │ Modern Livestock and Poultry Production, 8th Edition _James R. Gillespie, Frank B. Flanders.pdf (31.62 MB)
1│ │ Miniature Bonsai. The Complete Guide to Super-Mini Bonsai_Terutoshi Iwai.pdf (13.64 MB)
1│ │ Milk-based beverages_Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai; Holban, Alina Maria (editors).pdf (18.39 MB)
1│ │ Milk and Dairy Products in Human Nutrition_ Production, Composition and Health_.pdf (11.83 MB)
1│ │ Microorganisms and Fermentation of Traditional Foods_Ramesh C. Ray, Montet Didier.pdf (12.73 MB)
1│ │ Microbiology for sustainable agriculture, soil health, and environmental protection_Verma, Deepak Kumar.pdf (13.15 MB)
1│ │ Methods in Food Analysis_Rui M. S. Cruz, Igor Khmelinskii, Margarida Vieira.pdf (8.75 MB)
1│ │ Methods in Agricultural Chemical Analysis_ A Practical Handbook (CABI Publishing)_N. T. Faithfull.pdf (4.71 MB)
1│ │ Meine Kräuter des Waldes_Wolf-Dieter Storl.epub (24.19 MB)
1│ │ Mathematical Modelling in Animal Nutrition_James France, Ermias Kebreab.pdf (7.11 MB)
1│ │ MASTERING HYDROPONICS 101_ A Quick Start to Grow Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs Without Soil_Waston Collins.pdf (3.67 MB)
1│ │ Marijuana Horticulture Fundamentals_ A Comprehensive Guide to Cannabis Cultivation and Hashish Production_Kenneth Morrow, K of Trichome Technologies.epub (149.56 MB)
1│ │ Marijuana Grower's Handbook_ Your Complete Guide for Medical and Personal Marijuana Cultivation_Ed Rosenthal, Tommy Chong.epub (98.94 MB)
1│ │ Manufacturing Yogurt and Fermented Milks_Ramesh C. Chandan, Arun Kilara.pdf (9.33 MB)
1│ │ Manuales de Identificacion – Hongos_Læssøe, Thomas.pdf (47.57 MB)
1│ │ Manual on the Production and Use of Live Food for Aquaculture_Patrick Lavens.pdf (8.7 MB)
1│ │ Management Of Horticultural Crops_Martha C.Straus Sharon Pastor Simson.pdf (27.61 MB)
1│ │ Livestock housing_ Modern management to ensure optimal health and welfare of farm animals_Andres Aland, Thomas Banhazi.pdf (11.22 MB)
1│ │ Litchi and longan_ botany, production, and uses_Christopher Menzel, Geoff K Waite.pdf (10.04 MB)
1│ │ Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 8th edition by David L. Nelson, Michael M. Cox, Aaron A. Hoskins_Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry 8th edition.pdf (58.14 MB)
1│ │ Lactic acid fermentation of fruits and vegetables_Spiros Paramithiotis.pdf (19.06 MB)
1│ │ La vida secreta de los árboles_Peter Wohlleben.epub (2.2 MB)
1│ │ L'arte dell'agricoltura e Libro sugli alberi_Lucio Giunio Moderato Columella, a cura di Carlo Carena e Rosa Calzecchi Onesti.pdf (35.73 MB)
1│ │ Kent’s Technology of Cereals, Fifth Edition_ An Introduction for Students of Food Science and Agriculture_Kurt A. Rosentrater, Anthony D Evers.pdf (45.18 MB)
1│ │ Keeping Bees with a Smile_ Principles and Practice of Natural Beekeeping_Fedor Lazutin, Leo Sharashkin (editor).pdf (11.9 MB)
1│ │ JADAM organic farming_ the way to ultra-low-cost agriculture_Cho, Youngsang.epub (98.71 MB)
1│ │ JADAM Organic Farming_ The way to Ultra-Low-Cost agriculture_Youngsang Cho.pdf (11.39 MB)
1│ │ Introduction to the Chemistry of Food_Dr. Michael Zeece.pdf (16.93 MB)
1│ │ Introduction to Soil Chemistry_ Analysis and Instrumentation_Alfred R. Conklin, Jr..pdf (17.35 MB)
1│ │ Introduction to Plant Pathology_Richard N. Strange.pdf (10.92 MB)
1│ │ Introduction to Horticultural Science_Richard N. Arteca.pdf (211.89 MB)
1│ │ Introduction to Food Engineering, Fourth Edition (Food Science and Technology)_R. Paul Singh, Dennis R. Heldman.pdf (10.53 MB)
1│ │ Introduction to Agronomy Food, Crops, and Environment_Craig C. Sheaffer, Kristine M Moncada.pdf (57.35 MB)
1│ │ Introduccion A La Permacultura (Diseno de habitats humanos sostenibles) Spanish_Bill Mollison.pdf (32.57 MB)
1│ │ Interpreting Soil Test Results_ What Do All the Numbers Mean-_Pam Hazelton, Brian Murphy.pdf (6.25 MB)
1│ │ Interpretation of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing_Puncochar, Daniel E.; Evans, Ken.pdf (7.2 MB)
1│ │ Integrated Pest Management for Crops and Pastures_Paul A. Horne, Jessica Page.pdf (8.08 MB)
1│ │ Innovations in Food Packaging_Jung H. Han (Eds.).pdf (30.27 MB)
1│ │ Innovation in Agriculture with IoT and AI_Suchismita Satapathy.pdf (7.24 MB)
1│ │ Ingenieria En Alimentos Food Process Engineering Spanish_Shri Sharma (Author).pdf (151.58 MB)
1│ │ Inference to the Best Explanation_Peter Lipton.pdf (4.08 MB)
1│ │ Indigenous Fruit Trees in the Tropics _Festus K Akinnifesi, Roger B Leakey, Oluyede C Ajayi, Gudeta Sileshi, Zac Tchoundjeu, P Matacala, F R Kwesiga.pdf (5.04 MB)
1│ │ Hyperspectral remote sensing of vegetation. Volume IV, Advanced applications in remote sensing of agricultural crops and natural vegetation_Huete, Alfredo; Lyon.pdf (16.36 MB)
1│ │ Hydroponics 101_ A Complete Guide_.pdf (4.61 MB)
1│ │ Hydroponics – A Practical Guide for the Soilless Grower_J. Benton Jones Jr..pdf (13.35 MB)
1│ │ Hydroponic gardening _ a practical guide to growing plants without soil_Smith, Rob; Dalton, Lon.epub (4.65 MB)
1│ │ How to Start a Plant Propagation Nursery_Haskell, Dwayne.epub (444.33 KB)
1│ │ How To Grow Mushrooms For Fun And Profit_Jackson Forrest.pdf (5.41 MB)
1│ │ Horticultural plant breeding_Orton, Thomas J.pdf (15.35 MB)
1│ │ Hobby Hydroponics_Howard M. Resh.pdf (28.69 MB)
1│ │ História das Agriculturas do Mundo – Do Neolítico À Crise Contemporânea_Marcel Mazoyer, Laurence Roudart.pdf (6.4 MB)
1│ │ Herbicides – Properties, Synthesis and Control of Weeds_Hasaneen Mohammed Naguib Abd El-Ghany (Ed.).pdf (20.7 MB)
1│ │ Hemp_ Industrial Production and Uses_Pierre Bouloc (Ed.), Serge Allegret (Ed.), Laurent Arnaud (Ed.).pdf (7.89 MB)
1│ │ Hartmann & Kester’s Plant Propagation_ Principles and Practices_Hudson T Hartmann; Dale E Kester; Fred T Davies; R L Geneve.pdf (90.22 MB)
1│ │ Handbook on Natural Pigments in Food and Beverages. Industrial Applications for Improving Food Color_Reinhold Carle, Ralf Schweiggert.pdf (17.1 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Spices, Seasonings, and Flavorings_Susheela Raghavan.pdf (10.36 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of seed physiology_ applications to agriculture_Benech-Arnold R.L., Sánchez R.A. (Ed.).pdf (11 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Probiotics and Prebiotics_Yuan Kun Lee, Seppo Salminen (eds.).pdf (7.56 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Probiotics and Prebiotics, 2nd edition_Yuan Kun Lee, Seppo Salminen.pdf (6.68 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Poultry Science and Technology, Secondary Processing (Volume 2)_Isabel Guerrero-Legarreta Ph.D,.pdf (5.44 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Poultry Science and Technology, Primary Processing (Volume 1)_Isabel Guerrero-Legarreta Ph.D.pdf (6.59 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Plant Disease Identification and Management_Balaji Aglave.pdf (131.35 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Plant and Crop Stress_Mohammad Pessarakli.pdf (33.85 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Plant and Crop Physiology, Third Edition_Mohammad Pessarakli.pdf (14.05 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Plant & Crop Physiology Revised & Expanded_Mohammad Pessarakli.pdf (11.52 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of pineapple technology_ production, postharvest science, processing and nutrition_Lobo, Maria Gloria; Paull, Robert E.pdf (13.13 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Pesticides_ Methods of Pesticide Residues Analysis_Leo M.L. Nollet, Hamir S. Rathore.pdf (10.71 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Operations Research in Agriculture and the Agri-Food Industry_Lluis M. Plà-Aragonés.pdf (11.32 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Nutraceuticals Volume II_ Scale-Up, Processing and Automation_Yashwant Vishnupant Pathak.pdf (10.27 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Meat Processing_Fidel Toldrá.pdf (9.63 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Meat and Meat Processing, Second Edition_Y. H. Hui.pdf (21.56 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Mango Fruit_ Production, Postharvest Science, Processing Technology and Nutrition_Muhammad Siddiq, Jeffrey K. Brecht, Jiwan S. Sidhu.pdf (10.61 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Fruits and Fruit Processing, Second Edition_.pdf (10.69 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Frozen Food Processing and Packaging, Second Edition_Da-Wen Sun.pdf (62.25 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of food science, technology, and engineering_Y. H. Hui, Frank Sherkat.pdf (36.33 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of food science and technology 3_ Food biochemistry and technology_Jeantet, Romain.pdf (25.33 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of food processing _ food safety, quality, and manufacturing processes_Tzia, Constantina; Varzakas, Theodoros.pdf (14.97 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Food Preservation_M. Shafiur Rahman (editor).pdf (25.55 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Food Chemistry_Peter Chi Keung Cheung, Bhavbhuti M. Mehta.pdf (28.92 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Food Analytical Chemistry, Pigments, Colorants, Flavors, Texture, and Bioactive Food Components_Ronald E. Wrolstad, Terry E. Acree.pdf (89.33 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Food Analysis Instruments_Semih Otles.pdf (15.22 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Food Additives, Third Edition _Michael and Irene Ash.pdf (21.45 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Fermented Meat and Poultry_Fidel Toldrá, Iciar Astiasaran, Joseph Sebranek, Regine Talon, Y. H. Hui.pdf (12.85 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Fermented Food and Beverage Technology, Second Edition_ Handbook of Plant-Based Fermented Food and Beverage Technology, Second Edition.pdf (45.77 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Fermented Food and Beverage Technology, Second Edition_ Handbook of Animal-Based Fermented Food and Beverage Technology_Y. H. Hui, E. Özgül Evranuz.pdf (34.23 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Drying of Vegetables and Vegetable Products_Min Zhang, Bhesh Bhandari, Zhongxiang Fang.pdf (17.35 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Dairy Foods Analysis_Leo M.L. Nollet, Fidel Toldra.pdf (17.65 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of climate change and agroecosystems _ the agricultural model intercomparison and improvement project integrated crop and economic assessments_Daniel Hillel.pdf (307.72 MB)
1│ │ Handbook Of Bacteriology_Amrita Rohilla.pdf (22.42 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Agricultural Entomology_H. F. van Emden(auth.).pdf (28.79 MB)
1│ │ Handbook of Advanced Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Techniques_Michal Holcapek, Wm. Craig Byrdwell.pdf (16.4 MB)
1│ │ Handbook for Composting and Compost Use in Organic Horticulture_Van der Wurff, A.W.G., Fuchs J.G., Raviv M., Termorshuizen A.J. (Eds).pdf (6.56 MB)
1│ │ HACCP and ISO 22000_ Application to Foods of Animal Origin (Institute of Food Science and Technology Series)_Ioannis S. Arvanitoyannis.pdf (6.67 MB)
1│ │ Growth and Mineral Nutrition of Field Crops _Nand Kumar Fageria, Virupax C. Baligar, Charles Allan Jones.pdf (19.92 MB)
1│ │ Growing Mushrooms_ The Complete Grower’s Guide to Becoming a Mushroom Expert and Starting Cultivation at Home_Aaron Martinez.epub (3.4 MB)
1│ │ Grow Fruit _Alan Buckingham.pdf (40.75 MB)
1│ │ Green Cities_ Urban Growth And the Environment_Matthew E. Kahn.pdf (4.32 MB)
1│ │ Great Fruit & Vegetable Guide _Ann Baggaley.pdf (33.9 MB)
1│ │ Grapes_Creasy, Glen L.; Creasy, Leroy L.pdf (30.56 MB)
1│ │ Grapes (Crop Production Science in Horticulture, Volume 16)_G.L. Creasy, L.L. Creasy.pdf (17.43 MB)
1│ │ Fundamentals of Soil Science_Henry D. Foth.pdf (18.05 MB)
1│ │ Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering_Romeo T. Toledo; Rakesh K Singh; Fanbin Kong.pdf (19.79 MB)
1│ │ Fundamentals of Food Biotechnology_Byong H. Lee.pdf (11.63 MB)
1│ │ Fruit Juices_ Extraction, Composition, Quality and Analysis_Gaurav Rajauria, Brijesh K. Tiwari.pdf (20.26 MB)
1│ │ Fruit and vegetables_ harvesting, handling, and storage_Keith Thompson.pdf (9.41 MB)
1│ │ Forests_ A Very Short Introduction_Ghazoul, Jaboury.epub (4.1 MB)
1│ │ Forests in permaculture_Bill Mollison.pdf (3.15 MB)
1│ │ Forest nursery manual _ production of bareroot seedlings_Mary L Duryea; Thomas D Landis; Oregon State University. Nursery Technology Cooperative.; United States.pdf (10.82 MB)
1│ │ Forest Management_Steven P. Grossberg, Steven P. Grossberg.pdf (12 MB)
1│ │ Food, Fermentation, and Micro-organisms_Charles W. Bamforth, David J. Cook.pdf (12.26 MB)
1│ │ Food _ a Very Short Introduction_Krebs, John.epub (140.19 KB)
1│ │ Food Science and Technology_Geoffrey Campbell-Platt.epub (25.91 MB)
1│ │ Food Safety Management. A Practical Guide for the Food Industry_Yasmine Motarjemi and Huub Lelieveld (Eds.).pdf (37.73 MB)
1│ │ Food Safety for the 21st Century_ Managing Haccp and Food Safety Throughout the Global Supply Chain_Carol Wallace, William H. Sperber, Sara Mortimore.pdf (11.53 MB)
1│ │ Food Process Engineering and Technology, Third Edition_Berk, Zeki.pdf (39.78 MB)
1│ │ Food Plant Sanitation_ Design, Maintenance, and Good Manufacturing Practices_Michael M. Cramer.pdf (19.75 MB)
1│ │ Food packaging and preservation_Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Alina Maria Holban.pdf (22.78 MB)
1│ │ Food Frying_ Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Safety_Alam Zeb.pdf (20.01 MB)
1│ │ Food Engineering Handbook, Two Volume Set_ Food Engineering Handbook_ Food Process Engineering_Theodoros Varzakas, Constantina Tzia.pdf (14.56 MB)
1│ │ Food emulsions _ principles, practices, and techniques_McClements, David Julian.pdf (24.01 MB)
1│ │ Food and Beverage Packaging Technology _Richard Coles, Mark J. Kirwan.pdf (17.74 MB)
1│ │ Food Analysis_S. Suzanne Nielsen.pdf (27.63 MB)
1│ │ Food Analysis Laboratory Manual_S. Suzanne Nielsen (auth.).pdf (5.14 MB)
1│ │ Food Additives Data Book _Jim Smith, Lily Hong-Shum.pdf (9.17 MB)
1│ │ Foliar Fertilization_ Scientific Principles and Field Practices_Fernández V., Sotiropoulos T., Brown P..pdf (16.2 MB)
1│ │ Flowers in the Blood_ The Story of Opium_Jeff Goldberg, William Burroughs, Dean Latimer.epub (8.61 MB)
1│ │ Flavours and Fragrances_ Chemistry, Bioprocessing and Sustainability_Ralf Günter Berger.pdf (17.89 MB)
1│ │ Flavonoids. Chemistry, Biochemistry and Applications_Oyvind M. Andersen, Kenneth R. Markham.pdf (14.05 MB)
1│ │ Field Manual of Diseases on Fruits and Vegetables_R. Kenneth Horst (auth.).pdf (3.91 MB)
1│ │ Fertilizers Properties Applications and Effects_Langdon R. Elsworth, Walter O. Paley.pdf (8.05 MB)
1│ │ Fertigation_ A Tool for Efficient Fertilizer and Water Management_Kafkafi U., Tarchitzky J..pdf (5.2 MB)
1│ │ Fermenting Everything How to Make Your Own Cultured Butter, Fermented Fish, Perfect Kimchi, and Beyond_Andy Hamilton.epub (41.47 MB)
1│ │ Fermented Foods and Beverages of the World_Jyoti Prakash Tamang, Kasipathy Kailasapathy.pdf (11.53 MB)
1│ │ Fats and Oils Formulating and Processing for Applications – Formulating and Processing_Richard D. O'Brien.pdf (8.29 MB)
1│ │ Farming with Nature – The Science and Practice of Ecoagriculture_Sara J. Scherr, Jeffrey A. McNeely.pdf (6.63 MB)
1│ │ Farbatlas Alte Obstsorten_Eckhart Fritz.pdf (32.76 MB)
1│ │ Factors of Soil Formation_ A System of Quantitative Pedology_Hans Jenny.pdf (7.82 MB)
1│ │ Eyewitness_ Farm_DK, Ned Halley.pdf (23.32 MB)
1│ │ Extrusion Processing Technology – Food and Non-Food Biomaterials_J. M. Bouvier, Osvaldo H. Campanella.pdf (31.83 MB)
1│ │ Extracting Bioactive Compounds for Food Products Theory and Applications_M. Angela A. Meireles.pdf (13.18 MB)
1│ │ Exotic Fruits and Nuts of the New World_Odilio Duarte, Robert E. Paull.pdf (8.09 MB)
1│ │ Essentials of Food Science_Vickie Vaclavik, Elizabeth W. Christian, Tad Campbell.pdf (20.34 MB)
1│ │ Essential Oils in Food Processing_ Chemistry, Safety and Applications_Seyed Mohammed Bagher Hashemi, Amin Mousavi Khaneghah, Anderson de Souza Sant’Ana.pdf (10.03 MB)
1│ │ Essential Oils in Food Preservation, Flavor and Safety_Preedy, Victor R.pdf (19.71 MB)
1│ │ Essential Guide to Food Additives_Mike Saltmarsh, Sue Barlow, Vanessa Richardson, Anne-Laure Robin, David Jukes.pdf (6.94 MB)
1│ │ Equine Massage_ A Practical Guide 2nd Edition (Howell Equestrian Library)_Jean-Pierre, LMT Hourdebaigt.pdf (8.34 MB)
1│ │ Enzymes in Food Technology_Robert J. Whitehurst, Maarten Van Oort.pdf (7.43 MB)
1│ │ Enzymes in food biotechnology_ production, applications, and future prospects_Kuddus, Mohammed.pdf (34.95 MB)
1│ │ Encyclopedia of Forest Sciences, Four-Volume Set, Volume 1-4_Julian Evans, John A. Youngquist, Jeffery Burley.pdf (52.76 MB)
1│ │ Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems, Second Edition_ 5-volume set_Neal K. Van Alfen.pdf (155.16 MB)
1│ │ Enciclopedia de las Plagas y Enfermedades de las Plantas_Pippa Greenwood.pdf (98.6 MB)
1│ │ Edible oils _ extraction, processing, and applications_Smain Chemat.pdf (7.46 MB)
1│ │ Edible Films and Coatings for Food Applications_Attila E. Pavlath, William Orts (auth.), Kerry C. Huber, Milda E. Embuscado (eds.).pdf (7.41 MB)
1│ │ Edible and medicinal mushrooms _ technology and applications_Diego Cunha Zied, Arturo Pardo-Giménez.pdf (34.77 MB)
1│ │ Ecology, Planning, and Management of Urban Forests_ International Perspective (Springer Series on Environmental Management)_Margaret M. Carreiro.pdf (9.74 MB)
1│ │ Drip irrigation_ technology, management, and efficiency_Steele, Alfred H.pdf (7.03 MB)
1│ │ Diseno de Procesos En Ingenieria Quimica Spanish_Arturo Jimenez Gutierrez.pdf (29.22 MB)
1│ │ Diseases of Tropical Fruit Crops_Randy C Ploetz.pdf (15.71 MB)
1│ │ Dirt to Soil_ One Family’s Journey into Regenerative Agriculture_Gabe Brown.pdf (42.62 MB)
1│ │ Dirt to Soil One Family’s Journey into Regenerative Agriculture_Gabe Brown.epub (38.14 MB)
1│ │ Diet, Microbiome and Health_Alexandru Mihai Grumezescu, Alina Maria Holban.epub (11.52 MB)
1│ │ Designing Urban Agriculture A Complete Guide to the Planning, Design, Construction, Maintenance and Management of Edible Landscapes_April Philips.pdf (133.81 MB)
1│ │ Cultural Encyclopedia of the Penis_Michael Kimmel, Christine Milrod, Amanda Kennedy.pdf (5.74 MB)
1│ │ Cultivar un huerto para Dummies_Grazia Cacciola.epub (7.69 MB)
1│ │ Crop rotations_ farming practices, monitoring and environmental benefits_Ma, Bao-Luo.pdf (7.94 MB)
1│ │ Crop Rotation on Organic Farms_ A Planning Manual_Charles L. Mohler, Sue Ellen Johnson.pdf (4.78 MB)
1│ │ Crop Physiology _ Applications for Genetic Improvement and Agronomy_Victor O Sadras; Daniel Calderini.pdf (52.88 MB)
1│ │ Crop ecology _ productivity and management in agricultural systems_D J Connor; R S Loomis; Kenneth G Cassman.pdf (17.13 MB)
1│ │ Corn Crop Production_ Growth, Fertilization and Yield_Arn T. Danforth, Arn T. Danforth.pdf (8.47 MB)
1│ │ Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Fruits and Vegetables_A Keith Thompson.pdf (6.24 MB)
1│ │ Confectionery Science and Technology_Richard W. Hartel, Joachim H. von Elbe, Randy Hofberger.pdf (19.57 MB)
1│ │ Concepts And Applications In Agricultural Engineering Textbook Student Edition _Dash, N.B. & Mohanty, M.K..pdf (15.48 MB)
1│ │ Coffee_ Botany, Biochemistry and Production of Beans and Beverage_M.N. Clifford.pdf (50.39 MB)
1│ │ Cocoa and Coffee Fermentations_Rosane F. Schwan, Graham H. Fleet.pdf (26.29 MB)
1│ │ Clean Meat_ How Growing Meat Without Animals Will Revolutionize Dinner and the World_Paul Shapiro.epub (2.12 MB)
1│ │ Classic Farm Tractors 200 of the Best, Worst, and Most Fascinating Tractors of All Time_Pripps R.N., Sanders R.W..pdf (100.29 MB)
1│ │ Citrus_Albrigo, Leo Gene; Stelinski, Lukasz L.; Timmer, L. W..pdf (8.16 MB)
1│ │ Citrus genetics, breeding and biotechnology_I Khan.pdf (10.4 MB)
1│ │ Citrus Fruit_ Biology, Technology and Evaluation_Milind Ladaniya.pdf (9.83 MB)
1│ │ Chocolate_ Cocoa Byproducts Technology, Rheology, Styling, and Nutrition_Elevina Pèrez Sira.pdf (12.87 MB)
1│ │ Chocolate, Cocoa and Confectionery_ Science and Technology_Bernard W. Minifie Ph.D. (auth.).pdf (22.86 MB)
1│ │ Chocolate Science and Technology_Emmanuel Ohene Afoakwa.pdf (11.25 MB)
1│ │ Chocolate science and technology_Afoakwa, Emmanuel Ohene.pdf (26.35 MB)
1│ │ Chickens, ducks and bees _ a beginner's guide to keeping livestock in the garden_Paul Peacock.epub (1.7 MB)
1│ │ Chick Days_ An Absolute Beginner's Guide to Raising Chickens _Jenna Woginrich.epub (12.66 MB)
1│ │ Cherries_ Botany, Production and Uses_José Quero-García, Amy Iezzoni, Joanna Puławska, Gregory Lang.pdf (16.88 MB)
1│ │ Chemistry of Food Additives and Preservatives_Titus A. M. Msagati.pdf (6 MB)
1│ │ Chemistry and Technology of Soft Drinks and Fruit Juices_Philip R. Ashurst.pdf (11.19 MB)
1│ │ Chemical Pesticides – Mode of Action and Toxicology_Stenersen.pdf (4.72 MB)
1│ │ Chemical Analysis of Food_ Techniques and Applications_Yolanda Pico (editor).pdf (33.94 MB)
1│ │ Carrots and Related Vegetable Umbelliferae (Crop Production Science in Horticulture, Volume 10)_C F Quiros, V E Rubatzky, P W Simon.pdf (16.05 MB)
1│ │ Carbohydrate chemistry for food scientists_BeMiller, James N.pdf (11.63 MB)
1│ │ Cannabis Cultivation _ a Complete Grower's Guide_Mel Thomas.pdf (47.67 MB)
1│ │ Call of the Reed Warbler_ A New Agriculture – A New Earth_Charles Massy.epub (3.16 MB)
1│ │ Building a Sustainable Business_ A Guide to Developing a Business Plan for Farms and Rural Businesses_Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture.pdf (6.97 MB)
1│ │ Building a Better World in Your Backyard Instead of Being Angry at the Bad Guys_Paul Wheaton, Shawn Klassen-Koop.epub (17.19 MB)
1│ │ Brewing Materials and Processes. A Practical Approach to Beer Excellence_Charles Bamforth.pdf (11.68 MB)
1│ │ Brewery Operations Manual_Tom Hennessy.epub (4.21 MB)
1│ │ breeding plantation tree crops tropical species_S. Mohan Jain, P.M. Priyadarshan.pdf (18.52 MB)
1│ │ Bonsai Techniques_John Y. Naka.pdf (13.49 MB)
1│ │ Blueberries_Jorge B. Retamales, James F. Hancock.pdf (5.99 MB)
1│ │ Blueberries_Hancock, James F.; Retamales, Jorge B.pdf (5.88 MB)
1│ │ Blackberries and their hybrids_Funt, Richard C.; Hall, Harvey K.pdf (11.61 MB)
1│ │ Bionanotechnology to Save the Environment_ Plant and Fishery’s Biomass as Alternative to Petrol_Pierfrancesco Morganti.pdf (33.43 MB)
1│ │ Biology of soil science_Charlotte Jhonson.pdf (23.87 MB)
1│ │ Biological Control in Plant Protection_ A Colour Handbook, Second Edition_Neil Helyer, Nigel D. Cattlin, Kevin C. Brown.pdf (19 MB)
1│ │ Biochemistry of foods_Neason A Eskin.pdf (20.67 MB)
1│ │ Big Chicken_ The Incredible Story of How Antibiotics Created Modern Agriculture and Changed the Way the World Eats_Maryn McKenna.epub (1.92 MB)
1│ │ Beef Cattle_ Keeping a Small-Scale Herd for Pleasure and Profit_Ann Larkin Hansen.epub (7.64 MB)
1│ │ Bee Basics_ An Introduction to Our Native Bees_Stephen Buchmann, Beatriz Moisset, Forest Service (U.S.), Pollinator Partnership, Steve Buchanan.pdf (4.23 MB)
1│ │ Basic hydroponics for everyone for Australia and New Zealand_Joe Romer.epub (3.82 MB)
1│ │ Bananas and Plantains_J. C. Robinson, V. Galán Saúco.pdf (8.2 MB)
1│ │ Backyard Farming_ Raising Pigs_Kim Pezza.epub (7.93 MB)
1│ │ Backyard Beekeeping_ Everything You Need to Know to Start Your First Hive_David Burns,Sheri Burns.epub (2.93 MB)
1│ │ Australian Soil and Land Survey Field Handbook (Australian Soil and Land Survey Handbooks Series)_The National Committee for Soil and Terrain.pdf (7.85 MB)
1│ │ Aquaponic For Beginners_ A step by step complete guide for beginners on how to build their Aquaponics_Garret, Denis.epub (1.91 MB)
1│ │ Apples_ Botany, Production and Uses_D. C. Ferree, I. Warrington.pdf (18.48 MB)
1│ │ Animal Nutrition Science_G. Dryden.epub (5.5 MB)
1│ │ Analysis of pesticides in food and environmental samples_Jose L. Tadeo.pdf (8 MB)
1│ │ An Introduction to Plant Breeding_Jack Brown, Peter D.S. Caligari(auth.).pdf (4.49 MB)
1│ │ Almonds_ Botany, Production and Uses_Rafel Socias i Company, Thomas M. Gradziel.pdf (24.3 MB)
1│ │ Agronomy _ crops and cropping systems_Agropolis International.pdf (11.53 MB)
1│ │ Agronomic Handbook_ Management of Crops, Soils and Their Fertility_Jr., J. Benton Jones.pdf (11.99 MB)
1│ │ Agro-techniques of selected medicinal plants_India. National Medicinal Plants Board, Energy and Resources Institute.pdf (6.53 MB)
1│ │ Agriculture_ A Very Short Introduction_Paul Brassley;Richard Soffe.epub (2.49 MB)
1│ │ Agricultural systems _ economics, technology and diversity_Oliver W Castalonge.pdf (10.27 MB)
1│ │ Agricultural seed production_Raymond A T George.pdf (5.53 MB)
1│ │ Agricultural Science_Aflakpui Godwin.pdf (15.42 MB)
1│ │ Agribusiness_ Principles of Management_David Van Fleet, Ella Van Fleet, George J. Seperich.pdf (96.45 MB)
1│ │ Advancing Biological Farming_ Practicing Mineralized, Balanced Agriculture to Improve Soil & Crops_Gary Zimmer, Leilani Zimmer-Durand.epub (2.02 MB)
1│ │ Advances in soil and water conservation_Frye, Wilbur W.; Pierce, Francis J.pdf (13.95 MB)
1│ │ Advances in deep-fat frying of foods_Servet Gulum Sumnu, Serpil Sahin.pdf (8.74 MB)
1│ │ Advances in Dairy Products_Francesco Conto, Matteo A. Del Nobile, Michele Faccia, Angelo V. Zambrini, Amalia Conte.pdf (9.34 MB)
1│ │ A Textbook of Agronomy_B. Chandrasekaran; K. Annadurai; E.Somasundaram.pdf (9.16 MB)
1│ │ A Textbook of Agricultural Entomology_David V. Alford.pdf (25.54 MB)
1│ │ A Handbook for Sensory and Consumer-Driven New Product Development. Innovative Technologies for the Food and Beverage Industry_Maurice O'Sullivan.pdf (10.16 MB)
1│ │ A Garden of Marvels_ How We Discovered that Flowers Have Sex, Leaves Eat Air, and Other Secrets of Plants_Ruth Kassinger.epub (1.31 MB)
1│ │ A Complete Course in Canning and Related Processes, Fourteenth Edition_ Volume 2 Microbiology, Packaging, HACCP and Ingredients_Susan Featherstone.pdf (12.28 MB)
1│ │ 400种野菜采摘图鉴_董淑炎.epub (35.12 MB)
1│ │ Rooftop Urban Agriculture_Francesco Orsini,Marielle Dubbeling,Henk de Zeeuw,Giorgio Gianquinto (eds.).pdf (18.54 MB)


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