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┃ ┣━━创意写作 专项课程
┃ ┣━━面向非母语人士的商务英语 专项课程
┃ ┣━━如何成为记者:报道新闻!专项课程
┃ ┣━━商务英语沟通技巧 专项课程
┃ ┣━━学术英语:写作 专项课程
┃ ┣━━英语沟通技巧 专项课程 Improve Your English Communication Skills
┃ ┣━━英语面试与简历撰写 专项课程
┃ ┣━━职场修炼-学习、创新、协作与自我实现 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Achieving Personal and Professional Success 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Business English 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Dynamic Public Speaking 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Effective Communication:Writing, Design, and Presentation 专项课程
┃ ┣━━English for Research Publication Purposes 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Learn Chinese:HSK Test Preparation 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Learn English:Advanced Academic Speaking and Listening 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Learn English:Advanced Grammar and Punctuation 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Learn English:Intermediate Grammar 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Learn Mandarin Chinese 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Learn Spanish:Basic Spanish Vocabulary 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Presentation Skills:Speechwriting, Slides and Delivery 专项课程
┃ ┣━━TESOL 认证,NO.1部分:马上开始教英语! 专项课程
┃ ┣━━TESOL Certificate, Part 2:Teach English Now! 专项课程
┃ ┣━━成功的谈判:基本策略与技巧(葡萄牙语).zip
┃ ┣━━成功谈判:基本策略与技巧.zip
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┃ ┣━━创业项目工程 ,Startup Engineering.zip
┃ ┣━━公共演讲导论 Introduction to Public Speaking.zip
┃ ┣━━汉字.zip
┃ ┣━━计算机辅助翻译原理与实践 Principles and Practice of Computer-Aided Translation.zip
┃ ┣━━论文写作初阶(Academic Writing and Research).zip
┃ ┣━━如何使用英语进行教学.zip
┃ ┣━━谈判概论:如何成为一名既有原则,又有说服力的谈判者.zip
┃ ┣━━学会如何学习:帮助你掌握复杂学科的强大智力工具(Learning How to Learn)【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━英语演讲与演示-北京大学.zip
┃ ┣━━职场素养-国立台湾大学.zip
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┃ ┣━━Chinese for HSK 1.zip
┃ ┣━━Chinese for HSK 4.zip
┃ ┣━━Competitive Strategy 竞争策略(中文版)【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━Designing Your Personal Weight Loss Plan.zip
┃ ┣━━English Composition I 英语写作 I.zip
┃ ┣━━English for Business and Entrepreneurship.zip
┃ ┣━━English for Career Development.zip
┃ ┣━━English for Journalism.zip
┃ ┣━━English for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.zip
┃ ┣━━First Step Korean 韩语入门.zip
┃ ┣━━How to Write a Resume (Project-Centered Course).zip
┃ ┣━━Job Success:Get Hired or Promoted in 3 Steps.zip
┃ ┣━━Learning How To Learn for Youth.zip
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┃ ┣━━Teaching Science at University.zip
┃ ┣━━Technical Writing.zip
┃ ┣━━The Arts and Science of Relationships:Understanding Human Needs.zip
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┃ ┣━━Advanced Data Science with IBM 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Advanced Machine Learning 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Advanced Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Deep Learning 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Machine Learing(机器学习)专项课程
┃ ┣━━Machine Learning and Reinforcement Learning in Finance 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform专项课程
┃ ┣━━Mathematics for Machine Learning 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Recommender Systems 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Robotics 专项课程
┃ ┣━━TensorFlow in Practice 专项课程
┃ ┣━━机器学习 Machine Learning 斯坦福大学 Andrew Ng.zip
┃ ┣━━机器学习-斯坦福-Andrew NG-2012.zip
┃ ┣━━机器学习基石下(Machine Learning Foundations).zip
┃ ┣━━机器学习技法 (Machine Learning Techniques).zip
┃ ┣━━推荐系统导论 Introduction to Recommender Systems.zip
┃ ┣━━推荐系统导论 Introduction to Recommender Systems(2013版).zip
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┃ ┣━━Natural Language Processing 自然语言处理 .zip
┃ ┣━━Neural Networks for Machine Learning(面向机器学习的神经网络).zip
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┃ ┣━━.Net平台下的软件开发技术 专项课程
┃ ┣━━程序设计与算法 专项课程
┃ ┣━━计算机基础 Fundamentals of Computing 专项课程
┃ ┣━━全栈Web开发 专项课程 香港科技大学
┃ ┣━━网络游戏设计与开发 专项课程
┃ ┣━━物联网(IoT)程序设计入门 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Agile development 敏捷开发 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Algorithms 算法 专项课程-斯坦福大学
┃ ┣━━Applied Data Science with Python 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Architecting with Google Cloud Platform 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Blockchain 专项课程
┃ ┣━━C# Programming for Unity Game Development 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Cisco Networking Basics 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Computer Vision 计算机视觉 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Cybersecurity 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Data Engineering, Big Data, and Machine Learning on GCP 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Data Structures and Algorithms(数据结构与算法) 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence专项课程
┃ ┣━━Desenvolvimento e Design de Aplicativos para iPhone 应用程序设计与开发 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Emerging Technologies:From Smartphones to IoT to Big Data 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Excel VBA for Creative Problem Solving 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Full-Stack Web Development with React 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Functional Programming in Scala 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Fundamentals of Computer Network Security 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Game Design and Development 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Google IT Support Professional Certificate
┃ ┣━━Graphic Design (平面设计)专项课程
┃ ┣━━Interaction Design 交互设计 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Computer Science and Programming 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Cyber Security 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Programming in C 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Scripting in Python 专项课程
┃ ┣━━iOS App Development with Swift 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Object Oriented Java Programming:Data Structures and Beyond 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Object Oriented Programming in Java专项课程
┃ ┣━━Open Source Software Development, Linux and Git 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Parallel, Concurrent, and Distributed Programming in Java 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Python 3 Programming 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Python for Everybody 零基础 Python 入门 专项课程 2.X版本
┃ ┣━━Python for Everybody 零基础 Python 入门 专项课程 3.X版
┃ ┣━━Responsive Website Development and Design 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Ruby on Rails Web Development 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Security in Google Cloud Platform 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Software Design and Architecture 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Software Product Management 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Unity Certified 3D Artist 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Unity Certified Programmer Exam Preparation 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Unity Expert Gameplay Programmer Certification Preparation 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Unity XR :How to Build AR and VR Apps 专项课程
┃ ┣━━User Experience Research and Design 用户体验研究与设计 专项课程
┃ ┣━━User Interface Design 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Virtual Reality 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Web Applications for Everybody 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Web Design for Everybody (Basics of Web Development and Coding) 专项课程
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┃ ┣━━程序语言设计-华盛顿大学.zip
┃ ┣━━分子热力学统计.zip
┃ ┣━━哈佛大学公开课:构建动态网站.zip
┃ ┣━━计算机操作系统.zip
┃ ┣━━计算机网络 Computer Networks 华盛顿大学.zip
┃ ┣━━计算机系统基础(一) :程序的表示、转换与链接.zip
┃ ┣━━计算机组成 Computer Organization.zip
┃ ┣━━麻省理工学院 算法导论.zip
┃ ┣━━密码学2013版-斯坦福大学.zip
┃ ┣━━密码学2015版-斯坦福大学.zip
┃ ┣━━面向对象技术高级课程(The Advanced Object-Oriented Technology).zip
┃ ┣━━人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)-国立台湾大学.zip
┃ ┣━━人工智能 台湾大学.zip
┃ ┣━━人工智能规划 爱丁堡大学.zip
┃ ┣━━软件测试 (Software Testing).zip
┃ ┣━━软件定义网络,Software Defined Networking.zip
┃ ┣━━软件工程.zip
┃ ┣━━软件界面Software Interface.zip
┃ ┣━━算法设计与分析,第 1 部分 Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 1 – Stanford.zip
┃ ┣━━算法设计与分析,第2部分 Algorithms Design and Analysis, Part 2.zip
┃ ┣━━依据基本原理构建现代计算机:从与非门到俄罗斯方块(基于项目的课程).zip
┃ ┣━━自动机理论 automata.zip
┃ ┣━━自己编码!程序设计入门.zip
┃ ┣━━Algorithms, Part I 算法NO.1部分.zip
┃ ┣━━Algorithms, Part II 算法第二部分.zip
┃ ┣━━Approximation Algorithms Part I.zip
┃ ┣━━Approximation Algorithms Part II.zip
┃ ┣━━Audio Signal Processing for Music Applications.zip
┃ ┣━━Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies 比特币和数字货币技术.zip
┃ ┣━━Blockchain:Foundations and Use Cases.zip
┃ ┣━━Build a Modern Computer from First Principles:Nand to Tetris Part II.zip
┃ ┣━━Building an Information Risk Management Toolkit.zip
┃ ┣━━Building Cloud Services with the Java Spring Framework.zip
┃ ┣━━C#程序设计 – 北京大学.zip
┃ ┣━━C语言程序设计 浙江大学.zip
┃ ┣━━Compilers 编译原理 Stanford.zip
┃ ┣━━Computer Architecture(计算机体系结构).zip
┃ ┣━━Computer Science: Algorithms, Theory, and Machines.zip
┃ ┣━━Computer Vision 计算机视觉.zip
┃ ┣━━Control of Mobile Robots.zip
┃ ┣━━Creative Programming for Digital Media & Mobile Apps.zip
┃ ┣━━Cryptography I 密码学1.zip
┃ ┣━━Designing and Executing Information Security.zip
┃ ┣━━Digital Systems:From Logic Gates to Processors.zip
┃ ┣━━Discrete Optimization 离散优化.zip
┃ ┣━━Fundamentals of Network Communication.zip
┃ ┣━━Fundamentals of Parallelism on Intel Architecture.zip
┃ ┣━━IBM Blockchain Foundation for Developers.zip
┃ ┣━━Information Security and Risk Management in Context.zip
┃ ┣━━Information Visualization:Programming with D3.js.zip
┃ ┣━━Interactive Computer Graphics(交互式计算机图形学).zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Computing 计算机概论.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to numerical analysis.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to User Experience Design.zip
┃ ┣━━Java程序设计.zip
┃ ┣━━MATLAB 程序设计入门.zip
┃ ┣━━Networks Friends, Money, and Bytes 网络:朋友、金钱和比特.zip
┃ ┣━━Networks Illustrated-Principles without Calculus .zip
┃ ┣━━Operating Systems(操作系统原理).zip
┃ ┣━━Principles of Reactive Programming 响应式编程的原理.zip
┃ ┣━━Probabilistic Graphical Models 概率图模型 .zip
┃ ┣━━Programming Languages, Part B.zip
┃ ┣━━Programming Languages, Part C.zip
┃ ┣━━Programming Languages,Part A.zip
┃ ┣━━Requirements Gathering for Secure Software Development.zip
┃ ┣━━SecurityTube.Python.Scripting.Expert.zip
┃ ┣━━Site Reliability Engineering: Measuring and Managing Reliability.zip
┃ ┣━━Software Design as an Element of the Software Development Lifecycle.zip
┃ ┣━━Software Security.zip
┃ ┣━━The Introduction to Quantum Computing.zip
┃ ┣━━Version Control with Git.zip
┃ ┣━━VLSI CAD Part I-Logic.zip
┃ ┣━━VLSI CAD Part II-Layout.zip
┃ ┗━━Web Application Development-Basic Concepts.zip
┃ ┣━━微电影创作:从观念、思维到制作 专项课程
┃ ┣━━现代音乐家 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Developing Your Musicianship 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Electronic Music Production 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Game Design:Art and Concepts 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Modern & Contemporary American Poetry (“ModPo”)
┃ ┣━━Music Business 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Music Production 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Photography Basics and Beyond:From Smartphone to DSLR
┃ ┣━━UI – UX Design 专项课程
┃ ┣━━悖论:思维的魔方.zip
┃ ┣━━藏传佛教禅修与现代世界:小乘佛教.zip
┃ ┣━━城市设计.zip
┃ ┣━━佛教与现代心理学.zip
┃ ┣━━古希腊 The Ancient Greeks.zip
┃ ┣━━紅樓夢-母神崇拜 (The Red Chamber Dream (2)).zip
┃ ┣━━紅樓夢(The Red Chamber Dream).zip
┃ ┣━━活用希臘哲學 (Understanding the Greek Philosophy).zip
┃ ┣━━吉他入门 Guitar for Beginners.zip
┃ ┣━━近代中国散居的犹太人.zip
┃ ┣━━爵士乐即兴创作.zip
┃ ┣━━肯尼迪的半个世纪.zip
┃ ┣━━灵魂信仰:起因与结果 – 第 1 单元:历史背景.zip
┃ ┣━━灵魂信仰:起因与结果 – 第 2 单元:信仰系统.zip
┃ ┣━━圣经的史前史,目的和政治前景.zip
┃ ┣━━史記 (Shi Ji).zip
┃ ┣━━唐诗宋词人文解读-上海交通大学.zip
┃ ┣━━推论和劝说:通过柏拉图的三篇对话录进行思考【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━瘟疫,巫婆,和战争:世界历史小说.zip
┃ ┣━━弦乐四重奏的世界.zip
┃ ┣━━现代世界,第二部分:1910 年后的全球史.zip
┃ ┣━━现代世界,NO.1部分:1760 年到 1910 年的全球史.zip
┃ ┣━━小提琴和中提琴教育:打下坚实基础.zip
┃ ┣━━艺术史-北京大学.zip
┃ ┣━━音乐大爆炸:摇滚乐起源.zip
┃ ┣━━音乐合奏排练基础.zip
┃ ┣━━音乐技术综述.zip
┃ ┣━━音乐与社会运动 music and social action.zip
┃ ┣━━音频和音乐工程基础:第 1 部分,音乐声电子.zip
┃ ┣━━哲学导论(中文版).zip
┃ ┣━━中国人文经典导读-香港中文大学.zip
┃ ┣━━中國古代歷史與人物秦始皇.zip
┃ ┣━━A Brief History of Human Spaceflight 载人航天史.zip
┃ ┣━━A Journey through Western Christianity: from Persecuted Faith to Global Religion (200 – 1650).zip
┃ ┣━━Age of Jefferson 杰斐逊时代.zip
┃ ┣━━Ancient Philosophy: Aristotle and His Successors.zip
┃ ┣━━ancient philosophy:plato & his predecessors.zip
┃ ┣━━Asian Environmental Humanities:Landscapes in Transition.zip
┃ ┣━━Big History: Connecting Knowledge 大历史:连接知识.zip
┃ ┣━━Building Interactive 3D Characters and Social VR.zip
┃ ┣━━Copyright for Multimedia.zip
┃ ┣━━Egiptología (Egyptology)埃及学.zip
┃ ┣━━Exploring Beethoven’s Piano Sonatas 贝多芬钢琴奏鸣曲探索.zip
┃ ┣━━Fashion as Design.zip
┃ ┣━━Feminism and Social Justice.zip
┃ ┣━━Fundamentals of Music Theory 音乐理论基础.zip
┃ ┣━━Fundamentals of Rehearsing Music Ensembles 音乐合奏排练基础.zip
┃ ┣━━Greek and Roman Mythology 希腊和罗马神话.zip
┃ ┣━━History of Rock, Part One 摇滚史,NO.1部分.zip
┃ ┣━━History of Rock, Part Two 摇滚史,第二部分.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Classical Music 古典音乐导论.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Philosophy 哲学概论.zip
┃ ┣━━Philosophy and the Sciences:Introduction to the Philosophy of Physical Sciences.zip
┃ ┣━━Philosophy, Science and Religion:Philosophy and Religion.zip
┃ ┣━━Philosophy, Science and Religion:Religion and Science.zip
┃ ┣━━Philosophy, Science and Religion:Science and Philosophy.zip
┃ ┣━━Representaciones Culturales de las Sexualidades 有关性别和性的文化.zip
┃ ┣━━Roman Art and Archaeology.zip
┃ ┣━━Russian History: from Lenin to Putin.zip
┃ ┣━━Sharpened Visions:A Poetry Workshop 释放想象力:诗歌工作室.zip
┃ ┣━━Songwriting:Writing the Lyrics.zip
┃ ┣━━Stalin and Stalinism in Russian History.zip
┃ ┣━━The Beauty of Kunqu Opera.zip
┃ ┣━━The Emergence of the Modern Middle East – Part I.zip
┃ ┣━━The Emergence of the Modern Middle East – Part II.zip
┃ ┣━━The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem.zip
┃ ┣━━The French Revolution.zip
┃ ┣━━The History of Modern Israel – Part I:From an Idea to a State.zip
┃ ┣━━The Holocaust:The Destruction of European Jewry【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】 .zip
┃ ┣━━The Importance of India.zip
┃ ┣━━The Modern and the Postmodern (Part 1)【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━The Modern and the Postmodern (Part 2【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】).zip
┃ ┣━━The Music of the Beatles 披头士乐队的音乐.zip
┃ ┣━━The Music of the Rolling Stones, 1962-1974 滚石乐队音乐,1962-1974.zip
┃ ┣━━The Politics of Skepticism.zip
┃ ┣━━Today’s Music Industry 新世界:当代音乐产业导航【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━Transmedia Storytelling:Narrative worlds, emerging technologies, and global audiences.zip
┃ ┣━━Understanding the Greek Philosophy 活用古希腊哲学.zip
┃ ┗━━Write Like Mozart:An Introduction to Classical Music Composition 像莫扎特一样作曲:古典音乐作曲概论.zip
┃ ┣━━人力资源管理:如何管理员工 专项课程
┃ ┣━━商务基础 (中文版) 专项课程
┃ ┣━━投资管理 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Advanced Business Analytics 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Branding The Creative Journey 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Business Analytics 商业分析 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Business and Financial Modeling商业与金融建模 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Business Foundations(商务基础)专项课程
┃ ┣━━Business Strategy 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Business Technology Management 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Career Success 职场成功 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Competitive Strategy and Organization Design 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Construction Management 营建管理 专项课程
┃ ┣━━digital marketing 数字化营销 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Digital Transformation in Financial Services 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Engineering Project Management 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Entrepreneurship 创业 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Excel Skills for Business 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Excel to MySQL-Analytic Techniques for Business 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Finance for Everyone 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Financial Management 财务管理 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Financial Markets and Investment Strategy 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Financial Reporting 专项课程
┃ ┣━━FinTech: Finance Industry Transformation and Regulation 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Foundations of Marketing Analytics 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Fundamentals of Accounting 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Global Challenges in Business 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Hotel Management:Distribution, Revenue and Demand Management 专项课程
┃ ┣━━How to Start Your Own Business如何创业 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Innovation: From Creativity to Entrepreneurship 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Inspired Leadership激励领导力 专项课程
┃ ┣━━International Business Essentials 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Finance:Valuation and Investing 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Project Management Principles and Practices 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Investment and Portfolio Management 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Leading People and Teams 领导员工与团队 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Managerial Economics and Business Analysis 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Managing Innovation and Design Thinking 管理创新和设计思维 专项课程-0528
┃ ┣━━Market Research 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Marketing Mix Implementation营销组合实践专项课程
┃ ┣━━Marketing Strategy 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Organizational Leadership 组织领导 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Pricing Strategy Optimization 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Public Relations For Digital Media 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Regulatory Compliance 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Sales Training for High Performing Teams 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Search Engine Optimization (SEO) 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Six Sigma Green Belt 六标准差绿带 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Six Sigma Yellow Belt 专项课程
┃ ┣━━social media marketing 社交媒体营销 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Strategic Business Analytics 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Strategic Leadership and Management 战略领导与管理 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Strategic Management and Innovation 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Supply Chain Management 专项课程
┃ ┣━━The Business of Health Care 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Trading Strategies in Emerging Markets 专项课程
┃ ┣━━U.S. Federal Taxation 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Valuation and Financial Analysis For Startups 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Value Chain Management 专项课程
┃ ┣━━财务会计导论续篇.zip
┃ ┣━━高阶竞争策略(中文版).zip
┃ ┣━━管理财富:MBA课程给大学生的启示.zip
┃ ┣━━宏观经济学的力量:真实世界中的经济学原理.zip
┃ ┣━━基础设施建设的金融和投资.zip
┃ ┣━━计算金融和金融计量学导论.zip
┃ ┣━━金融分析语言与工具.zip
┃ ┣━━金融学(一)ZY财经大学.zip
┃ ┣━━商管研究中的賽局分析:通路選擇、合約制定與共享經濟.zip
┃ ┣━━时尚和奢侈品公司管理.zip
┃ ┣━━微观经济学的力量:真实世界中的经济学原理.zip
┃ ┣━━消费者神经科学与神经营销学导论.zip
┃ ┣━━真格-北大在线创业课堂.zip
┃ ┣━━AI For Everyone.zip
┃ ┣━━Building a Toolkit for Your Sales Process.zip
┃ ┣━━Business Application of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare.zip
┃ ┣━━China’s Economic Transformation Part 1:Economic Reform and Growth in China.zip
┃ ┣━━Computational Investing, Part I 计算投资,NO.1部分【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━Corporate & Commercial Law II:Business Forms, Financing & Governmental Regulation.zip
┃ ┣━━Digital Business Models.zip
┃ ┣━━Digital Transformation.zip
┃ ┣━━Econometrics:methods and applications(计量经济学-方法与应用).zip
┃ ┣━━Finance for Non-Finance Professionals.zip
┃ ┣━━Financial Accounting Fundamentals【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━Financial Engineering and Risk Management Part I 金融工程与风险管理,第 1 部分.zip
┃ ┣━━Financial Engineering and Risk Management Part II 金融工程与风险管理,第 2 部分.zip
┃ ┣━━Financial Markets(金融市场).zip
┃ ┣━━Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination.zip
┃ ┣━━Grow to Greatness: Smart Growth for Private Businesses, Part I.zip
┃ ┣━━Industrial Organization:Strategy and Competition in Business.zip
┃ ┣━━Interest Rate Models.zip
┃ ┣━━International Hospitality & Healthcare Services Marketing.zip
┃ ┣━━Investment Management in an Evolving and Volatile World by HEC Paris and AXA Investment Managers.zip
┃ ┣━━L’impact investing:comprendre les fondamentaux.zip
┃ ┣━━Les Fondamentaux de la Négociation.zip
┃ ┣━━Managerial Accounting Fundamentals.zip
┃ ┣━━Marketing Analytics.zip
┃ ┣━━Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance 计量金融的数学方法.zip
┃ ┣━━Mergers and Acquisitions – The Relentless Pursuit of Synergy.zip
┃ ┣━━Microeconomics Principles 微观经济学原理.zip
┃ ┣━━Organizational Analysis.zip
┃ ┣━━Private Equity and Venture Capital.zip
┃ ┣━━Protecting Business Innovations via Patent.zip
┃ ┣━━Publicidad Digital con Google AdWords.zip
┃ ┣━━Sales & Marketing Alignment.zip
┃ ┣━━Sales Strategies:Mastering the Selling Process.zip
┃ ┣━━Sales Strategy 销售策略.zip
┃ ┣━━Scaling Operations:Linking Strategy and Execution.zip
┃ ┣━━Strategic Business Management – Macroeconomics.zip
┃ ┣━━Strategic Business Management – Microeconomics.zip
┃ ┣━━Supply Chain Principles.zip
┃ ┣━━The Global Financial Crisis 全球金融危机.zip
┃ ┗━━The Strategy of Content Marketing.zip
┃ ┣━━社会科学的方法和统计 Methods and Statistics in Social Sciences 专项课程
┃ ┣━━知识产权法 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Academic Skills for University Success 专项课程
┃ ┣━━ELL(英语语言学习者)的课堂教学:授课教师的工具箱系列 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Foundations of Positive Psychology 专项课程
┃ ┣━━The Teacher and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Virtul teach 网络教师 专项课程
┃ ┣━━国际税法反思.zip
┃ ┣━━互联网巨头:媒体平台的法律和经济.zip
┃ ┣━━家庭社会学导论.zip
┃ ┣━━经济地理与企业兴衰-中南财经政法大学.zip
┃ ┣━━了解记忆:通过电影了解心理学中的记忆.zip
┃ ┣━━人群与网络 北京大学.zip
┃ ┣━━社会调查与研究方法 (上)Methodologies in Social Research (Part I).zip
┃ ┣━━社会调查与研究方法 (下)Methodologies in Social Research (Part 2).zip
┃ ┣━━世界空间、法国视角下的国际研究.zip
┃ ┣━━手把手教你心理咨询:谈话的艺术.zip
┃ ┣━━现代大学与科学(德国)武汉大学.zip
┃ ┣━━心理急救(PAP)Primeros Auxilios Psicológicos (PAP).zip
┃ ┣━━心理学概论-清华大学.zip
┃ ┣━━心理学与生活.zip
┃ ┣━━刑法学总论 Criminal Law.zip
┃ ┣━━幸福美满的一生 A Life of Happiness and Fulfillment.zip
┃ ┣━━在线教学.zip
┃ ┣━━A Beginner’s Guide to Irrational Behavior 怪诞行为学.zip
┃ ┣━━A Law Student’s Toolkit 法律系学生的工具.zip
┃ ┣━━American Contract Law I.zip
┃ ┣━━An Introduction to American Law 美国法律概论.zip
┃ ┣━━Becoming a Sports Agent 职业运动员经纪人.zip
┃ ┣━━Children’s Human Rights – An Interdisciplinary Introduction.zip
┃ ┣━━China’s Economic Transformation Part 1:Economic Reform and Growth in China.zip
┃ ┣━━Chinese Politics Part 1 – China and Political Science.zip
┃ ┣━━Chinese Politics Part 2 – China and the World.zip
┃ ┣━━classical sociological theory 古典社会学理论.zip
┃ ┣━━Critical Thinking Skills for University Success.zip
┃ ┣━━Design Thinking for the Greater Good:Innovation in the Social Sector.zip
┃ ┣━━Doping: Sports, Organizations and Sciences.zip
┃ ┣━━e-Learning Ecologies:Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning for the Digital Age 数字教学生态学.zip
┃ ┣━━Economics of Money and Banking.zip
┃ ┣━━Economics of Transition and Emerging Markets【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━English Common Law:Structure and Principles.zip
┃ ┣━━Ethical Social Media.zip
┃ ┣━━Everyday Parenting:The ABCs of Child Rearing.zip
┃ ┣━━Foundations of Teaching for Learning: Curriculum.zip
┃ ┣━━Game Theory II:Advanced Applications【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━Game Theory(博弈论).zip
┃ ┣━━Gender and Sexuality:Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace.zip
┃ ┣━━Giving Helpful Feedback 给予有用反馈.zip
┃ ┣━━Global Diplomacy – Diplomacy in the Modern World.zip
┃ ┣━━Global Diplomacy: the United Nations in the World.zip
┃ ┣━━How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper.zip
┃ ┣━━Instructional Design Foundations and Applications.zip
┃ ┣━━International Law in Action:A Guide to the International Courts and Tribunals in The Hague.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Communication Science 传播学概论.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Environmental Law and Policy 环境法律和政策概论.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Multilingual and Multicultural Education.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Neuroeconomics:How the Brain Makes Decisions.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Psychology 心理学导论.zip
┃ ┣━━Measuring Causal Effects in the Social Sciences.zip
┃ ┣━━Mindware:Critical Thinking for the Information Age.zip
┃ ┣━━Moral Foundations of Politics 政治的道德基础.zip
┃ ┣━━Network Dynamics of Social Behavior.zip
┃ ┣━━Paradoxes of War 战争的悖论.zip
┃ ┣━━Political Economy of Institutions and Development-917.zip
┃ ┣━━Politics and Economics of International Energy.zip
┃ ┣━━Population Health:Health & Health Behaviour.zip
┃ ┣━━Positive Psychology 积极心理学.zip
┃ ┣━━Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Digital Storytelling.zip
┃ ┣━━Psychological First Aid 心理急救.zip
┃ ┣━━Psychology at Work 工作中的心理学.zip
┃ ┣━━Serious Gaming-827.zip
┃ ┣━━Social and Economic Networks:Models and Analysis.zip
┃ ┣━━Social Psychology 社会心理学.zip
┃ ┣━━Social Science Approaches to the Study of Chinese Society Part 1.zip
┃ ┣━━Social Science Approaches to the Study of Chinese Society Part 2.zip
┃ ┣━━Sports and Society 运动与社会.zip
┃ ┣━━Teaching Character and Creating Positive Classrooms 性格教育和创建积极课堂.zip
┃ ┣━━Teaching EFL-ESL Reading:A Task Based Approach.zip
┃ ┣━━Understanding child development: from synapse to society-0902.zip
┃ ┣━━Understanding economic policymaking 理解经济决策.zip
┃ ┣━━Understanding International Relations Theory.zip
┃ ┣━━Understanding Korean Politics.zip
┃ ┣━━University Teaching.zip
┃ ┗━━What Future for Education 教育的未来.zip
┃ ┣━━神经科学:感知,动作和大脑 专项课程
┃ ┣━━生物信息学 专项课程
┃ ┣━━使用 R 进行公共健康领域的统计分析 专项课程
┃ ┣━━系统生物学与生物技术 专项课程
┃ ┣━━医疗市场 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Anatomy 解剖学 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Bioinformatics 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Biostatistics in Public Health 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Fundamentals of Immunology 免疫学基础知识 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Health Information Literacy for Data Analytics 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Medical Neuroscience 医学神经科学
┃ ┣━━Patient Safety 专项课程
┃ ┣━━常见慢性病的健康管理.zip
┃ ┣━━当生物学遇上编程:生物信息学入门.zip
┃ ┣━━关爱生命–实用急救与自救技能.zip
┃ ┣━━局部解剖学-山东大学.zip
┃ ┣━━口腔种植学 (Implant Dentistry)-827.zip
┃ ┣━━冷冻电子显微镜(cryo-EM)入门.zip
┃ ┣━━临床研究数据管理.zip
┃ ┣━━全球健康:跨学科概述.zip
┃ ┣━━全球卫生导论.zip
┃ ┣━━人体生理学导论(中文版).zip
┃ ┣━━认识恐龙:恐龙古生物学 Dino 101 Dinosaur Paleobiology.zip
┃ ┣━━生物信息学:导论与方法.zip
┃ ┣━━生物信息学方法 I.zip
┃ ┣━━生物信息学方法 II.zip
┃ ┣━━糖尿病:一个全球性挑战.zip
┃ ┣━━医学统计学与SPSS软件(基础篇).zip
┃ ┣━━医学图像处理技术 Medical Image Analysis【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━Advanced Neurobiology I【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━Advanced Neurobiology II.zip
┃ ┣━━Antimicrobial resistance – theory and methods.zip
┃ ┣━━Bacteria and Chronic Infections 细菌和慢性感染【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━Big Data, Genes, and Medicine.zip
┃ ┣━━Biochemical Principles of Energy Metabolism.zip
┃ ┣━━Biological Diversity (Theories, Measures and Data sampling techniques).zip
┃ ┣━━Case Studies in Personalized Medicine.zip
┃ ┣━━child nutrition and cooking 儿童营养与烹饪.zip
┃ ┣━━Childbirth:A Global Perspective 分娩:全球视角.zip
┃ ┣━━Clinical Epidemiology 临床流行病学【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━Clinical Terminology for International and U.S. Students.zip
┃ ┣━━Design and Interpretation of Clinical Trials 临床试验的设计和解释.zip
┃ ┣━━Diabetes – the Essential Facts.zip
┃ ┣━━Diagnosing Health Behaviors for Global Health Programs【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━Dino101 Dinosaur Paleobiology.zip
┃ ┣━━DNA Decoded.zip
┃ ┣━━Drug Commercialization.zip
┃ ┣━━Drug Development 药物开发.zip
┃ ┣━━Drug Discovery.zip
┃ ┣━━Epidemiology in Public Health Practice.zip
┃ ┣━━Epidemiology The Basic Science of Public Health 流行病学:基础公共卫生科学.zip
┃ ┣━━Epigenetic Control of Gene Expression.zip
┃ ┣━━Evidence-based Toxicology.zip
┃ ┣━━Foundations for Global Health Responders 全球保健基础.zip
┃ ┣━━From Disease to Genes and Back.zip
┃ ┣━━Genomics: Decoding the Universal Language of Life.zip
┃ ┣━━Global Adolescent Health 全球青少年健康.zip
┃ ┣━━Global Health at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface.zip
┃ ┣━━Health Concepts in Chinese Medicine.zip
┃ ┣━━Industrial Biotechnology.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Breast Cancer.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Genetics and Evolution 遗传学与进化导论.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 系统综述及元分析入门.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to the Biology of Cancer.zip
┃ ┣━━Introductory Human Physiology 人体生理学导论.zip
┃ ┣━━Managing Your Health The:Role of Physical Therapy and Exercise.zip
┃ ┣━━Measuring Disease in Epidemiology.zip
┃ ┣━━Myocardial Infarction-苏黎世大学.zip
┃ ┣━━Patenting in Biotechnology.zip
┃ ┣━━PrEParing: PrEP for Providers and Patients.zip
┃ ┣━━Preventing Chronic Pain: A Human Systems Approach.zip
┃ ┣━━Protecting Public Health in a Changing Climate:A Primer for City, Local, and Regional Action.zip
┃ ┣━━Science of Exercise 运动科学.zip
┃ ┣━━Stanford Introduction to Food and Health.zip
┃ ┣━━Systems Thinking In Public Health.zip
┃ ┣━━The Challenges of Global Health 全球健康的挑战.zip
┃ ┣━━The Science of Stem Cells.zip
┃ ┣━━Thoracic Oncology.zip
┃ ┣━━Understanding Cancer Metastasis【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━Understanding Clinical Research:Behind the Statistics.zip
┃ ┗━━whole genome sequencing of bacterial genomes tools and application.zip
┃ ┣━━从 Excel 到 MySQL:商业分析技术 专项课程
┃ ┣━━凸优化2 convex optimization ii
┃ ┣━━Applied Data Science 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Big Data 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Big Data for Data Engineers 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Business Statistics and Analysis 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Cloud Computing(云计算)专项课程
┃ ┣━━Data Analysis and Interpretation 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Data Analysis and Presentation Skills:the PwC Approach 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Data Mining 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Data Science at Scale 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Data Science(数据科学)专项课程
┃ ┣━━Data Visualization with Tableau 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence专项课程
┃ ┣━━Executive Data Science 专项课程
┃ ┣━━From Data to Insights with Google Cloud Platform 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Genomic Data Science (基因组数据科学)专项课程
┃ ┣━━GIS, Mapping, and Spatial Analysis 专项课程
┃ ┣━━IBM Data Science Professional Certificate
┃ ┣━━Mastering Software Development in R 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Python Data Products for Predictive Analytics 专项课程
┃ ┣━━SAS® Programming 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Statistics with Python 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Statistics with R 专项课程
┃ ┣━━Survey Data Collection and Analytics 专项课程
┃ ┣━━1、Core Database Concepts.zip
┃ ┣━━大数据,云计算与CDN新兴技术.zip
┃ ┣━━大数据与信息传播 Big Data and Information Dissemination.zip
┃ ┣━━改进性试验.zip
┃ ┣━━过程挖掘:数据科学实战 Process Mining:Data science in Action.zip
┃ ┣━━实验经济学 (Experimental Economics I-Behavioral Game Theory).zip
┃ ┣━━文本挖掘和分析 Text Mining and Analytics.zip
┃ ┣━━A Crash Course in Causality: Inferring Causal Effects from Observational Data.zip
┃ ┣━━Advanced Linear Models for Data Science 1:Least Squares.zip
┃ ┣━━Advanced Linear Models for Data Science 2:Statistical Linear Models.zip
┃ ┣━━Bayesian Statistics: From Concept to Data Analysis.zip
┃ ┣━━Bayesian Statistics: Techniques and Models.zip
┃ ┣━━Causal Inference 2.zip
┃ ┣━━Causal Inference.zip
┃ ┣━━Data Analytics Foundations for Accountancy I.zip
┃ ┣━━Data Analytics Foundations for Accountancy II.zip
┃ ┣━━Data Processing Using Python 用Python玩转数据.zip
┃ ┣━━Hadoop 平台和应用程序框架.zip
┃ ┣━━Improving your statistical inferences.zip
┃ ┣━━Information Visualization: Advanced Techniques.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Big Data Analytics.zip
┃ ┣━━Julia Scientific Programming.zip
┃ ┣━━Maps and the Geospatial Revolution 地图和地理空间的革命.zip
┃ ┣━━Math behind Moneyball.zip
┃ ┣━━Mining Massive Datasets(海量数据挖掘).zip
┃ ┣━━Multivariate and Geographical Data Analysis.zip
┃ ┣━━Practical Time Series Analysis.zip
┃ ┣━━Principles of fMRI 1.zip
┃ ┣━━Principles of fMRI 2.zip
┃ ┣━━Probability and Statistics:To p or not to p?.zip
┃ ┣━━Social Media Data Analytics.zip
┃ ┣━━SQL for Data Science.zip
┃ ┣━━Structural Equation Model and its Applications 粤语.zip
┃ ┣━━Structural Equation Model and its Applications结构方程模型及其应用 (普通话).zip
┃ ┣━━Understanding China, 1700-2000:A Data Analytic Approach, Part 1.zip
┃ ┣━━Understanding China, 1700-2000:A Data Analytic Approach, Part 2.zip
┃ ┗━━Web Intelligence and Big Data 网络智能与大数据.zip
┃ ┣━━Calculus One
┃ ┣━━Information Theory 信息理论
┃ ┣━━Probabilistic Graphical Models 专项课程
┃ ┣━━备考AP 统计学​​考试.zip
┃ ┣━━初级微积分.zip
┃ ┣━━俄亥俄州立大学-微积分基础.zip
┃ ┣━━离散数学概论-Discrete Mathematics Generality-北京大学.zip
┃ ┣━━逻辑学导论 Introduction to Logic.zip
┃ ┣━━清华大学 微积分B(1).zip
┃ ┣━━清华大学 微积分B(2).zip
┃ ┣━━如何推理与论证Think Again:How to Reason and Argue.zip
┃ ┣━━台湾大学—概率(2.37 GB).zip
┃ ┣━━统计简单学 台湾交通大学.zip
┃ ┣━━頑想學概率:機率一 (Probability (1)).zip
┃ ┣━━线性和离散优化 Linear and Discrete Optimization.zip
┃ ┣━━有限元分析及应用 清华大学.zip
┃ ┣━━准备大学先修课程微积分AB和BC考试.zip
┃ ┣━━组合数学 清华大学.zip
┃ ┣━━Aléatoire-une introduction aux probabilités-Partie 1(随机:概率学入门 第1部分).zip
┃ ┣━━Álgebra Básica 基本代数.zip
┃ ┣━━analyse numérique pour ingénieurs (数值分析工程师).zip
┃ ┣━━Calculus: Single Variable Part 3 – Integration【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━Calculus: Single Variable Part 4 – Applications【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━Calculus:Single Variable Part 1 – Functions.zip
┃ ┣━━Calculus:Single Variable Part 2 – Differentiation【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┃ ┣━━Data Science Math Skills.zip
┃ ┣━━Differential Equations for Engineers.zip
┃ ┣━━Discrete Mathematics.zip
┃ ┣━━Image and Video Processing:From Mars to Hollywood with a Stop at the Hospital.zip
┃ ┣━━Initiation à la théorie des distributions.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Calculus.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Complex Analysis 复分析引论.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Mathematical Thinking.zip
┃ ┣━━Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations.zip
┃ ┣━━Mathematical Biostatistics Boot Camp 1(数学生物统计学入门 1).zip
┃ ┣━━Matrix Algebra for Engineers.zip
┃ ┣━━Matrix Methods.zip
┃ ┣━━Model Thinking 模型思维(中文版).zip
┃ ┣━━Modern combinatorics现代组合学.zip
┃ ┣━━Single Variable Calculus.zip
┃ ┣━━Stochastic processes 随机过程.zip
┃ ┣━━Think Again I:How to Understand Arguments.zip
┃ ┣━━Think Again II:How to Reason Deductively.zip
┃ ┣━━Think Again III:How to Reason Inductively.zip
┃ ┣━━Think Again IV:How to Avoid Fallacies.zip
┃ ┣━━Геометрия и группы(集合组织).zip
┃ ┗━━Теория графов.zip
┣━━电力电子 专项课程
┣━━Algorithms for Battery Management Systems 专项课程
┣━━CAD and Digital Manufacturing 专项课程
┣━━CAD-BIM技術與應用 专项课程
┣━━Digital Manufacturing & Design Technology 专项课程
┣━━Geographic Information Systems (GIS) 专项课程
┣━━Modern Robotics:Mechanics, Planning, and Control 专项课程
┣━━Optical Engineering 专项课程
┣━━Spacecraft Dynamics and Control 专项课程
┣━━材料力學一 (Mechanics of Materials (1)).zip
┣━━基礎光學一 (Introduction to Optics (1)).zip
┣━━機器人學一 (Robotics 1).zip
┣━━普通物理學-電磁學、光學及近代物理 (General Physics (1)).zip
┣━━生活中的物理 How Things Work:An Introduction to Physics.zip
┣━━Advanced Chemistry 高级化学.zip
┣━━digital signal processing(数字信号处理)【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┣━━Diode – pn Junction and Metal Semiconductor.zip
┣━━Electric Power Systems.zip
┣━━Exploring Particle World 粒子世界探秘.zip
┣━━fundamentals of audio and music engineering part 1:musical sound & electronics.zip
┣━━Fundamentals of Fluid Power 流体动力学基本原理.zip
┣━━Fundamentals of Fluid-Solid Interactions.zip
┣━━Geodesign: Change Your World.zip
┣━━Global Warming I:The Science and Modeling of Climate Change.zip
┣━━Global Warming II:Create Your Own Models in Python.zip
┣━━Intro to Acoustics (Part 1).zip
┣━━Introduction to Astronomy 天文学介绍【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】 .zip
┣━━Introduction to Engineering Mechanics 工程力学导论【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┣━━Introduction to Engineering Mechanics 工程力学应用【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┣━━Introduction to FPGA Design for Embedded Systems.zip
┣━━Introduction to Physical Chemistry 物理化学导论.zip
┣━━Introduction to Sustainable Development 可持续发展导论.zip
┣━━Introduction to Systems Engineering 系统工程简介.zip
┣━━Introductory Physics I with Laboratory实验室物理学导论.zip
┣━━L’art des structures 1:Câbles et arcs【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┣━━L’Art des Structures 2:treillis, poutres, dalles et cadres【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┣━━Machine Design Part I.zip
┣━━Material Behavior.zip
┣━━Mechanics of Materials I:Fundamentals of Stress & Strain and Axial Loading.zip
┣━━Mechanics of Materials III:Beam Bending【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┣━━MOS 晶体管 MOS transistor.zip
┣━━Nanotechnology and Nanosensors, Part1.zip
┣━━Organic Solar Cells – Theory and Practice【爱学问资源网:www.aixw.cc】.zip
┣━━Origins:Formation of the Universe, Solar System, Earth and Life.zip
┣━━Our Earth:Its Climate, History, and Processes 我们的地球:气候,历史和进程.zip
┣━━Our Earth’s Future(地球的未来).zip
┣━━Our Energy Future 人类能源的未来.zip
┣━━Planet Earth…and You!.zip
┣━━Preparing for the AP Physics 1 Exam.zip
┣━━Quantum Optics 1- Single Photons 量子光学:单光子.zip
┣━━Simulation and modeling of natural processes.zip
┣━━Sports and Building Aerodynamics 体育和建筑空气动力学.zip
┣━━Sustainability through Soccer:Systems-Thinking in Action.zip
┣━━The Age of Sustainable Development 可持续发展的时代.zip
┣━━The Dynamic Earth-A Course for Educators (动态地球-给教育工作者的课).zip
┣━━The Finite Element Method for Problems in Physics.zip
┣━━Transistor – Field Effect Transistor and Bipolar Junction Transistor.zip
┣━━Understanding Einstein: The Special Theory of Relativity.zip
┣━━Understanding Research Methods 了解研究方法.zip
┣━━Wind Energy 风能.zip
┗━━Wind resources for renewable energies.zip


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