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470本国内外经典热门人工智能/深度学习/机器学习/自然语言处理Computer AI Book系列中英文书籍PDF+EPUB电子版百度网盘资源合集_赚钱


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470本国内外经典热门人工智能/深度学习/机器学习/自然语言处理Computer AI Book系列中英文书籍PDF+EPUB电子版百度网盘资源合集_赚钱


470本国内外经典热门人工智能/深度学习/机器学习/自然语言处理Computer AI Book系列中英文书籍PDF+EPUB电子版百度网盘资源合集_赚钱

本文收集整理了近两年国内外经典热门人工智能Computer AI Book系列书籍,百度网盘分享,文件大小共11.2G,共470本中文英文书籍,涵盖PDF+EPUB电子版格式,包含人工智能+深度学习+机器学习+自然语言处理……等类别。


├─【Computer-AI人工智能深度学习系列书籍】 [文件夹大小:11.23 GB 子文件夹数: 2 子文件数: 0]
1│ ├─深度学习_伊恩•古德费洛 [文件夹大小:31.01 MB 子文件夹数: 1 子文件数: 0]
2│ │ ├─约书亚•本吉奥 [文件夹大小:31.01 MB 子文件夹数: 0 子文件数: 1]
3│ │ │ │ 亚伦•库维尔.pdf (31.01 MB)
1│ ├─pdf+epub [文件夹大小:11.2 GB 子文件夹数: 0 子文件数: 470]
2│ │ │ 自然语言处理实战_[美]霍布森·莱恩(Hobson Lane) [美]科尔·霍华德(Cole Howard) [美]汉纳斯·马克斯·哈普克(Hannes Max Hapke).epub (7.77 MB)
2│ │ │ 自然语言处理实战_Hobson Lane,Cole Howard,Hannes Max Hapke;史亮 [译],鲁晓 [译],唐可欣 [译],王斌 [译].pdf (74.54 MB)
2│ │ │ 自然语言处理 基于预训练模型的方法_车万翔;郭江;.pdf (11.8 MB)
2│ │ │ 自然语言处理 基于预训练模型的方法_车万翔;郭江;.epub (8.58 MB)
2│ │ │ 专家系统_ 原理与编程_[美] Joseph C. Giarratano; Gary D. Riley.pdf (34.53 MB)
2│ │ │ 知识图谱标准化白皮书_中国电子技术标准化研究院.pdf (6.48 MB)
2│ │ │ 知识图谱_方法、实践与应用_王昊奋 & 漆桂林 & 等.epub (22.64 MB)
2│ │ │ 元宇宙通证(揭秘下一代互联网新态势,探索VR全景新场景,全面呈现元宇宙知识谱系,权威阐述未来新世界)_邢杰 赵国栋 徐远重 易欢欢 余晨.epub (2.03 MB)
2│ │ │ 语音信号处理(第3版)_韩纪庆 & 张磊 & 郑铁然.epub (27.17 MB)
2│ │ │ 心智、语言和机器_ 维特根斯坦哲学和人工智能科学的对话_徐英瑾.pdf (134.42 MB)
2│ │ │ 图解深度学习与神经网络_从张量到TensorFlow实现_张平.pdf (176.28 MB)
2│ │ │ 图解深度学习_山下隆义.pdf (93.51 MB)
2│ │ │ 图解机器学习_(日)杉山将著.pdf (62.19 MB)
2│ │ │ 统计自然语言处理(第2版) (中文信息处理丛书)_宗成庆 [宗成庆].pdf (23.99 MB)
2│ │ │ 统计学习方法(第2版)_李航.pdf (161.73 MB)
2│ │ │ 天才与算法_人脑与AI的数学思维(AI人工智能算法书籍,数学思维理解算法,引领人们认知创造力的本质)_马库斯·杜·索托伊(Marcus du Sautoy) [Sautoy), 马库斯·杜·索托伊(Marcus du].epub (850.8 KB)
2│ │ │ 数字图像处理_原理与实现_黄进, 李剑波.epub (10.97 MB)
2│ │ │ 实用卷积神经网络_运用Python实现高级深度学习模型 (智能系统与技术丛书)_莫希特·赛瓦克(Mohit Sewak).epub (12.53 MB)
2│ │ │ 实用卷积神经网络_运用Python实现高级深度学习模型 (智能系统与技术丛书)_莫希特·赛瓦克(Mohit Sewak).mobi (15.77 MB)
2│ │ │ 实用机器学习.pdf_实用机器学习.pdf.pdf (19.48 MB)
2│ │ │ 神经网络与深度学习_吴岸城.pdf (95.86 MB)
2│ │ │ 神经网络与深度学习_邱锡鹏.pdf (9.95 MB)
2│ │ │ 神经网络与机器学习(原书第3版)_Simon Haykin.pdf (65.81 MB)
2│ │ │ 神经网络与机器学习_ 英文版·第3版_(加)海金.pdf (76.28 MB)
2│ │ │ 神经网络算法与实现 基于Java语言_Fábio M. Soares 法比奥 Alan M.F. Souza 艾伦 范东来 封强.pdf (121.5 MB)
2│ │ │ 深入浅出图神经网络_GNN原理解析【极验AI项目团队倾力之作!从原理、算法、实现、应用4个维度详细讲解图神经网络,理论与实践相结合。白翔、俞栋等学术界和企业界领军人物强烈推荐。】 (智能系统与技术丛书)_刘忠雨 & 李彦霖 & 周洋.pdf (16.46 MB)
2│ │ │ 深入浅出强化学习_原理入门_郭宪 & 方勇纯.pdf (60.8 MB)
2│ │ │ 深入浅出Python机器学习_段小手.pdf (178.43 MB)
2│ │ │ 深入理解XGBoost_高效机器学习算法与进阶_何龙.epub (6.02 MB)
2│ │ │ 深度学习原理与TensorFlow实践_喻俨 莫瑜 王琛 胡振邦 高杰.pdf (111.69 MB)
2│ │ │ 深度学习与图像识别_原理与实践 (智能系统与技术丛书)_魏溪含 & 涂铭 & 张修鹏 [魏溪含 & 涂铭 & 张修鹏].pdf (11.76 MB)
2│ │ │ 深度学习与计算机视觉_算法原理、框架应用与代码实现_叶韵 [叶韵].epub (7.94 MB)
2│ │ │ 深度学习与R语言.pdf_深度学习与R语言.pdf.pdf (9.18 MB)
2│ │ │ 深度学习入门_基于Python的理论与实现_斋藤康毅.epub (6.18 MB)
2│ │ │ 深度学习框架PyTorch_入门与实践_陈云.pdf (214.68 MB)
2│ │ │ 深度学习进阶_自然语言处理_斋藤康毅.pdf (11.18 MB)
2│ │ │ 深度学习技术图像处理入门_杨培文,胡博强.pdf (125.1 MB)
2│ │ │ 深度学习_卷积神经网络从入门到精通_李玉鑑.pdf (225.26 MB)
2│ │ │ 深度学习_方法及应用.pdf_深度学习_方法及应用.pdf.pdf (22.32 MB)
2│ │ │ 深度学习_[美]Ian Goodfellow(伊恩·古德费洛) & [加]Aaron Courville(亚伦·库维尔) & [加]Yoshua Bengio(约书亚·本吉奥) [Goodfellow(伊恩·古德费洛), Ian & Courville(亚伦·库维尔), Aaron & Bengio(约书亚·本吉奥), Yoshua].pdf (44.16 MB)
2│ │ │ 深度学习 Shen du xue xi_Bengio, Yoshua; Courville, Aaron; Goodfellow, Ian.mobi (26.57 MB)
2│ │ │ 深度强化学习实践(原书第2版)__(俄罗斯)马克西姆·拉潘(Maxim Lapan).epub (15.65 MB)
2│ │ │ 深度强化学习_基础、研究与应用_董豪 等.pdf (41.58 MB)
2│ │ │ 深度解析机器学习(全6册)萃取自然语言与智能图像处理的经验_卡蒂克·雷迪·博卡, 高敬鹏.epub (49.67 MB)
2│ │ │ 人人都该懂的人工智能_布莱·惠特比.epub (1.33 MB)
2│ │ │ 人脸识别与美颜算法实战_基于Python、机器学习与深度学习_方圆圆.epub (35.25 MB)
2│ │ │ 人工智能中的图表推理_作者_(美国)中津 (Robbie T.Nakatsu) 译者_陈一民 史晓霞 樊清 等.pdf (19.05 MB)
2│ │ │ 人工智能中的深度结构学习.pdf_人工智能中的深度结构学习.pdf.pdf (8.29 MB)
2│ │ │ 人工智能算法(卷3)_深度学习和神经网络_[美] 杰弗瑞•希顿(Jeffery Heaton).pdf (7.39 MB)
2│ │ │ 人工智能算法(卷3)_深度学习和神经网络_[美] 杰弗瑞•希顿(Jeffery Heaton).epub (3.2 MB)
2│ │ │ 人工智能算法(卷2)_受大自然启发的算法_[美]杰弗瑞•希顿(Jeffery Heaton).epub (2.41 MB)
2│ │ │ 人工智能基础(高中版)_汤晓鸥 陈玉琨.pdf (26.79 MB)
2│ │ │ 人工智能导论(第4版)【guojia级规划教材】_王万良.pdf (132.35 MB)
2│ │ │ 人工智能_一种现代的方法(第3版).pdf_人工智能_一种现代的方法(第3版).pdf.pdf (164.83 MB)
2│ │ │ 人工智能_计算agent基础_[加]普尔(David L.Poole); [加]麦克沃思 (Alan K.Mackworth).pdf (133.29 MB)
2│ │ │ 人工智能_ 一种现代的方法_罗素; 诺维格.pdf (37.43 MB)
2│ │ │ 人工智能_ 人工智能·智能系统指南(原书第3版)_尼格尼维斯基.pdf (72.92 MB)
2│ │ │ 人工智能_ 复杂问题求解的结构和策略(原书第6版)_(美)GeorgeF.Luger.pdf (64.7 MB)
2│ │ │ 人工智能2020_落地挑战与应对-爱分析_Unknown.pdf (4.57 MB)
2│ │ │ 人工不智能_计算机如何误解世界(见识丛书52)(你可以通过这本书了解现行的人工智能、机器学习、大数据都是怎么回事,了解计算机的本质是什么,从此对计算机和人工智能这些大词儿没有畏惧心理。)_梅瑞狄斯·布鲁萨德.epub (3.44 MB)
2│ │ │ 强化学习(第2版)_Richard S. Sutton(理查德·桑顿)Andrew G. Barto(安德鲁·巴图) 著.pdf (101.52 MB)
2│ │ │ 迁移学习[人工智能技术丛书]_杨强.pdf (59.46 MB)
2│ │ │ 模式识别与机器学习_Christopher M. Bishop,马春鹏.pdf (14.5 MB)
2│ │ │ 模式识别_张学工.pdf (17.44 MB)
2│ │ │ 模式分类_ 原书第2版_Richard O. Duda; Peter E. Hart; David G. Stork.pdf (109.27 MB)
2│ │ │ 联邦学习=Federated Learning_杨强 等 [等, 杨强].epub (5.99 MB)
2│ │ │ 李宏毅机器学习笔记(LeeML-Notes)_it-ebooks.epub (17.25 MB)
2│ │ │ 决策用强化与系统性机器学习=Reinforcement and Systemic Machine Learning for Decision Making_ [印度]巴拉格·库尔卡尼(Parag Kulkarani)(著), 李宁, 吴健,刘凯(译).pdf (11.13 MB)
2│ │ │ 卷积神经网络与视觉计算_钱亚冠等译.pdf (107.8 MB)
2│ │ │ 金融科技知识图谱_金融科技理论与应用研究小组.epub (4.42 MB)
2│ │ │ 解析卷积神经网络——深度学习实践手册_it-ebooks.pdf (8.38 MB)
2│ │ │ 基于深度学习的自然语言处理_约阿夫·戈尔德贝格 车万翔 郭江 张伟男 刘铭.pdf (192.5 MB)
2│ │ │ 基于深度学习的自然语言处理_【美】卡蒂克·雷迪·博卡(Karthiek Reddy Bokka)等.epub (7.91 MB)
2│ │ │ 机器学习与优化_罗伯托·巴蒂蒂(Roberto Battiti), 毛罗·布鲁纳托(Mauro Brunato).pdf (27.23 MB)
2│ │ │ 机器学习与应用_雷明.pdf (324.65 MB)
2│ │ │ 机器学习实战_基于Scikit-Learn和TensorFlow_(法)奥雷利安·杰龙(Aurélien Géron) 王静源 贾玮 边蕤 邱俊涛译.pdf (250.18 MB)
2│ │ │ 机器学习实战_基于Scikit-Learn、Keras和TensorFlow_原书第2版_Aurélien Géron.pdf (37.27 MB)
2│ │ │ 机器学习实战 = Machine Learning in Action_Peter Harrington.pdf (24.57 MB)
2│ │ │ 机器学习理论导引_周志华; 王魏; 高尉; 张利军.pdf (31.44 MB)
2│ │ │ 机器学习基础教程_ A First Course in Machine Learning_(英)Simon Rogers,; Mark Girolami.pdf (93.97 MB)
2│ │ │ 机器学习观止_核心原理与实践_林学森.epub (27.34 MB)
2│ │ │ 机器学习公式详解_谢文睿 & 秦州.pdf (14.28 MB)
2│ │ │ 机器学习公式详解_谢文睿 & 秦州 [谢文睿 & 秦州].epub (2.48 MB)
2│ │ │ 机器学习_周志华.pdf (40.45 MB)
2│ │ │ 机器学习_周志华.pdf (37.49 MB)
2│ │ │ 多智能体机器学习_强化学习方法.pdf_[加]霍德华 M.施瓦兹(Howard M.Schwartz)著, 连晓峰,谭励(译).pdf (9.76 MB)
2│ │ │ 动态贝叶斯网络推理学习理论及应用_肖秦琨; 高嵩; 刘晓光.pdf (32.6 MB)
2│ │ │ 动手学深度学习(亚马逊云服务AWS首席科学家作品 能运行 可讨论的深度学习入门书籍)(异步图书)_阿斯顿·张 & 李沐 & 扎卡里·C·立顿 & 亚历山大·J·斯莫拉 [阿斯顿·张 & 李沐 & 扎卡里·C·立顿 & 亚历山大·J·斯莫拉].epub (8.16 MB)
2│ │ │ 从零开始_机器学习的数学原理和算法实践_大威 .pdf (14.23 MB)
2│ │ │ 从零构建知识图谱 技术、方法与案例(资深知识图谱专家撰写,OpenKG创始人、美团知识图谱负责人力荐,技术、工具、方法和案例4个维度,配源码) (智能系统与技术丛书)_邵浩 & 张凯 & 李方圆 & 张云柯 & 戴锡强.epub (12.62 MB)
2│ │ │ 从机器学习到深度学习_基于scikit-learn与TensorFlow的高 效开发实战_刘长龙 [刘长龙].epub (20.79 MB)
2│ │ │ 贝叶斯的博弈_数学、思维与人工智能(图灵图书)_黄黎原.pdf (8.14 MB)
2│ │ │ 百面机器学习_ 算法工程师带你去面试_葫芦娃.pdf (42.83 MB)
2│ │ │ 白话机器学习算法_[新加坡] 黄莉婷,苏川集,武传海(译).pdf (5.27 MB)
2│ │ │ 白话机器学习的数学(图灵图书)_立石贤吾 [立石贤吾].epub (3.17 MB)
2│ │ │ 暗知识_机器认知如何颠覆商业和社会_[美]王维嘉.epub (9.4 MB)
2│ │ │ Машинное обучение. Наука и искусство построения алгоритмов, которые извлекают знания из данных_Флах П..pdf (14.65 MB)
2│ │ │ Машинное обучение с использованием Python. Сборник рецептов_Крис Элбон.pdf (29.79 MB)
2│ │ │ Введение в машинное обучение с помощью Python. Руководство для специалистов по работе с данными_А. Мюллер, С. Гвидо.pdf (11.37 MB)
2│ │ │ [图灵程序设计丛书]精通特征工程【文字版】_爱丽丝•郑 阿曼达•卡萨丽.pdf (13.74 MB)
2│ │ │ [图灵程序设计丛书]白话机器学习的数学_立石贤吾.pdf (8.47 MB)
2│ │ │ [图灵程序设计丛书].深度学习的数学_[图灵程序设计丛书].深度学习的数学.pdf (11.85 MB)
2│ │ │ Unity Artificial Intelligence Programming_ Add powerful, believable and fun AI entities in your game, 5th Edition_Davide Aversa.pdf (8.27 MB)
2│ │ │ Understanding Artificial Intelligence_Sabouret, Nicolas; [Sabouret, Nicolas].epub (8.24 MB)
2│ │ │ Turing à la Plage – L'intelligence artificielle dans un transat_ L'intelligence artificielle dans un transat_Rachid Guerraoui, Lê Nguyên Hoang.epub (4.61 MB)
2│ │ │ Tree-Based Convolutional Neural Networks_ Principles and Applications_Lili Mou, Zhi Jin.pdf (5.58 MB)
2│ │ │ Transformers for Natural Language Processing_ Build, train and fine-tune deep neural network architectures, 2nd Edition_Denis Rothman.pdf (13.93 MB)
2│ │ │ Transfer Learning_Qiang Yang, Yu Zhang, Wenyuan Dai, Sinno Jialin Pan.pdf (11.3 MB)
2│ │ │ Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing_Paul Azunre.pdf (9.13 MB)
2│ │ │ Transactional Machine Learning with Data Streams and AutoML_ Build Frictionless and Elastic Machine Learning Solutions with Apache Kafka in the Cloud Using Python_Sebastian Maurice.pdf (7.64 MB)
2│ │ │ Training Data for Machine Learning (Third Early Release)_Anthony Sarkis.pdf (13.3 MB)
2│ │ │ Trading Decoded – Artificial Intelligence Applications In Finance_ Machine Learning for Algorithmic Quantitative trading_Avirath Kakkar Arvin Sahni Rajalingappaa Shanmugamani.pdf (6 MB)
2│ │ │ TinyML Cookbook_Gian Marco Iodice.pdf (16.8 MB)
2│ │ │ Time-Space, Spiking Neural Networks and Brain-Inspired Artificial Intelligence_Nikola K. Kasabov.pdf (33.38 MB)
2│ │ │ Time Series Forecasting using Deep Learning_ Combining PyTorch, RNN, TCN, and Deep Neural Network Models.._Gridin, Ivan.epub (2.85 MB)
2│ │ │ Time Series Forecasting using Deep Learning_ Combining PyTorch, RNN, TCN, and Deep Neural Network Models to Provide Production-Ready Prediction Solutions (English Edition)_Ivan Gridin.epub (2.85 MB)
2│ │ │ Time Series Analysis on AWS_ Learn how to build forecasting models and detect anomalies in your time series data_Michael Hoarau.pdf (9.47 MB)
2│ │ │ The TensorFlow Workshop_ A hands-on guide to building deep learning models from scratch using real-world datasets_ANTHONY. MOOCARME MADDALONE (MATTHEW. SO, ANTHONY.).pdf (29.45 MB)
2│ │ │ The StatQuest Illustrated Guide to Machine Learning!!!_Josh Starmer.pdf (245.31 MB)
2│ │ │ The Statistical Physics of Data Assimilation and Machine Learning_Henry D. I. Abarbanel.pdf (11.16 MB)
2│ │ │ The Road to Conscious Machines_ The Story of AI (Pelican)_Michael Wooldridge.epub (2.72 MB)
2│ │ │ The Principles of Deep Learning Theory_Daniel A. Roberts, Sho Yaida, Boris Hanin.pdf (6.66 MB)
2│ │ │ The Myth of Artificial Intelligence_ Why Computers Can’t Think the Way We Do_Erik J. Larson.pdf (5.67 MB)
2│ │ │ The Math of Neural Networks_Michael Taylor, Mark Koning.epub (5.99 MB)
2│ │ │ The Machine Learning Solutions Architect Handbook_ Create machine learning platforms to run solutions in an enterprise setting_David Ping.pdf (17.41 MB)
2│ │ │ The hundred-page machine learning book_Burkov, Andriy.pdf (23.88 MB)
2│ │ │ The Hundred-Page Machine Learning Book_Andriy Burkov.pdf (9.86 MB)
2│ │ │ The Field Guide to Data Science_ 2nd Edition_MOUSAIF, YASSINE.epub (3.69 MB)
2│ │ │ The Emotion Machine_Marvin Minsky.epub (1.73 MB)
2│ │ │ The Creativity Code_ How AI is Learning to Write, Paint and Think_Marcus du Sautoy.epub (2.22 MB)
2│ │ │ The Automation Advantage_ Embrace the Future of Productivity and Improve Speed, Quality, and Customer Experience Through AI_Bhaskar Ghosh, Rajendra Prasad, Gayathri Pallail.epub (1.72 MB)
2│ │ │ the APPLIED TENSORFLOW AND KERAS WORKSHOP – build your practical skills by working through a real… -world project – a bitcoin price prediction tracke._HARVEEN SINGH CAPELO LUIS CHADHA.pdf (12.85 MB)
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2│ │ │ The Age of AI – And Our Human Future_Huttenlocher, Daniel; Schmidt, Eric; Kissinger, Henry A.epub (768.44 KB)
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2│ │ │ TensorFlow深度学习 = Deep learning with TensorFlow_Giancarlo Zaccone; Ahmed Menshawy; Md. Rezaul Karim.pdf (13.39 MB)
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2│ │ │ TensorFlow 2.0深度学习从零开始学_王晓华.epub (7.67 MB)
2│ │ │ Statistics for Machine Learning_ Implement Statistical methods used in Machine Learning using Python _Singh, Himanshu.pdf (10.12 MB)
2│ │ │ Statistical Methods for Machine Learning_ Discover How to Transform Data into Knowledge with Python_Jason Brownlee.pdf (5.65 MB)
2│ │ │ State Estimation for Robotics_Timothy D. Barfoot.pdf (8.73 MB)
2│ │ │ Speech and Language Processing An Introduction to Natural Language Processing, Computational Linguistics, and Speech Recognition_Dan Jurafsky and James H. Martin.pdf (25.12 MB)
2│ │ │ Smarter Than Us_ The Rise of Machine Intelligence_Stuart Armstrong.pdf (8.71 MB)
2│ │ │ Signal Processing and Machine Learning for Brain–Machine Interfaces_Toshihisa Tanaka, Mahnaz Arvaneh.pdf (12.71 MB)
2│ │ │ Scikit-Learn Cookbook_ Over 80 Recipes for Machine Learning in Python With Scikit-Learn_Julian Avila.pdf (10.12 MB)
2│ │ │ Scary Smart_ The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World_Gawdat, Mo.epub (1.89 MB)
2│ │ │ Responsible AI_Patrick Hall; Rumman Chowdhury.epub (5.38 MB)
2│ │ │ Representation Learning for Natural Language Processing_Zhiyuan Liu, Yankai Lin, Maosong Sun.pdf (12.78 MB)
2│ │ │ Reinforcement learning_ an introduction_Richard S. Sutton, Andrew G. Barto.pdf (5.77 MB)
2│ │ │ Reinforcement Learning and Stochastic Optimization _ A Unified Framework for Sequential Decisions_Warren B. Powell.pdf (34.06 MB)
2│ │ │ Reinforcement learning and Optimal Control – Draft version_Dmitri Bertsekas.pdf (5.99 MB)
2│ │ │ Recurrent Neural Networks_Xiaolin Hu, P. Balasubramaniam.pdf (48 MB)
2│ │ │ Recurrent Neural Networks_ From Simple to Gated Architectures_Fathi M. Salem.pdf (5.06 MB)
2│ │ │ Recurrent Neural Networks with Python Quick Start Guide_Simeon Kostadinov.epub (4.83 MB)
2│ │ │ Recommender Systems Handbook_Francesco Ricci, Lior Rokach, Bracha Shapira (eds.).pdf (14.81 MB)
2│ │ │ Recommender System for Improving Customer Loyalty_Katarzyna Tarnowska, Zbigniew W. Ras, Lynn Daniel.pdf (7.2 MB)
2│ │ │ Recent Trends and Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things Valentina E. Balas, Raghvendra Kumar, Rajshree Srivastava.pdf (15.11 MB)
2│ │ │ Recent Advances in Big Data and Deep Learning_ Proceedings of the INNS Big Data and Deep Learning Conference INNSBDDL2019.pdf (24.78 MB)
2│ │ │ Quantum Machine Learning_ An Applied Approach. The Theory and Application of Quantum Machine Learning in Science and Industry_Santanu Ganguly.epub (26.01 MB)
2│ │ │ Quantum Computing From Bit to Qbit for Everyone_Quantum Field Theory & Possible Applications.epub (124.8 KB)
2│ │ │ PyTorch生成对抗网络编程(畅销书《Python神经网络编程》作者zui新力作!用PyTorch构建自己的生成对抗网络)_塔里克·拉希德 [塔里克·拉希德].epub (4.07 MB)
2│ │ │ PyTorch生成对抗网络编程_塔里克·拉希德(Tariq Rashid).pdf (10.1 MB)
2│ │ │ PyTorch Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals_Jibin Mathew.pdf (8.62 MB)
2│ │ │ python自然语言处理实战_核心技术与算法_涂铭,刘祥,刘树春.pdf (71.86 MB)
2│ │ │ Python自然语言处理实战_[ YIN ] LA JIE SHEN · A LU MU GAN ( Rajesh Arumugam ) , YANG HANG YI.pdf (15.89 MB)
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2│ │ │ Python数据分析基础_Brownley, Clinton.pdf (15.73 MB)
2│ │ │ Python神经网络编程(异步图书)_塔里克·拉希德(Tariq Rashid).pdf (14.45 MB)
2│ │ │ Python神经网络编程 Make Your Own Neural Network_塔里克·拉希德(Tariq Rashid),林赐.pdf (35 MB)
2│ │ │ Python深度学习入门 从零构建CNN和RNN-2021_[美] 塞思·韦德曼译者_郑天民 [[美] 塞思·韦德曼译者_郑天民].epub (3.59 MB)
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2│ │ │ Python机器学习经典实例_图灵程序设计丛书.pdf (18.05 MB)
2│ │ │ Python机器学习基础教程_[德]Andreas C. Müller,[美]Sarah Guido.pdf (18.03 MB)
2│ │ │ Python机器学习(原书第2版) (数据科学与工程技术丛书)【文字版!!!】_塞巴斯蒂安·拉施卡(Sebastian Raschka) & 瓦希德·米尔贾利利(Vahid Mirjalili).pdf (62.6 MB)
2│ │ │ Python机器学习 (数据科学与工程技术丛书)_塞巴斯蒂安·拉施卡(Sebastian Raschka).epub (20.18 MB)
2│ │ │ Python_ Machine Learning Projects_MOUSAIF, YASSINE.pdf (3.81 MB)
2│ │ │ Python Programming For Beginners_ The Absolute Complete Beginner’s Guide to Learn and Apply Python Programming Language Using Best Practices and Advanced Features._Herron, James.pdf (5.53 MB)
2│ │ │ Python Pandas for Beginners_ Pandas Specialization for Data Scientist_AI Publishing.pdf (10.17 MB)
2│ │ │ Python NumPy for Beginners_ NumPy Specialization for Data Science (Python for Beginners in Data Science and Data Analysis Book 1)_Publishing, AI.pdf (9.49 MB)
2│ │ │ Python Machine Learning_Sebastian Raschka.pdf (13 MB)
2│ │ │ Python Machine Learning_ Machine Learning and Deep Learning with Python, scikit-learn, and TensorFlow_Sebastian Raschka, Vahid Mirjalili.pdf (14.73 MB)
2│ │ │ Python Machine Learning_ A Step-by-Step Guide to Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow (Includes a Python Programming Crash Course)_Konnor Cluster.pdf (4.48 MB)
2│ │ │ Python Machine Learning for Beginners_ The Essential Beginners Guide to Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, SKlearn_,.pdf (3.87 MB)
2│ │ │ Python for Probability, Statistics, and Machine Learning_José Unpingco.pdf (10.17 MB)
2│ │ │ Python 3 for Machine Learning_Oswald Campesato [Campesato, Oswald].pdf (6.24 MB)
2│ │ │ Programming Skills for Data Science_ Start Writing Code to Wrangle, Analyze, and Visualize Data with R, First Edition_Michael Freeman & Joel Ross [Michael Freeman].epub (14.3 MB)
2│ │ │ Programming PyTorch for Deep Learning_ Creating and Deploying Deep Learning Applications_Ian Pointer.epub (9.68 MB)
2│ │ │ Problemás resueltos de inteligencia artificial (e-book)_Severino Fernández.pdf (14.35 MB)
2│ │ │ Probabilistic Machine Learning_ An Introduction_Kevin P. Murphy.pdf (83.41 MB)
2│ │ │ Probabilistic Machine Learning_ An Introduction (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series)_Kevin P. Murphy.epub (24.34 MB)
2│ │ │ Probabilistic Machine Learning_ Advanced Topics – Draft_Kevin P. Murphy.pdf (141.26 MB)
2│ │ │ Practical Simulations for Machine Learning (Fourth Early Release)_Paris Buttfield-Addison, Jon Manning, Mars Buttfield-Addison, Tim Nugent.pdf (13.7 MB)
2│ │ │ Practical Recommender Systems_Kim Falk.pdf (16.36 MB)
2│ │ │ Practical Python and OpenCV_Adrian Rosebrock.pdf (11.41 MB)
2│ │ │ Practical Machine Learning in Python_ Applying Artificial Intelligence to Classify Real World Data Sets_Gloyer, Malcolm [Gloyer, Malcolm].epub (9.54 MB)
2│ │ │ Practical Full Stack Machine Learning_ A Guide to Build Reliable, Reusable, and Production-Ready Full Stack ML Solutions_Kumar, Alok.pdf (13.12 MB)
2│ │ │ Practical Explainable AI Using Python_ Artificial Intelligence Model Explanations Using Python-based Libraries, Extensions, and Frameworks_Pradeepta Mishra.pdf (19.2 MB)
2│ │ │ Practical Explainable AI Using Python_ Artificial Intelligence Model Explanations Using Python-based Libraries, Extensions, and Frameworks_Pradeepta Mishra.epub (24.79 MB)
2│ │ │ Practical Deep Learning_Ron Kneusel [Ron Kneusel].epub (7.49 MB)
2│ │ │ Practical Automated Machine Learning on Azure_ Using Azure Machine Learning to Quickly Build AI Solutions_Deepak Mukunthu; Parashar Shah; Wee Hyong Tok.epub (15.31 MB)
2│ │ │ Practical AI for Cybersecurity_Ravi Das.pdf (6.21 MB)
2│ │ │ Personalized Machine Learning_Julian McAuley.pdf (11.93 MB)
2│ │ │ Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning_Christopher M. Bishop.pdf (7.82 MB)
2│ │ │ OpenCV图像处理 (华章程序员书库)_(西)加西亚(García,G. B.) 等著.epub (10.6 MB)
2│ │ │ OpenCV实例精解_ OpenCV By Example_普拉蒂克·乔希; 大卫·米兰·埃斯克里瓦; 维尼修斯·戈多伊.pdf (33.63 MB)
2│ │ │ OpenCV 4计算机视觉 Python语言实现(原书第3版)_作者[加] 约瑟夫·豪斯(Joseph Howse)[爱尔兰] 乔·米尼奇诺(Joe Minichino) 译者刘冰高博.pdf (19.79 MB)
2│ │ │ OpenCV 4 for Secret Agents – Second Edition_Joseph Howse.pdf (46.48 MB)
2│ │ │ OpenCV 3和Qt5计算机视觉应用开发_阿敏·艾哈迈迪·泰.pdf (22.56 MB)
2│ │ │ OCR with OpenCV, Tesseract, and Python – Intro to OCR_Adrian Rosebrock.pdf (24.59 MB)
2│ │ │ Object Detection and Recognition in Digital Images_ Theory and Practice_Boguslaw Cyganek(auth.).pdf (12.65 MB)
2│ │ │ New Patterns of Power and Profit_ A Strategist's Guide to Competitive Advantage in the Age of Digital Transformation_Eric K. Clemons.pdf (6.18 MB)
2│ │ │ Neural Networks and Deep Learning_ A Textbook_Charu C. Aggarwal.pdf (14.09 MB)
2│ │ │ Natural Language Processing_ A Machine Learning Perspective_Yue Zhang, Westlake University & Zhiyang Teng, Westlake University.pdf (14.25 MB)
2│ │ │ Natural Language Processing with Transformers_ Building Language Applications with Hugging Face_Lewis Tunstall, Leandro von Werra, Thomas Wolf.epub (9.77 MB)
2│ │ │ Natural Language Processing Recipes_ Unlocking Text Data with Machine Learning and Deep Learning using Python_Akshay Kulkarni, Adarsha Shivananda.pdf (6.61 MB)
2│ │ │ Natural Language Processing Projects_ Build Next-Generation NLP Applications Using AI Techniques_Akshay Kulkarni, Adarsha Shivananda, Anoosh Kulkarni.pdf (15.98 MB)
2│ │ │ Natural language processing for social media_Atefeh Farzindar; Diana Inkpen.pdf (10.95 MB)
2│ │ │ My Journey into AI_ The Story Behind the Man Who Helped Launch 5 A.I. Companies Worth $25 Billion_Lee, Dr. Kai-Fu.epub (5.87 MB)
2│ │ │ MLOps Engineering at Scale_Carl Osipov.epub (4.65 MB)
2│ │ │ ML Ops_ Operationalizing Data Science_David Sweenor & Steven Hillion & Dan Rope & Dev Kannabiran & Thomas Hill & Michael O'Connell [David Sweenor].epub (1.95 MB)
2│ │ │ Microsoft Word – A-fy.doc_Administrator.pdf (13.03 MB)
2│ │ │ MATLAB神经网络超级学习手册(异步图书) (工程软件应用详解)_MATLAB技术联盟 & 刘冰 & 郭海霞.mobi (32.21 MB)
2│ │ │ MATLAB Deep Learning_ With Machine Learning, Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence_Phil Kim.pdf (6.54 MB)
2│ │ │ Mathematical Theories of Machine Learning – Theory and Applications_Bin Shi, S. S. Iyengar.pdf (5.74 MB)
2│ │ │ Math for Deep Learning_ What You Need to Know to Understand Neural Networks_Ronald T. Kneusel.pdf (10.47 MB)
2│ │ │ Math and Architectures of Deep Learning (MEAP V10)_Krishnendu Chaudhury, Ananya Ashok, Sujay Narumanchi, Devashish Shankar.pdf (50.24 MB)
2│ │ │ Mastering PyTorch_ Build powerful neural network architectures using advanced PyTorch 1.x features_Ashish Ranjan Jha.pdf (27.48 MB)
2│ │ │ Mastering Machine Learning with scikit-learn 2nd edition_Gavin Hackeling.pdf (9.2 MB)
2│ │ │ Mastering Blockchain – Master the theoretical and technical foundations of Blockchain technology and explore future of Blockchain technology_Imran Bashir [Imran Bashir].epub (6.82 MB)
2│ │ │ Mastering Azure Machine Learning_ Execute large-scale end-to-end machine learning with Azure, 2nd Edition_Christoph Korner, Marcel Alsdorf.pdf (19.6 MB)
2│ │ │ Master Machine Learning Algorithms – Discover how they work_Jason Brownlee.pdf (4.01 MB)
2│ │ │ Master Machine Learning Algorithms – Discover How They Work And Implement Them From Scratch_Jason Brownlee.pdf (4.05 MB)
2│ │ │ Managing AI in the Enterprise_ Succeeding with AI Projects and MLOps to Build Sustainable AI Organizations_Klaus Haller.pdf (12.51 MB)
2│ │ │ Making Sense of AI_ Our Algorithmic World_Anthony Elliott.pdf (4.32 MB)
2│ │ │ Make_ Elektronik. Lernen durch Entdecken_Charles Platt.pdf (20.39 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning_Zhou, Zhi-Hua, .pdf (12.38 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning_ The Basics (Machine Learning_ Foundations, Methodologies, and Applications)_Alexander Jung.pdf (7.01 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning_ The Art and Science of Algorithms that Make Sense of Data_Peter Flach.pdf (12.54 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning_ Step-by-Step Guide To Implement Machine Learning Algorithms with Python_Rudolph Russell.pdf (4.54 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning_ Master Supervised and Unsupervised Learning Algorithms with Real Examples (English Edition)_Doshi, Dr Ruchi, Hiran, Dr Kamal Kant,.pdf (8.73 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning_ Make Your Own Recommender System (Machine Learning From Scratch Book 3)_Oliver Theobald [Theobald, Oliver].pdf (4.44 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning_ A Probabilistic Perspective_Kevin P. Murphy.pdf (26.57 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning- The Mastery Bible_ The definitive guide to Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, and Data Analytics._Hanson, Bill.epub (853.53 KB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning Yearning_Andrew Ng.pdf (8 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning with TensorFlow_Nishant Shukla with Kenneth Fricklas.pdf (15 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning With Random Forests And Decision Trees_ A Visual Guide For Beginners_Scott Hartshorn.azw3 (1.3 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning With PyTorch and Scikit-Learn_Sebastian Raschka, Yuxi (Hayden) Liu, Dr. Vahid Mirjalili.pdf (28.9 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning with Python Cookbook_ Practical Solutions from Preprocessing to Deep Learning_Chris Albon.pdf (10.34 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning with PySpark_ With Natural Language Processing and Recommender Systems_Pramod Singh.pdf (11.85 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning with Neural Networks_ An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers_Bernhard Mehlig.pdf (12.29 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning with AWS_Jeffrey Jackovich, Ruze Richards.pdf (10.67 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning Using Python_Manaranjan Pradhan and U Dinesh Kumar.pdf (14.96 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning Methods for Signal, Image and Speech Processing_Meerja Akhil Jabbar, Kantipudi MVV Prasad, Sheng-Lung Peng.pdf (124.84 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine learning mastery with Weka_Jason Brownlee.pdf (10.52 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning Mastery with R_Jason Brownlee.pdf (7.21 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning in Python_Karamagi, Robert [Karamagi, Robert].epub (22.22 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning Fundamentals_ A Concise Introduction_Hui Jiang.pdf (7.72 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine learning for text_Aggarwal, Charu C.pdf (7.54 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning for Text, 2nd Edition_Charu Aggarwal.pdf (11.75 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning for Risk Calculations_ A Practitioner's view_Ruiz, Ignacio, Zeron, Mariano.pdf (10.6 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning for High-Risk Applications_Patrick Hall, Rumman Chowdhury.pdf (9.62 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning for Healthcare Applications_Sachi Nandan Mohanty, G. Nalinipriya, Om Prakash Jena, Achyuth Sarkar.pdf (37.76 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning for Financial Risk Management with Python_ Algorithms for Modeling Risk_Abdullah Karasan.pdf (28.37 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning For Dummies_John Paul Mueller, Luca Massaron.pdf (14.65 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning For Beginners_ Algorithms, Decision Tree & Random Forest Introduction_William Sullivan.epub (141.16 KB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning for Auditors_ Automating Fraud Investigations Through Artificial Intelligence_Maris Sekar.pdf (10.41 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners_Oliver Theobald.pdf (5.61 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning for Absolute Beginners_ A Plain English Introduction (Third Edition)_Theobald, Oliver.epub (13.33 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine learning essentials_Kassambara Alboukadel.pdf (5.18 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning Engineering_Andriy Burkov.pdf (43.26 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning Engineering in Action (Final Release)_Ben Wilson.pdf (28.31 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine learning con Python_ costruire algoritmi per generare conoscenza_Raschka, Sebastian.pdf (16.74 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning con Python_ Aprendizaje Supervisado (Spanish Edition)_Ligdimar González [González, Ligdimar].epub (2.61 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning Applications Using Python – Cases Studies from Healthcare, Retail, and Finance_Puneet Mathur.pdf (9.85 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques for Medical Science_K. G. Gayathri Devi, Kishore Balasubramanian, Le Anh Ngoc.pdf (43.51 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning – Introducao a classificacao_Casa do Codigo.pdf (41.51 MB)
2│ │ │ Machine Learning & Genetic Algorithms_Shukla, Dr. Brahma Datta; Shukla, Dr. Brahma Datta; Tomar, Ms. Pragya Singh.pdf (8.5 MB)
2│ │ │ Long Short-Term Memory Networks With Python_Jason Brownlee.pdf (9.15 MB)
2│ │ │ Life 3.0_ Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence_Max Tegmark.epub (5.29 MB)
2│ │ │ Learning TensorFlow_ A Guide to Building Deep Learning Systems_Tom Hope, Yehezkel S. Resheff, and Itay Lieder.pdf (8.96 MB)
2│ │ │ Learning generative adversarial networks _ next-generation deep learning simplified_Ganguly, Kuntal.pdf (13.69 MB)
2│ │ │ Learn TensorFlow 2.0_ Implement Machine Learning And Deep Learning Models With Python_Pramod Singh, Avinash Manure.pdf (9.12 MB)
2│ │ │ Land of Lisp_ Learn to Program in Lisp, One Game at a Time!_Conrad Barski M.D..pdf (20.77 MB)
2│ │ │ L'Esprit et la Machine_ Faut-il avoir peur de Intelligence Artificielle _Serge Boisse.pdf (8.43 MB)
2│ │ │ Keras Deep Learning Cookbook_ Over 80 Recipes for Implementing Deep Neural Networks in Python_Rajdeep Dua & Manpreet Singh Ghotra.epub (7.41 MB)
2│ │ │ Introduction to Machine Learning with Python_ A Guide for Data Scientists_Andreas C. Müller, Sarah Guido.pdf (11.75 MB)
2│ │ │ Introduction to Machine Learning with Python_ A Guide for Data Scientists_Andreas C. Müller, Sarah Guido.epub (28.96 MB)
2│ │ │ Introduction to Machine Learning with Python_ A Guide for Data Scientists_Andreas C. Müller, Sarah Guido.mobi (77.73 MB)
2│ │ │ Introduction to Machine Learning with Python_ A Guide for Beginners in Data Science_Daniel Nedal; Peters Morgan.epub (1.95 MB)
2│ │ │ Introduction to machine learning with Python a guide for data scientists_Guido, Sarah;Müller, Andreas Christian.pdf (33.99 MB)
2│ │ │ Introduction to Machine Learning with Python A Guide for Data Scientists_Andreas C. Muller, Sarah Guido.pdf (34.6 MB)
2│ │ │ Introduction to Deep Learning_ From Logical Calculus to Artificial Intelligence_Sandro Skansi.pdf (6.55 MB)
2│ │ │ Introduction au Machine Learning_Chloé-Agathe Azencott.pdf (9.08 MB)
2│ │ │ Introducing Data Science_ Big Data, Machine Learning, and more, using Python tools_Davy Cielen, Arno Meysman, Mohamed Ali.pdf (15.65 MB)
2│ │ │ Introdução a Data Science – Algoritmos de Machine Learning e métodos de análise_Tatiana Escovedo, Adriano Koshiyama.pdf (11.15 MB)
2│ │ │ Interpretable AI_ Building Explainable Machine Learning Systems (Final Release)_Ajay Thampi.pdf (22.96 MB)
2│ │ │ Internet of Things_ A Hands-On Approach_Arshdeep Bahga, Vijay Madisetti.pdf (57.46 MB)
2│ │ │ Intelligenza artificiale for dummies_Luca Massaron, John Paul Mueller.epub (5.08 MB)
2│ │ │ Intelligent Workloads at the Edge_ Deliver cyber-physical outcomes with data and machine learning using AWS IoT_,,,,.pdf (14.56 MB)
2│ │ │ Inteligência Artificial_Peter Norvig, Stuart Russell.pdf (25.96 MB)
2│ │ │ Inteligência Artificial_Peter Norvig, Stuart Russell.epub (9.85 MB)
2│ │ │ Inteligência Artificial_George F. Luger.pdf (88.08 MB)
2│ │ │ Inteligencia artificial_Lasse Rouhiainen.epub (2.59 MB)
2│ │ │ Inteligencia artificial_ cómo cambiará el mundo (y tu vida)_Pablo Rodríguez.epub (643.98 KB)
2│ │ │ Inteligencia Artificial _ Métodos, Técnicas y Aplicaciones_José Tomás Palma Méndez.pdf (20.7 MB)
2│ │ │ Inteligencia artificial avanzada_Benítez, Raúl; Escudero, Gerard; Kanaan, Samir.pdf (6.21 MB)
2│ │ │ Inside Deep Learning_ Math, Algorithms, Models [MEAP]_Edward Raff.pdf (7.64 MB)
2│ │ │ Inside Deep Learning_ Math, Algorithms, Models (Final Release)_Edward Raff.pdf (80.21 MB)
2│ │ │ Informatics and Machine Learning_ From Martingales to Metaheuristics_Stephen Winters-Hilt.pdf (24.01 MB)
2│ │ │ Implementing Machine Learning for Finance_ A Systematic Approach to Predictive Risk and Performance Analysis for Investment Portfolios_Tshepo Chris Nokeri.pdf (7.72 MB)
2│ │ │ How To Smart Home_ A Step by Step Guide to Your Personal Internet of Things_Othmar Kyas.pdf (19.77 MB)
2│ │ │ High-Dimensional Data Analysis with Low-Dimensional Models_ Principles, Computation, and Applications_John Wright, Yi Ma.pdf (70.71 MB)
2│ │ │ Hello World_ How to Be Human in the Age of the Machine_Hannah Fry.epub (5.08 MB)
2│ │ │ HBR's 10 Must Reads on AI, Analytics, and the New Machine Age_Harvard Business Review.pdf (5.76 MB)
2│ │ │ Hands-On.Deep.Learning.for.Finance_Luigi Troiano,Arjun Bhandari and Elena Mejuto Villa.pdf (19.47 MB)
2│ │ │ Hands-On Unsupervised Learning Using Python_ How to Build Applied Machine Learning Solutions from Unlabeled Data_Ankur A. Patel.pdf (8.94 MB)
2│ │ │ Hands-On Unsupervised Learning Using Python_ How to Build Applied Machine Learning Solutions from Unlabeled Data_Ankur A Patel.epub (4.6 MB)
2│ │ │ Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and Tensorflow_ Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems_Aurélien Géron.pdf (34.51 MB)
2│ │ │ Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, 3rd Edition_Aurélien Géron.pdf (52.39 MB)
2│ │ │ Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, 3rd Edition (Third Early Release)_Aurélien Géron.pdf (53 MB)
2│ │ │ Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow, 2nd Edition_Aurélien Géron.pdf (57.82 MB)
2│ │ │ Hands-on Machine Learning with Python_ Implement Neural Network Solutions with Scikit-learn and PyTorch_Ashwin Pajankar, Aditya Joshi.pdf (14.64 MB)
2│ │ │ Hands-On Image Generation with TensorFlow_Soon Yau Cheong.epub (10.68 MB)
2│ │ │ Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Android_،،،،.epub (3.18 MB)
2│ │ │ Handbook of Metaheuristics_Michel Gendreau, Jean-Yves Potvin.pdf (11.29 MB)
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2│ │ │ Grokking Machine Learning MEAP V07_Luis G. Serrano.epub (8.81 MB)
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2│ │ │ Grokking Artificial Intelligence Algorithms_Rishal Hurbans.pdf (46.07 MB)
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2│ │ │ Getting Started with Natural Language Processing (MEAP V10)_Ekaterina Kochmar.pdf (17.92 MB)
2│ │ │ Get SHiT Done with PyTorch_Venelin Vaklov.pdf (15.64 MB)
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2│ │ │ Genius Makers_ The Mavericks Who Brought AI to Google, Facebook, and the World_Cade Metz.epub (709.56 KB)
2│ │ │ Generative Adversarial Networks with Python_Jason Brownlee.pdf (14.22 MB)
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2│ │ │ Fundamentals of Deep Learning, 2nd Edition_Nithin Buduma & Nikhil Buduma & Joe Papa.epub (10.18 MB)
2│ │ │ Fundamentals of Deep Learning, 2nd Edition (Fourth Early Release)_Nithin Buduma & Nikhil Buduma & Joe Papa.pdf (13.8 MB)
2│ │ │ Fundamentals and Methods of Machine and Deep Learning_ Algorithms, Tools, and Applications_Pardeep Singh.pdf (18.61 MB)
2│ │ │ Foundations of Machine Learning_Mohri Mehryar, Afshin Rostamizadeh, and Ameet Talwalkar.pdf (10.81 MB)
2│ │ │ Foundations of Deep Reinforcement Learning_ Theory and Practice in Python_Graesser, Laura;Keng, Wah Loon.epub (23.63 MB)
2│ │ │ Explainable Artificial Intelligence_ An Introduction to Interpretable Machine Learning_Uday Kamath, John Liu.pdf (14.46 MB)
2│ │ │ Explainable and Interpretable Models in Computer Vision and Machine Learning_Hugo Jair Escalante, Sergio Escalera.pdf (11.6 MB)
2│ │ │ Essential Math for Data Science_Thomas Nield.pdf (12.84 MB)
2│ │ │ Essential Math for AI (3rd Early Release)_Hala Nelson.epub (6.46 MB)
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2│ │ │ Designing Machine Learning Systems (Third Early Release)_Chip Huyen.pdf (16.94 MB)
2│ │ │ Designing Machine Learning Systems (Fourth Early Release)_Chip Huyen.pdf (15.2 MB)
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2│ │ │ Deep Learning from Scratch_ Building with Python from First Principles_Seth Weidman.epub (4.92 MB)
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2│ │ │ Deep Learning for Dummies_John Paul Mueller, Luca Massaron.pdf (14.47 MB)
2│ │ │ Deep Learning for Computer Vision – Image Classification, Object Detection and Face Recognition in Python_Jason Brownlee.pdf (13.33 MB)
2│ │ │ Deep Learning for Coders with fastai and PyTorch_Jeremy Howard; Sylvain Gugger.pdf (12.42 MB)
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2│ │ │ Deep Learning avec Keras et TensorFlow_ Mise en oeuvre et cas concrets_Aurélien Géron, Hervé Soulard.pdf (18.88 MB)
2│ │ │ Deep Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning series)_Ian Goodfellow & Yoshua Bengio & Aaron Courville [Goodfellow, Ian & Bengio, Yoshua & Courville, Aaron].epub (13.23 MB)
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2│ │ │ Data Preparation for Machine Learning – Data Cleaning, Feature Selection, and Data Transforms in Python_Jason Brownlee.pdf (6.05 MB)
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2│ │ │ Computer Vision Using Deep Learning_ Neural Network Architectures with Python and Keras_Vaibhav Verdhan.epub (15.74 MB)
2│ │ │ Computer Vision and Recognition Systems_Chiranji Lal Chowdhary, Taylor & Francis Group, G Thippa Reddy, B D Parameshachari.pdf (30.51 MB)
2│ │ │ Cognitive Behavior and Human Computer Interaction Based on Machine Learning Algorithms_Sandeep Kumar (editor), Rohit Raja (editor), Shrikant Tiwari (editor), Shilpa Rani (editor).epub (3.73 MB)
2│ │ │ Clifford A Pickover Artificial Intelligence An Illustrated History From Medieval Robots to Neural Networks Sterling 2019_Clifford A Pickover.pdf (68.13 MB)
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2│ │ │ Building Data Science Solutions with Anaconda_ A comprehensive starter guide to building robust and complete models_DAN. MEADOR.pdf (11.47 MB)
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2│ │ │ Beyond Algorithms_ Delivering AI for Business_James Luke, David Porter, Padmanabhan Santhanam.pdf (11.29 MB)
2│ │ │ Better Deep Learning _Jason Brownlee.pdf (12.25 MB)
2│ │ │ Beginning Machine Learning in the Browser_ Quick-start Guide to Gait Analysis with JavaScript and TensorFlow.js_Nagender Kumar Suryadevara.pdf (8.66 MB)
2│ │ │ Beginning Game AI with Unity_ Programming Artificial Intelligence with C#_Sebastiano M. Cossu.pdf (6.57 MB)
2│ │ │ Beginning Deep Learning with TensorFlow_ Work with Keras, MNIST Data Sets, and Advanced Neural Networks_Liangqu Long, Xiangming Zeng.pdf (22.1 MB)
2│ │ │ Automated Machine Learning with Microsoft Azure_Dennis Michael Sawyers.pdf (10.64 MB)
2│ │ │ Automated Machine Learning in Action_Qingquan Song, Haifeng Jin, Xia Hu.pdf (25.96 MB)
2│ │ │ Automated Deep Learning Using Neural Network Intelligence_ Develop and Design PyTorch and TensorFlow Models Using Python_Ivan Gridin.pdf (15.68 MB)
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2│ │ │ Artificial Intelligence_Kevin Knight, Elaine Rich, B. Nair.pdf (11.11 MB)
2│ │ │ Artificial Intelligence_ With an Introduction to Machine Learning_Richard E. Neapolitan, Xia Jiang.pdf (10.38 MB)
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2│ │ │ Artificial Intelligence_ An Illustrated History_ From Medieval Robots to Neural Networks _Clifford A. Pickover.pdf (15.97 MB)
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2│ │ │ Artificial Intelligence_ A Modern Approach, 3rd Edition_Stuart J. Russell, Peter Norvig.pdf (20.66 MB)
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2│ │ │ Artificial Intelligence. Fundamentals and Applications_Cherry Bhargava, Pardeep Kumar Sharma (Editors).pdf (13.03 MB)
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2│ │ │ Artificial Intelligence with Python (Machine Learning_ Foundations, Methodologies, and Applications)_Teik Toe Teoh, Zheng Rong.pdf (12.3 MB)
2│ │ │ Artificial Intelligence Programming with Python_ From Zero to Hero_Xiao, Perry.pdf (40.49 MB)
2│ │ │ Artificial Intelligence Programming with Python_ From Zero to Hero_Perry Xiao.epub (123.22 MB)
2│ │ │ Artificial Intelligence in Medicine_Niklas Lidströmer, Hutan Ashrafian.pdf (55.92 MB)
2│ │ │ Artificial Intelligence in Finance_Jason Test, Mark Broker.pdf (9.43 MB)
2│ │ │ Artificial Intelligence Foundations_ Learning from experience_Andrew Lowe, Steve Lawless.pdf (11.49 MB)
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2│ │ │ Artificial Intelligence for Dummies_John Paul Mueller, Luca Massaron.pdf (13.53 MB)
2│ │ │ Artificial Intelligence for Business_Rajendra Akerkar.pdf (4.41 MB)
2│ │ │ Artificial Intelligence and the Fourth Industrial Revolution_Utpal Chakraborty & Amit Banerjee & Jayanta Kumar Saha & Niloy Sarkar & Chinmay Chakraborty.pdf (30.95 MB)
2│ │ │ Artificial intelligence and soft computing_ behavioral and cognitive modeling of the human brain_Amit Konar.pdf (10.28 MB)
2│ │ │ Artificial Intelligence and Causal Inference_Momiao Xiong.pdf (30.74 MB)
2│ │ │ Arduino_ The Essential Step by Step Guide to Begin Your Own Projects_Matthew Thompson.pdf (6.59 MB)
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2│ │ │ Aprendizaje Profundo_ Una Introducción a los Fundamentos del Aprendizaje Profundo Utilizando Python (Deep Learning Fundamentals Guide Spanish Edition.epub (176.52 KB)
2│ │ │ Aprendizaje Automático_ La Guía Definitiva para Principiantes para Comprender el Aprendizaje Automático (Machine Learning Guide for Beginners Spanish Edition .epub (142.32 KB)
2│ │ │ Approaching (almost) any machine learning problem_abhishek thakur.pdf (14.67 MB)
2│ │ │ Apprendre le Machine Learning en une semaine_Guillaume Saint-Cirgue.pdf (8.96 MB)
2│ │ │ Applied Neural Networks with TensorFlow 2_ API Oriented Deep Learning with Python_Orhan Gazi Yalçın.pdf (8.97 MB)
2│ │ │ Applied deep learning with PyTorch_ demystify neural networks with PyTorch_Saleh, Hyatt.pdf (6.44 MB)
2│ │ │ Applied Data Science_ Lessons Learned for the Data-Driven Business_Martin Braschler, Thilo Stadelmann, Kurt Stockinger.pdf (18.07 MB)
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2│ │ │ An Introduction to Machine Learning_Gopinath Rebala, Ajay Ravi, Sanjay Churiwala.pdf (7.95 MB)
2│ │ │ An Introduction to Machine Learning Interpretability, Second Edition_Patrick Hall and Navdeep Gill.pdf (17.29 MB)
2│ │ │ Algorithms Are Not Enough_ Creating General Artificial Intelligence_Herbert Roitblat.pdf (6.16 MB)
2│ │ │ AI到来【Adobe人工智能创新总监兼战略总监力作!本书由AI机器人和人类共同对话完成!深度解析人工智能时代人类面临的机遇和挑战,掌握人工智能对个人、企业、行业的颠覆式影响。】_克里斯·达菲.epub (1.86 MB)
2│ │ │ AI-Powered Commerce_ Building the products and services of the future with Commerce.AI_Andy Pandharikar, Frederik Bussler.pdf (10.91 MB)
2│ │ │ AI-Powered Business Intelligence (Third Early Release)_Tobias Zwingmann.pdf (21.17 MB)
2│ │ │ AI for Learning_Carmel Kent, Benedict du Boulay.pdf (9.5 MB)
2│ │ │ AI for Games (AI for Everything)_Ian Millington.pdf (10.8 MB)
2│ │ │ AI 3.0(畅销书《复杂》作者、复杂系统前沿科学家梅拉妮·米歇尔,历经10年思考,厘清人工智能与人类智能的全新力作,全景式地展现了人工智能的过去、现在和未来)_梅拉妮·米歇尔.epub (4.63 MB)
2│ │ │ AI 2041_ Ten Visions for Our Future_Kai-Fu Lee; Chen Qiufan.epub (3.43 MB)
2│ │ │ Advancing into Analytics_George Mount [George Mount].epub (6.25 MB)
2│ │ │ Advances in Deep Learning for Medical Image Analysis_Taylor & Francis Group.pdf (10.89 MB)
2│ │ │ A.I. in 2020_ A Year writing about Artificial Intelligence_Ribeiro, Jair.epub (2.04 MB)
2│ │ │ A Practical Approach for Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms_ Tools and Techniques Using MATLAB and Python_Abhishek Kumar Pandey.pdf (12.89 MB)
2│ │ │ A Guided Tour of Artificial Intelligence Research – Volume 3_ Interfaces and Applications of AI_Pierre Marquis; Odile Papini; Henri Prade (Editors).pdf (18.29 MB)
2│ │ │ A Guided Tour of Artificial Intelligence Research – Volume 2_ AI Algorithms_Pierre Marquis, Odile Papini, Henri Prade (Editors).pdf (17.43 MB)
2│ │ │ A Guided Tour of Artificial Intelligence Research – Volume 1_ Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Learning_Pierre Marquis, Odile Papini, Henri Prade (Editors).pdf (19.98 MB)
2│ │ │ A Guide to Convolutional Neural Networks for Computer Vision_Salman Khan, Hossein Rahmani, Syed Afaq Ali Shah, Mohammed Bennamoun.pdf (9.38 MB)
2│ │ │ A First Course in Artificial Intelligence_Deepak Khemani.pdf (28.2 MB)


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